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Srimath Azhagiya Singar SathaabhishEkam Special series : 80.9 / SRI ACHYUTHA SATHAKAM : PART 9 / SLOKAM 13-15

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Marghazhi Month : Day 1




Dear BhakthAs of Thiruvaheendhrapuram Achyuthan:


In the Slokam 13 , Swamy Desikan discusses the divisions among

the Lord's creations that arise directly from the karma visEsham of

the Jeevans .


SlOkam 13


vishama guNAnkura prakarE jalamiva sAmAnya-kAraNam Tava kELi:

nija karma sakthi niyathA: Achyutha BrahmAdhi sTAvarAntha visEshA:


(Meaning according to D.R.Swamy ) : Oh Achyutha ! Thy leela (sport) is

a common cause like water , which is supplied to various sprouts having

different and varying tendencies . The differences from Brahma downwards

to immobile objects are the result of their own karmas .


(Comments): Oh Achyutha ! You create this universe full of so many categories

through Your sankalpam. These categories are innumerable ranging from

the mighty Brahma to the Lowly unicellular plant .Your leela (sport ) is

the common cause behind their creation .


Due to the different admixture of the three guNams , the nature and the

activities of

these entities differ. For instance , in this world , there are many kinds of


and fruits . The common cause for their creation is the Water used for


Their differences as a specific fruit or grain arise form the individual


in their seeds (vinaikaL or KarmAs) . Some are sweet and some are bitter .

Some have one color and the others have another color etc . Similar to water


the common cause for their sprouting into different grains and fruits from their

different seeds , Oh Achyutha , Your leelaa is the common factor in Your


of the world and its multifarious entities . Their previous karmAs energized by

Your leelaa are the visEsha KaaraNams . One who has accumulated visEsha

PuNyam becomes Brahman and the other who has the least PuNyam acquire

different lowly births as birds , animals and plants . The power of their karmAs

decide the Yoni in to which they will be born due to Your Leelaa . Therefore ,

one can not attribute any partiality or indifference to You in Your act of

creation .


(Additional Observations) : Just as the same water irrigating fields planted

with different seeds produce different grains (Wheat , corn or rice)

and fruit-bearing trees , Your leelA to create this world is the same but

the differences in the created beings is due to the differences in each of

their poorva karmAs . The vaasanais of those karmAs stick to the jeevans

and results in joy or suffering .



SlOkam 14


PurushAs-Tava vibhUthyr-achyutha LakshmyA: sthree-samj~nA:

nAsthy param YuvayO: Saa-api Sreer-bhavathy Tava kim punaritharath


(meaning according to D.R.Swamy ) : Oh Achyutha! Males appertain to Thee ;

those known as women appertain to Lakshmi . There is no other apart from

the two of You . That Lakshmi too is Thine. Why talk about others ?


Following VishNu purANa slOkam says in this context :


dEva thiryang manushyEshu punnAmA BhagavAn Hari:

Sthree naamnee Lakshmee: MaitrEya ! naanyO vidhyathE param


( All that is named male among dEvAs , men and animals is naught but

BhagavAn Hari . Those who are named females are Lakshmi . There is

nothing beyond them) .


Swam Desikan points out here that all males belong to the Lord and

all females to Lakshmi .Besides the two of Them, there is nothing left .


(Comments) : Here , Swamy Desikan points out that there is no Tatthvam

superior to the divine couple . Oh Achyutha ! all categories amongst Your

creation ---DevAs , Humans , animals et al--split into either male or female

and are under Your control . Those of female gender are directed by Your

divine consort , MahA Lakshmi . Those of Male gender are commanded and

directed by You . There is no one else except the two of You to rule this

Prapancham and its entities . In all amsams , MahA Lakshmi , who is

similar to You in KalyANa guNams is directed by You as Her husband

( Bhagavan NaarAyaNAbhimathAnuroopa svarropa guNa vibhava Idwarya

SeelAdhyanavadhikaadhiSaya asankhyEya KalyANa guNa gaNAm

PadmAvanAlayAm Bhagavatheem ). She has kept many attributes in common

with Her Lord but they have divided certain GuNams as exclusively their

own by mutual agreement .


Oh Achyutha ! When SrI DEvi Herslf obeys Your directions , there is nothing

much to say about all the others obeying Your commands as their antharAthmA .


SlOkam 15 ( Dhaiva Naayakan alone is Sarva SaraNyan)


na khalu Tava sadhruSAbhyadhikaa: NaaTa ThvamEva SarvalOka SaraNya :

yEthavath Jn~Ana-Saaramithi jn~Athum ThridaSanATEtara vichinthA


( Meaning according to D.R.Swamy ) : Oh Lord of the DevAs ! There is

no one equal to You or greater than You . Thou alone art (therefore) the only

refuge for all the worlds . This is the essence of all knowledge . It is only

to fully comprehend this truth , all other thoughts , study and reflections

pave the way (to comprehend this ultimate truth ).


(Comments) : Oh Dhaiva Naayaka! There is no one , who is equal to or

superior to You .You are the refuge for the world and therefore its protector.

This is the truth that one who wishes to gain the Moksha sukham ( parama

PurushArTam) should comprehend . Study of all the SaasthrAs is only

to enable one to understand this fundamental truth . The end result of

study of all the Saasthrams and VedAntham is the realization of this Truth :

Hari has no equal or Superior and that He in the company of Lakshmi is

the only rfuge for the world .


(Additional Observations) : " Lord and Sri Devi together are the Supreme

Godhead and the two of Them together are the sole refuge for all humanity .

In other words , the dhivya dampathys are the Supreme TatthvA and

the SaraNya dampathys are our sole refuge ..... They alone are the TatthvA

and PurushArTaa " .


Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan





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