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Bhagavatgita a detailed study-chapter6 yoga of meditation

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Bhagavan uvaacha



Lord said,



paarTha naiveha naamuthra vinaaSasthasya vidhyathe


na hi kalyanakrtha kaSchith dhurgathim

thaatha gacChathi



Arjuna, neither in this world not in the next such a soul gets lost.



Krishna as the Supreme Self gives the assurance, that none

who strives for self redemption ever comes to harm. The what happens to a

yogabhrashta, one who has strayed from the path of Self

realisation and meets his end of life? The answer is given in

the next sloka.



above statement is one of the assurances contained in the Gita like `Kountheya

prasthijaneehi na m bhakthaH praNasyathi,' (ch.9.31), `ananyaaschithaantho

maam,'(ch.9.22) etc. This statement holds good generally for all who do

good, whether it is worship, or dhana, giving to and helping others, any

austerities and even mentally indulging in such activities. Nothing good done

goes waste. This is not a matter of faith alone but could be scientifically

verified by the Newton.s laws of motion that says, every action has an

equivalent and opposite reaction. Action is karma which creates future karma in

the form of results to be experienced.. Good karma brings good results. Since

thinking is also karma, good thoughts

create good vibrations which come back to us redoubled. If even the desire

motivated karma produces good result, the spiritual karma would definitely

bring only good result, in this life or the next. This is explained in the

following slokas.



puNyakrtho lokaan ushithvaa SaasvatheeH samaaH


Sucheenaam Sreemathaam gehe yogabhrashto



attaining the meritorious worlds and staying there for considerable time the

one who has swerved from his yoga is born in the house of pure-hearted and




man who has slipped from yoga goes to the meritorious worlds and stays there

for long time and then takes birth in a home of a householder who conform to

vedic ordinances and who is affluent. There, due to poorvajanma vaasanas he is

drawn towards yoga and when the obstructing vasanaas are weakened he pursues

the yogic path.



should remember that the term yogabhrashta applies not to the one who after practicing

yoga a little, lapses back to sensuous life,

not able to control his mind, but to the one who practises till the end but unsuccessfully,

or is not able to fix his mind at the last moments of his life due to the

strong vasnas which overpower him at the time of death.



individual who is born in an affluent family of pious and honest people but has

no interest in worldly pleasures is an example of this kind of yogabhrashta.

Even in kaliyuga we have had many examples like the acahryas and saints and

saint composers like the Trinity of carnatic music etc.



yoginaam eva kule bhavathi Dheemathaam


ethath hi dhurlabhatharam loke janma yath




he is born in the family of yogis with wisdom. But it is very rare to get such

birth in this world.



thathra tham budDhisamyogam labhathe pourvadhehikam


yathathe sa thatho bhooyaH samsidDhou




he gets the perfection of the intellect from where left of in the previous

birth and strives again hard to attain salvation.


Depending upon the state up to which he has advanced in yoga he perhaps

gets birth in the family of wise yogins though it is rare because this happens

only to a near perfect yogin like Jadabharatha who are very rare.


Being born in the family of yogis he acquires

memory of ideas accumulated in his previous birth and strives harder to reach



The idea is that one need not lose courage and confidence as to whether he will

be able to achieve perfection in this life. Whatever we do comes to our aid sooner

or later and we start from where we left. This is because the spiritual

vasanaas once acquired never perish and even when one slips back they always

come to him at the right time as in the case of Ajamila, who was trained for

spiritual life but was tempted to the evil life of lust and crime, but got the

wisdom at the right time through the grace of the Lord. So the right time to

start is now!




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