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Bhagavatgita a detailed study-chapter 6-yoga of meditation

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44. poorvaabhyaasena thenaiva hriyathe hyavaSopi saH


jijnaasurapi yogasya sabdhabrahma athivarthathe


Due to the practice earlier he gets the yoga without conscious effort. Even one who is desirous of practicing yoga transcends, sabdhabrahma, the world of sensual experiences and of the vedic rituals performed for the sake of result.


This sloka refers to the one who is yogabhrashta and born in the home of fortunate and pure, Sucheenaam Sreemathaam gehe. To him affluence dose not offer any temptation and his mind is fixed in yoga by nature, like king Janaka. Here Krishna, to confirm the statement that none who strives for self redemption ever comes to harm, says that also one who has the desire to know the yoga even before he progresses in practising it transcends the sabdha brahma. The term sabDha brahma refers the world of sensual experience, the sabdha or sound representing all senses. Sabdha brahma also refers to the word of the Vedas referring to the ritualistic portion of the Vedas which prescribes performing yajna etc. for attaining the desired fruit.


45. pryathnaath yathamaansthu yogee samSudDDhakilbishaH


anekajanmasamsidDhaH thatho yaathi paraam gathim


But the yogi who consciously practises yoga perfected from several births, purified from sins attains the highest goal.


The yogi who has perfected his yoga more or less but dies without attaining the goal is born in the family of yogis and there in the conducive atmosphere he easily attains the goal of yoga, the highest status, paraam gathim, that is moksha. He has already done the preliminaries in the previous births necessary in the previous births and is ready for the completion of yoga. His sins being washed off , jnaananirDhootha kalmashaaH,(ch.5.17) already his mind and intellect pure, the realization dawns like the sun , theshaam aadhithyavath jnaanam prakaaSayathi thath param,(CH.5-16) as soon as he starts yoga in this birth. Then he attains the final state from where there is no more returning to samsara. gacchanthi apunaraavrtthim (ch.5.17)







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