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SvarNa Mantapam for Malolan , Dolai KaNNan & other AruchA Moorthys at SrI Matam : Part II

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Dear SrI Nrusimha BahkthAs:


In my previous mail , adiyEn referred to the fast moving plans to create and

present a Golden Mantapam for MalOlan , Dolai KaNNan and other AarAdhana

Moorthys residing presently in the Silver Mantapam built in the year 1909 C.E by

HH the 39th Pattam Srimad Azhagiya Singar .


Here is the status report on the plans and progress of this Kaimkaryam

coordinated by Sriman Ramani , the President of Chembur SrI Matam , Mumbay :


Phase 1 : Copper & Sheet Metal Work on Teak Base to be completed on Sep 30


Phase 2 : Gold Rake application : Oct 11 to Nov 25


Phase 3 : SamarpaNam of the New SvarNa Mantapam to Srimad Azhagiya Singar on His

82nd Thirunakshatram day ( December 7 , 2008) for the Abhigamana AarAdhanam .


As Nrusimha BhakthAs and SishyAs of SrI Matam , we have a once in a life time

opportunity to join in this Kaimkarayam to purchase the Gold and cover the costs

for the work of the Goldsmiths . Even a KunthumaNi of Gold that gets united with

this Kaimakryam will provide us the opportunity to express our Krutajn~atai for

the MahOpakArams of Srimad Azahgiya Singar , who serves the dhivya Paadhukais of

MalOlan as a niravadhya kaimakryam .adiyEn had suggested a samarpaNam of

Ten grams of Gold ( ~275 $ ) on the basis of the price of Rs.1,200 per gram of

Gold) . Your samarpaNams can be less or more . The main goal is to have as many

sishyAs as possible take part in creating this new Mantapam , which will be

center of all kinds of worship from Dec 7 onwards forthe next century and beyond



Your Tax deductible samarpaNams can be sent to Srihari Raghavan Swamy at

39953 Cedar Blvd , Unit #120 , Newark , CA 94560 for transmittal to SrI Matam,

Chembhur for inclusion in the Kaimakryam. Please address your cheque to Sri

Ahobila Muth , Inc., You can also send your SamarpaNam directly to the Chembhur

Ahobila Matam , if you are residing in India .


Let us now reflect on the glory of SvarNam and its links with BhagavAn's limbs

and His abode by studying selected SrI VishNu Sahasra nAmams:


1. HiraNya Garbha ( 71st and 412th NaamAs) : It literally means the One who has

a lovely abode ( HiraNyagarbha: Sa: prOkta: tasmin vasati ya: sadhA) . HiraNya (

Golden) is the Supreme abode and the dhravyam that goes into the construction of

that abode ( Kaanchana Mantapam) is nirdhOsha ( faultless) , eternal ( nitya)

and Parama Suddha Satvamayam ( free of rajO & tamO guNams).

It ( HiraNyam as dhravyam) is recognized as agreeable ( hitam) and lovely (

ramaNeeyam).This svarNam ( HiraNyam) is said to be pregnant with Him because He

is there ( inside that kaanchana Mantapam) always : " tasya garbhayUta: tatra

nityavAsAth " says Swamy ParAsara Bhattar .


In this context , MuNdaka Upanishad ( 2.2.10) visualizes the Golden and lovely

abode of the Lord as Supreme in stature . The Upanishad salutes the Brahman

residing in that world as free from any blemish ( nishkalam and niravadhyam) and

shining as the most sparkling luminary among all luminaries . That Supreme

Brahman is our dear Lord MalOla Narasimhan . The text of the Upanishad is :


HiraNmayE ParE lOkE virajam Brahma nishkaLam

tat Subram jyOthishAm jyOthi: tadhyath AatmavidhO vidhu:


MalOlan with golden limbs ( HemAngan : Sahasra Naamam 744) is the resident of

that golden treasure ( HiraNmaya kOSam) . YajurvEda AarNayakam passage

identified by Swamy ParAsara Battar in this context for us is : " tasyAm

hiraNmaya kOSa: , Puram HiraNmayeem BrahmA , vivavESa AparAjitA " . Here Sruti

says : " There exists in it ( Golden KoSam) the creator , whose golden city

( dhivya MaNtapam) is known as AaprAjitA ( unconquerable) " .


ChAndhOgya Upanishad ( 1.6.6) celebrates this Parabrahmam residing in that

AparAjitaa abode as the dhivya , nitya , satvamayamangaLa HemAngan :

The Supreme Devan of golden hue with limbs of His body that are eternal ,divine,

and Suddha Satvamayam is seen inside this Hema kOSam . The abode and the divine

resident blend thus together in dazzling golden jyOthi .


This then is the Tattvam of having a Golden Mantapm for MalOlan after 100 years

of residence in the Rajata Mantapam .


Let us join in this kaimakryam YathA Sakti and declare : " adhya mE saphalam

Janmaa " ( adiyEn's life today has been rendered fruitful) and bow before

Sri MalOla dhivya PaadhukA Sevakar and His AarAdhana Moorthy .


(PraNavam) Tapta Kaanchana MaNtapa VaasinE Nama:

SrImatE Sundara SimhAya Nama:

DhAsan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan











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