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avalokayaamikaalaan mahilaaDHeena bujaantharasya yoonah

abhlaashapadham vrajaanganaanaam




I am seeing at all

times the youth, whose chest was appropriated by Lakshmi and whose beauty is

the longing of the gopis and who is

beyond expression.



relates his experience of constant perception of the beauteous form of Krishna,

the chest of whom is the abode of Lakshmi , his beauty is the most cherished

object of love for the gopis. His beauty is such that it cannot be described by

words, being beyond expression.




sikhandamandanah likhithah kena mamaisha silpinaa


dhivaakaro yuvaa.






which artist has this form of the youth , who is like the sun for the lotuses of the faces of love-stricken gopis and with beautiful head

ornament of peacockfeathers, been painted on my heart.!



after saying that he is constantly seeing Krishna

,here gives the reason for it. It has been chisselled in his heart by some

wonderful sculptor or a painter , so that he is seeing the beautiful form of Krishna always present in his heart with his head crowned

with peacock feathers. Desika describes the form of the Lord as the sun that makes the faces of the

gopis, who are full of love for him, blossom like lotuses.





which artist has this form of the youth , who is like the sun for the lotuses of the faces of love-stricken gopis and with beautiful head

ornament of peacockfeathers, been painted on my heart.!



after saying that he is constantly seeing Krishna

,here gives the reason for it. It has been chisselled in his heart by some

wonderful sculptor or a painter , so that he is seeing the beautiful form of Krishna always present in his heart with his head crowned

with peacock feathers. Desika describes the form of the Lord as the sun that makes the faces of the

gopis, who are full of love for him, blossom like lotuses.



MahasE mahithAya

moulinA vinathEnAnjalimanjanathvishE

kalayAmi vimugDhavallavee valayAbhAshitha manjuvENavE (Gopalavimsati-15)


Here Desika desfribes

the playing of the flute by Krishna.



bow down to that venerarble great light of dark hue whose flute converses with

the brcelets of the gopis.


Krishna is playing the flute and his brilliance is that of

dark hue like that of sapphire. The gopis are making sound with their bracelets

keeping time to the music and it looks as though the flute is conversing with

the bracelets. This idea is further

elaborated inYadhavabhyudhaya by Desika, where he says 'vamSEna krishnah

prathisambabhAshE vArthAharAn vAmadhrSAm katAkshAn,' Krishna seemed to

reply to the message conveyed by the

glances of the gopis by means of his venunada, play of the flute. The music

that flowed from the the flute of Krishna

which is compared to the sound of the vedas elsewhere by Desika, was highly

communicative to the heart of His





Jayathi lalithavrtthim sikshithO vallaveenAm



aDHaramaNisuDHAyAm amSavAn vENunAlah (gopalavimsati-16)


flute at the gemlike lips of Krishna, the saviour of the whole world who has

assumed the disguise of a cowherd, shine

well being taught of the dance of lalithavrtthi by the loose bangles worn by

the coolhands of the gopis.


The music that flowed from the lips of Krishna

through the flute was so lilting that the svaras seem to perform the Lalithabhinaya, which quality is

attributed to the influence of the hasthathalam .beating of the hands

keeping time, as described in the previous sloka , sounding the bangles, which

seem to teach the flute the gaits of the dance. That is, the music seems to

follow the thala and not viceversa. The dance of the svaras that flow out of

the flute was set to the thala of the

sound of the bangles.This is just to

show the bhakthavAthsalya of the Lord.



chithrAkalpahSravasikalayan lAngaleekarNapooram

barhOtthamsasphurithachikurO banDHujeevam dhaDHAnah

gunjAbaddhAm urasi lalithAm dhArayan hAra yashtim

gopasthreeNAm jayathi kithavah kopi koumArahAree




flowers adorn his ears,peacock feather flutters at his crown with hibiscus

flowers and he is wearing the garlands made of bandhujeeva, the red seeds

called kunrimani and thus he steals the heart of the young gopis . He is the

wonderful and delightful rogue!


leelAyashtim karakisalayE dhakshiNE nyastha DhanyAm

amsE dhEvyAh pulakaruchirEsannivishtAnyabahuh

mEghashyAmO jayathi lalithO mEkhalA dhatthavENuh

gunjApeedasphurithachikurO gOpakanyA bhujangah




is holding his staff for sport which is fortunate( for being held by him) in

his sproutlike right hand, the other arm is around Radha who is thrilled at his

touch , his flute is held in his waist ornament and his head is adorned by the

kunrimani garlands.The dark-hued Lord of the gopis shine thus.

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