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Tirumaalai aRivOm-21

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Dear Srivaishnavas,






pAyunee rarangam thannuL


pAmbaNaip paLLi koNda,


mAyanAr thirunan mArbum


maragatha vuruvum thOLum,


thooya thAmaraik kaNkaLum


thuvarithazh pavaLa vAyum,


Ayaseer muDiyum thEsum


adiyarOrk kakala lAmE?




While replying to Azhwar's question, samsAris pose to Azhwar why he had to

suffer in bhagavat vishayam, which makes his body to melt and eyes to shed

tears; he could just join them and enjoy the pleasures of samsAram. Azhwar

describes the beauty of the Lord to them and tells that this beauty is for

bhaktAs to enjoy and adds that how one can go away from that?




(pAyuneer arangam) : Holier things take shelter at Srirangam. The

environment of Srirangam is condusive for them not to be polluted by

samsAram. The river kAvEri happily flows around SrIranganathan.




(thannuL pAmbaNai) : Over the water He has spread His AdiSEshan bed.




(paLLi koNda mAyanAr) : He is engaged in yOganidra. He is seen in standing

and sitting postures in many divyadesams, but here He is seen as an elephant

resting on the ground. To see Him in such a beautiful posture transcends us

somewhere. Perhaps this beauty only brings us towards Him, which is a





(thirunan mArbu) : With the presence of mahalakshmi, His broad chest has

become a special part of His divine body.




(maragatha vuru) : His appearance resembles flooding water which is a cool

sight for the eyes.




(thOL) : For the bhaktAs who sink in the enjoyment of seeing other divine

limbs, His shoulders are like a float to grab and come up.




(thooya thAmaraik kaNkaL) : The cool kaTAksham (divine glance) of His eyes

does not change whether He sees mahalakshmi or hiraNyakasibu. Such a cool

glance should not be compared even with the finest things of the earth like

cool gentle breeze and lotus flower, as these are good for somebody and

terrible for some others. So the prefix 'thooya' (pristine pure) has been

added to His glance.




(thuvarithazh pavaLa vAy) : The divine mouth having reddish lips and rows of

teeth attracts all sorts of people, whether they are gnAnis or pApis.




(Ayaseer muDi): His ISwaryam is indicated by the crown. Upto this, the

avayava Sobhai (beauty of individual divine parts) is described.




(thEsu) : By 'tEjas' (divine bodily effulgence or brilliance), samudAya

Sobhai (overall splendor of Sriranganatha) is described by Azhwar.


(adiyarOrk kakala lAmE) : How bhaktas can leave away all such beauties,

which are here only for their enjoyment.


sAram of the pAsruam : The beauty of the Lord is for us to enjoy. bhaktAs

are not able to leave such a splendor, even if they are carried away by










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