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Tirumaalai aRivOm-20

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Dear Srivaishnavas,




pAsuram (19)


kuDathisai muDiyai vaiththuk


kuNathisai pAdam neeTTi,


vaDathisai pinpu kATTith


thenthisai yilankai nOkki,


kadalniRak kaDavu Lenthai


aravaNaith thuyilu mAkaNdu,


uDalenak kuruku mAlO


enseykEn ulakath theerE!




Azhwar talked about the changes that happened in the eyes after having

darSanam of periya perumAL. Now he wonders that even the body which supports

the eyes, starts melting after seeing the SEsha Sayana tirukkOlam of

perumAL, Who blesses all the directions (dik) by pointing His divine limbs

to each dik.




For human beings, animals and plantations to live, He created the earth. For

dEvatAs to live, He created AkASam. What then is the use of 'dik' - the

space directions? Azhwar explains in this pAsuram that each direction gets

benefitted with the connection of Lord's divine limbs and that people living

in different directions are blessed by Him.




(kuDathisai muDiyai vaitthu) : Lord's crown tells that He is the king of

ubhayavibhutis and that we are His SEshabhUtars. That divine crown blesses

western direction and the people living there. Although the Lord's crown

side is called duryOdhana stAnam, Sriranganathan graces people living in the

western direction with His crown (neeL muDi em IyanAr)




(kuNathisai pAdam neeTTi) : The divine feet extending towards eastern

direction tell that all jeevans can take refuge at them. He extends the

divine to feet such that they come close to us, so that it is easy to take

asylum in them. SrI Parasara bhattar used to tell that Alavandar never ever

did mangaLASaSanam from the thirumudi side of the Lord.




(vaDathisai pinpu kATTi) : The beautiful backside of Ranganathan

(pinpazhaiya perumAL) blesses northern side people. SrI uttamUr swami says

that Azhwars who appeared in this northen direction have been blessed with

this sEvai whereas Kulasekara Azhwar was blessed with His tirumudi (divine

crown) sEvai.




(thenthisai yilankai nOkki) : SrI vibheeshna is a ciranjeevi living in the

southern direction. PerumAL blesses this direction with His kaTAksham and

fondly looks at His antaranga bhakta.




(kaDal niRak kaDavuL) : The sight of a sea takes away our fatigue. Seeing

the Lord wipes away all our sufferings. As people may understand 'kaDavuL'

as some god, the adjective that 'the Lord has the colour of the sea' has

been added by Azhwar. The comparison stops there, as nothing in this world

can be taken to exemplify the aprAkruta tattvams like the Lord.




(enthai) : He showed His rUpam and made me realize my pAratantriyam.




(aravaNaith thuyilumA kaNdu) : A rare gem (Lord) when fixed into a gold

plate (tiruvantAzhwan) looks extraordinary. Similarly, the Lord is seen

dazzling in His AdiSEshan bed.




(uDalenak kuruku mAlO) : While the chEtanan is thawing at the sight of the

Lord, it is amazing that even the jada vastu (the body) melts.




(enseykEn ulakaththeerE) : Azhwar asks samsAris for a solution to stop the

melting of his body. He could not ask other Azhwars, who are also sailing in

the same boat like him or perumAL, but only can ask the people, who see the

Lord and go without any change in their body and mind.




sAram of the pAsuram : The Lord is blessing all the people by extending His

divine limbs in all directions, which makes it very easy for anybody to take

asylum in Him. Seeing such kAruNyam and simplicity of the Lord, Azhwar's

body also starts melting. (But people are to yet to realise this)









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