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SECOND UPDATE: Srimad Azhagiyasingar's Satabhisheka Mahotsavam - December26/27 Celebration

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Srimate Sri Lakshminrisimha Parabrahmane Nama:

Srimate Sri Lakshminrisimha Divyapadukasevaka

Srivan Satakopa Sri NarayanaYatindra Mahadesikaya




Dear All:

I am happy to inform everyone that the Satabhisheka Committee has decided to

observe Dhanur Maasa Uthirattadi at Selaiyur, Chennai and celebrate Srimad

Azhagiyasingar’s Satabhishekam with Veda Parayanam and the lighting of Sahasra

Deepam (1000 lamps). The Parayanam will take place over two days, Tuesday

December 26th and Wednesday December 27th. This will be like a Vidayathi

Uthsavam. We hope everybody that is in Chennai can take part in the final

celebration of Srimad Azhagiyasingar’s Satabhishekam in 2006 and get the

blessing of our revered Acharyan. Please call Sri Matam at 44-2279-0814 to get

more details on the timing and exact plans.


Further to our last email updating sishyas about the Satabhisheka Mahotsavam, we

would like to inform you that the following important works were offered as

Samarpanam at the feet of Srimad Azhagiyasingar or released to the public during

the Mahotsavam:


Satabhisheka Mahotsava Malar: This two volume gem of nearly 900 pages was

released at the time of Srimad Azhagiyasingar’s Mangalaasaasanam at Mylapore

and put on sale at the time of the Thirunakshathram. This can be procured from

Sri Nrisimha Priya office for a mere Rs. 300. The first volume contains articles

on the most important SriVaishnava works - Sri Bhashyam, Gita Bhashyam, Bhagavad

Vishayam, Srimad Rahasya Traya Saram and Sri Bhagavad Sastram. The second volume

contains many articles sketching the life of His Holiness before he ascended the

Peetam and also a comprehensive note on his Sancharams since then. The articles

are all authored by the foremost of our SriVaishnava Vidwans. There are also

many articles written by sishyas expressing their devotion and love for our

Acharyan. The Malar also has a substantial number of photographs of Divya Desa

Perumals and Piratti and of our Acharyan dating back to His Ashrama Sweekaram. A

MUST collection that need to be in everyone’s home.



A set of four MP 3 CDs containing Srimad Azhagiyasingar's scintillating and

highly illuminating Tiruppavai Upanyasam delivered in 1988 in Bangalore. The

contents are strikingly lucid even while expounding deep philosophical concepts,

special inner meanings and rich scriptural quotations. This collection may be

secured from Sri Nrisimha Priya Office, Sriman Diwakar and Sriman Raghavan in

Bangalore, Sriman Mukund in Singapore and Sri Ahobila Matam in the USA. Sishyas

in the US and Canada can order from adiYen by sending a check for $25 payable to

Sri Ahobila Muth along with your mailing address. As soon as we update the book

order page in our web site, you can order directly from the web site.



The second edition of Srimad Azhagiyasingar’s Ahnikagrantham, which we have

all been anxiously waiting for. It is a hard bound version of around 750 pages,

which can be ordered from Sri Matam or Sri Nrisimha Priya office for Rs. 500.



A rare collection of all articles, in DVD format, that have appeared in Sri

Nrisimha Priya since the founding of the publication in 1945 through 2003 in pdf

format. The DVD has a chronological index containing all the articles & Serials

and also contains data for each year separately for each year. The index is

linked to corresponding article/serial. Also available are two indices

containing sorted information, Author wise and Subject wise (i.e.,

article/serial wise). With this it is possible to access data either

chronologically or Author/Subject wise. This project is sponsored by Sri Ahobila

Muth, USA under the leadership of Sriman Varadachari Sadagopan and has been in

the making for nearly3 years. The plans are to finish scanning all the articles

since 2003 to 2006, make some further enhancements and present it to Sri

Nrisimha Priya. No final decision has been made regarding the sale of this rare

collection yet.



A DVD copy of all the e-Books containing 108 Sri Sookthis of Sundara Simham.

This project was a personal kainkaryam of Sriman Varadachari Sadagopan with help

from a small group of dedicated volunteers. This whole project was completed in

less than a year. The e-Books, not only contain excellent articles, but also

breathtaking photos of Divya Desa Perumals. This DVD has been handed over to

Sriman Ananatha PadhmanAbhan of Sri Nrisimha Priya for review in the Tamil &

English Sri Nrisimha Priya



A two volume edited DVD of the nearly 6 hours of video taken during Srimad

Azhagiyasingar’s Satabhisheka Mahotsavam celebration is in the final stages of

editing. The video was web cast live. This DVD will be available from the

Satabhisheka Committee in India. Sishyas in the US and Canada will be able to

order from Sri Ahobila Muth, USA as soon as the DVD is made available for sale.

We will send an email when it is ready.


Thank you all.

-Srimad Azhagiyasingar Thiruvadigale Saranam

dasan Rajaji

Sri Ahobila Matam, USA


Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka Srivan Satakopa Sri Narayana

Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:



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