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Sundarakandam - sloka by sloka translation-chapter1

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39 vaanaraan vaanaraSreshTaH idham

vachanam abraveeth


and the best among the vanaras,

spoke thus to the other monkeys.


vaanaraSreshtaH- best among



abraveeth- said


idham this


vaanaraan- to the monkeys.

Abraveeth is the past tense of the verb bru to tell and the one to whom

it is told is always put in the accusative case.


YaThaa raamanirmukthaH SaraH



gacCheth thadhavath gamishyaami

lankaam raavaNa



I will go to Lanka governed by

Ravana like the arrow released by Rama will go with the power of wind.


gamishyaami- I will go


lankaam- to Lanka


ravanapaalithaam- ruled by

Ravana. Palanam is protection.


yaThaa –as


saraH -the arrow


raamanirmukthaH- released by Rama (from the bow)


gacCheth- will go


SvaSana vikramaH-

with the power of the wind.




40. na hi dhrakshyaami yadhi thaam




anenaiva hi vegena gamishyaami



"If I do not see the daughter of

Janaka in Lanka I will go to devaloka with the same speed.


yadhi- if


na dhrakshyaami-

I do not see


thaam (seethaam)- her



janakaathmajaam- who is the

daughter of Janaka


lankaayaam- in Lanka ,


gamishyaami- I will go


anena eva vegena-with

this same speed


suralayam- to devaloka


dhrakshyaami- second future

tense of dhrS –paS to see


gamishyaami- second future

of gam-gacch- to go


41. yadhi vaa thridhive seethaam na




badhvaa raakshasaraajaanam aanayishyaami



Or, if I do not see Seetha in

devaloka, , I will bring Ravana, the king of rakshasas bound without effort




yadhi – if


na dhrakshyaami-I do not see




thridhive- in the

devaloka. Thrayo dhevaaH, brahmavishnusivaaH dheevyanthi athra ithi

thridhivaH The devaloka or heaven is so called because the trinity, Brahma,

Vishnu and Siva shine there.(amarakosa)


anayishyaami- I will bring.

Second future of nee-nay with aa


raavaNam- Ravana


raakshasaraajaanam- the king of



badDhvaa- bound. From the

verb badDh to bind or tie.


akrthaSramaH without much

effort. SramaH is great effort akrtha Sraamah is without





42. sarvaThaa krthakaaryo aham

eshyaami saha seethayaa


aanayishyaami vaa lankaam samuthpaatya



I will come with Seetha after accomplishing my work in all respects

or I will uproot Lanka and bring it along with Ravana.


aham eshyaami – I will come


saha seethayaa- with Seetha


krthakaryaH- after

accomplishing my work


sarvaThaa – in all



vaa –or


aanayishyaami-will bring




samuthpaatya- uprooted


saraavaNam- with Ravana. raavaNena

saha- saraavaNam




43. evam uktvaa thu hanumaan

vaanaraan vaanaotthamaH


uthpapaatha aTha vegena vegavaan



Saying thus to the monkeys,

Hanuman the best among vanaras, without a

second thought leapt into the sky with speed,

being forceful.




evam ukthvaa- saying thus


vaanaraan- to the monkeys


vaanarotthamaH hanumaan- Hanuman the

best of monkeys


vegavaan one who is with



uthpapaatha- leaped up to

the sky


vegena- with speed


avichaarayan- without

thinking, that is sponataneously.


44. suparNamiva cha aathaamanam

mene sa kapikunjaraH


Hanuman the elephant among

monkeys, considered himself to be equal to Garuda.





saH kapikunjaraH- that Hanuman who

was an eplephant among monkeys


mene- considered




suparNam iva- as

the Garuda.


Garuda is called suparna.

The word is derived as Sobhane parNe yasya saH- one who has

beautiful wings, parNa means paksha , wing, here. Garuda is supposed

to have golden wings. Another meaning is

that paaram nayathi ithi parNaH- one who takes across. (vide-

Vishnusahsra nama 195) Garuda is identical to the Lord who takes us across the

ocean of samsara. This meaning seems to be more suitable here because Hanuman

also went across the sea and served as su (good)parNa to Seetha

and Rama to cross the sea of sorrow.


45. samutpathathi vegaath thu

vegaath the nagarohiNaH


samhrthya vitapaan sarvaan samuthpethuH



When Hanuman rose up in the sky,

the trees in the mountain flew all around contracting their branched by that



samuthpathathi – when Hanuman

went up the sky. uthapathana is rising up and sam is added for

emphasis. Here the locative case of samuthpath, present participle of path+uth+sam

in gacChan gacChanthou

gacChanthaH, as the sabda goes, is samuthpathathi meaning when he

rose up. This rule is called sathi sapthami where the subject and

the predicate are put in locative case inplaceof yadhi denoting when. Yadhi

saH (that is Hanuman which is understood here) samuthpathathi tharhi thadha

----The classical example of this is `raame raajyam saasathi,' when

Rama ruled the kingdom on pattabhisheka sarga. Here avoiding yadhaa and

thadha he subject Rama and the predicate Saasathi, the locative singular

of Saasath, present participle of `Saas' to rule are put in the

locative case to give the same meaning.


vegaath thu- with



nagarohiNaH- the trees that

grew on the mountain. naga means mountain. na gacChathi ithi nagah-

that which does not move.nage rohanthi ithi rohiNah- those that grow,

meaning trees here. nage rohiNaH

nagarohiNaH, those that grow on mountain.


samuthpethuH- flew


samanthathaH- on all sides


vegaath with force


samhrthya –contracting


vitapaan sarvaan- all their



The speed with which the trees

were falling the brancheds were folded and looked as though they were




46. sa matthako yashtubhakaan

paadhapaan pushpaSaalinaH


udhvahan ooruvegena jagaama vimale



Hanuman went into the sky carrying

along with him the trees with flowers and fattened cranes on them by the force

of his thighs.

saH- that Hanuman


jagaama- went


vimale ambare- in the clear



udhvahan- uprooting


paahdapaan- the trees


pushpasaalinaH- which shone

with flowers


matthakoyashtibhakaan- with fattened

cranes on them. Bhaka meas a crane and mattha here means fattened from madha,



Ooruvegena- with the speed

of his thighs.




47. ooruvegodDhathaaH vrkshaaH muhoortham

kapim anvayuH


prasThitham dheergham aDhvaanam

svabanDhum iva


The trees uprooted by the force of

his thighs followed him for a short while like the relatives accompanying their

dear one who is going for a long journey.


vrkshaaH –the trees


ooruvegodDhathaaH- uprooted by the

force of his thighs


anvayuH- followed


kapikunjaram- Hanuman


muhootrtham – for a short



baanDhavaahH iva like the realatives

(who follow)


svabaanDhavam their near and

dear relative


prasThithm –who has started



deergham aDhvaanam-

a long journey. aDhvaana means a route. Here it means along route or long







48. thadhooruvegonmaThithaaH

saalaah cha anye




anujagmuH hanoomantham sainyaa iva




The sal and other best trees

followed Hanuman like the soldiers following their king.


saalaaH – the sal trees


anye nagotthamaah cha- and other best

trees. Here the word naga is used to denote the trees. Naga means both a

mountain and a tree as nagacChathi , not moves, applies to both.


thadhooruvegonmaThithaah- uprooted by the

speed of this thighs


anujagmuH- followed


hanoomantham- Hanuman.

Accusative singular of hanumaan.


sainyaaH iva – like the

soldiers (follow )


maheepathim—the king



49. supushpithaagraiH bahubhih

paadhapaih anvithaH kapiH


hanumaan parvathaakaaro babhoova



Hanuman, who was like a

mountain, became a wonderful sight along

with the several trees with flowers at their ends.


Hanumaan kapiH- Hanuman the



parvathaakaaraH- having the form

like a mountain. aakaara means form.


babhoova- became. Perfect of bhoo- bhav to be


adhbhutha dharsanah-

wonderful to look at


anvithaH accompanied by


bahubhiH paadhapaih-

many trees


supushpithagraiH- with flowers at

the tips. agra

means tip. Denotes the profusion of flowers.



50. saaravantho aTha ye vrkshaaH

nyamajjan lavaNaambhasi

bhayaadhiva mahendhrasya patrvathaa



Those strong trees which fell in

the salty ocean looked like the mountains falling into the ocean out of fear from






ye Saarvantho vrkshaaH – trees that

were strong and powerful. Saara is essence or juice but her it means powerful.


nyamajjan – submerged. From maj

with ni to submerge


lavaNaambhasi- in the salty

ocean, lavana means salt


iva like


parvathaaH- mountains

(which dipped)


varunaalaye- into the sea varuNaalaya

means the abode of Varuna the sea god.


bhayaadhvaa – out of fear


mahendhrasya- of Indra.( when

he cut off the wings of the mountains with his vajrayudha)


51.sa naanaakusumaiH keerNah kapiH saankurakorakaiH


SuSubhe meghasankaaSaH khadhyothairiva



Hanuman, who was like a cloud,

shone like a mountain with fireflies , being covered with the various flowers

with buds and sprouts.


saH- that Hanuman


keerNaH- strewn


naanaakusumaiH- with various

flowers . naanaa means various


saankurakorakaiH- along with buds, and sprouts. ankura

means sprout and koraka means bud. ankuraiH korakaiH cha



meghasankaaSaH- resembling a

cloud. Sankaasa means resembling


SuSubhe- shone. Perfect tense of shobh to shine


parvathaH iva- like

a mountain


khadhyothaiH- with fireflies

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