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Padhuka Sahasram-842

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:


842. sPhItham padhAvani! thava snapanArdhramUrthE-

rAsAgaram thathamaBhUthmaNirashmijAlam

lIlOchitham raGhusuthasya shaKhyamAsan

yAthUni yasya valayEna vivEShtithAni


Oh Paaduka! When You were given the sacred bath as part of the

coronation, Your form with so many gems emanated rays in such an

array that it extended all around to the shores of the ocean, as if a

large net were laid over. The Rakshasas fell within Your ray-gamut.

Then it was a mere sportive hit to aim arrows to kill the Rakshasas.

That Rama achieved.


(The credit goes to the Paaduka in the manner of annihilation of the

Rakshasas. Paaduka-pattabhisheka achieved, at the very moment, the

destruction of all bad elements. The pretext of Rama going and

throwing his arrows was only a mere pretext.)


Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan


Special Notes by V.Sadagopan (V.S):


SlOkam 842


1) UthamUr Swamy 's anubhavam: Swamy Desikan describes

the wide envelope of the rays emanating from the gems adorning

the PaadhukAs as an expansive net to capture the rAkshasAs.

He says: " Your wet form after Your sacred bath with their spreading

envelope of rays generated by Your gems appear like a vast and

round fish net to catch the fish of evil rAkshasAs , the target of

Lord RaamachandrA's hunt.


2) SrImath Andavan's anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE ! There was

the time , when Your PattAbhishEkam took place . At that time ,

the limitless radiance from Your gem stones spread far and wide

and encircled the world like an extended fish net . In to that net

were captured the RaakshasAs , who became fit objects for hunt

by Your Lord.


3) Oh PaadhukE (PadhAvani) ! After the sacred bath , Your surface

is wet still ( snapana aardhra Moorthy). The expansive and dense rays

from Your gems have spread far and wide all the way from one ocean

to the other in this world( snapana aardhara moorthE: Tava spheetham

MaNi rasmi jAlam aasAgaram tatham abhUth). Through the envelope of

that dense net , Your Lord captures the RaakshasAs and makes them

target of His arrows during His hunt for them ( Yasya valayEna

vivEshithAni yaathUni Raghu-suthasya leelOchitham sakhyam

aasan)....(V.S) .

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