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srimadbhagavatham-skandha3-chapters 26,27 and 28

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Chapter26- Kapilopadesa-The evolutes of Prakrthi


Prakrthi and Purusha both are anaadhi, without beginning. Purusha is the self who is without attributes, separate from prkrthi, self illumined and pervades everything.


The prkrthi has 24 evolutes, which are the manifestations of Brahman who pervades all in and out through His maya. The 25th thathva or entity is kaala or time.


The 24 thathvas or the evolutes of prkrthi are described. The Lord placed His veerya or virility in prakrthi and from it emerged the mahatthaathvam, which is described as hiranmayam, golden. . From that came the three ahamkaras, vikaarika, thaijasa, and thaamasa.

1. vaikaarika ahamkara is saathvk ahamkaara from which manas or mind evolved.

2. From thaijasa which is raajasik, buddhi or knowledge of things and the sense experience evolved.

3.Thaamasa ahamkaara gave rise to Sabdhathanmaathra, the subtle element of sound, from which the gross element aakaasa evolved,. From aakaasa sparsa thanmaathra, the subtle element of touch evolved from which the gross element of air which in its turn gave rise to the subtle element of roopa, form, from which the gross element fire evolved. From fire the subtle element taste evolved and from that, water the gross element of taste and from that, the subtle element of smell from which the gross element earth evolved. Thus the gross elements were formed.


The elements did not combine in the beginning and the Lord entered into them, anupravesa, along with kaala, time, karma and guna. By the anupravesa of the Lord, the inert cosmic egg was created from which came the viraat purusha. From the virat purusha the whole universe appeared.


Chapter27-and 28.kapilopadesa- The means of attaining moksha


After elaborating on the nature of Prakrthi and its evolutes Kapila instructed Devahuthi on the means of attaining moksha. Purusha the self in Prakrthi, the matter, is not affected by the gunas. The real agent of action and experience is Prkrthi. So to attain moksha the mind has to be dissociated from prakrthi, the non-self. This is achieved by yoga, the practice of inward concentration through discipline of controlling of the senses and doing svadharma as a service to God.


Then Kapila elaborated on the characteristics of yoga.

1. To follow one's svadharma as far as he is able to.

2. Turn away from adharma.

3, Contentment with what one gets by destiny.

4,Worshipping the enlightened.

5,Turn away from sense enjoyment

6.aspiring for moksha

7.pure and moderate food

8.Residing in places without any disturbance


10 Honest






16.Learning the Vedas

17. worshipping the Lord


19.Control of posture and firmness

20.Slow control of vital breath

21.Withdrawal of senses .and concentration of the mind.

22.establishing the mind in one of the aadhaara charkas of the body

23.contemplating on the leelas of the Lord



The contemplation of the form of the Lord part by part with all His ornaments and decorations. Through yoga and meditation of the Lord one attains concentration when he becomes oblivious of his body and this called the state of Samadhi. Just as the fire is different from its fuel the self is separate from the body and senses. As the fire appears in different forms in different substratum, the self seems to be different in different bodies.


Then Kapila being requested by Devahuthi details the bhakthiyoga and the spiritual evolution from lowest of the species to the highest state of devotion, which is the content of chapter29.


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