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Unfathomable and illimitable is the glory of ÅšrÄ«mad Bhagavad GÄ«tÄ. This holy book, the Bhagavad gÄ«tÄ, is counted among the scriptural trio, the ‘PrÄsthana Traya’. The three royal ways of welfare of mankind, are known by the name of PrÄsthana Traya: one is the ‘Vedic PrÄsthana’ called the UpanisÌ£ad; the second is metaphysical or ‘Philosophical PrÄsthana’ called the Brahma SÅ«tra; and the third is, ‘SmÄrta PrÄsthana’, called the Bhagavad GÄ«tÄ. There are ‘Mantras’ (mystical rubrics), in the UpanisÌ£ads., ‘sÅ«tras’ (aphorisms) in the Brahma SÅ«tra and ‘ślokas’ (verses), in the Bhagavad GÄ«tÄ. Though the Bhagavad GÄ«tÄ has only ‘Ślokas’, yet these being the very voice of God, are verily mantras. Pregnant, as the Å›lokas are with meaning and import of great profundity, these can be called ‘sÅ«tras’ also. The UpanisÌ£ads are of use and value for the deserving only, and the Brahma SÅ«tras, are of use and importance for men of erudition and learning, but the Bhagavad GÄ«tÄ is for, one and all.

The Bhagavad GÄ«tÄ is a most unusual and many facetted scripture. It contains highly useful and detailed material for a seeker, be he of any country, costume, community, disposition, creed, ‘varnÌ£a’ or any ‘ÄÅ›rama’ (station), in life. It is so, because there is in it, neither denunciation nor praise of any creed or denomination, in particular; instead it deals with the essence of pure Reality only. Pure Reality (the Supreme Lord or ParamÄtmÄ), as that which is wholly beyond

change in Nature and the nature-born things and is ever-eternally immutable and uniform, in the midst of the flux in space, time, things, being, circumstance etc. Real ‘Tattva’, (essence), is ever-present in its perfect form, in each man, wherever and however, he is. But that is not realized because of attachment and aversion—raga and dveṣa—born of the changeable nature of things in a person. Only on achieving complete freedom from attachment and aversion, it is automatically realized and with ease.

The teachings of Bhagavad GÄ«tÄ are singularly divine. Numerous commentaries have been written on it and several more are being written, yet new and fresh ideas continue to surge, in the hearts and minds of saints, seers and sages, of wisdom. However much thought may be given to this profound Song Celestial, the meaning and deeper implications thereof, none can fathom in their entirety. The deeper they delve into it, the more profound the meanings are to be found,

therein. When the range of the finer emotions of a learned person is not easily judged how can then the magnitude of emotions encased in the words of God, whose forms and names are infinite, be ever assumed?

There is such a uniqueness in this small-sized work, that a real seeker of one's salvation (kalyÄnÌ£a) irrespective of varnÌ£a, ÄÅ›rama, nationality, creed, belief etc., is at once attracted by the mere study of this treatise. If a man reads and grasps, even a little, from this sacred book, several satisfying disciplines or ways, become available to him for his life's fulfilment. Different authorities exist for the study of respective systems of philosophy, but the unique significance of the GÄ«tÄ, is that all the seekers of salvation are eligible for its study.

In explaining different disciplines (sÄdhana), and in communicating the meanings in detail, no hesitaion was felt in repeating matters about each discipline in the Bhagavad GÄ«tÄ, and yet its size has not increased unduly. No single holy

book of wisdom exists, which expounds the full import of Reality with such precision and prolification. A man with intense yearning for his ‘kalyÄnÌ£a’ (goal) can realize Godhead, the Supreme Truth, in each and every circumstance; can achieve his salvation, even in critical circumstances like war. Thus the art of supreme fulfilment in each walk of behaviour, is taught in the GÄ«tÄ. No other book of its kind or parity, has come to our notice.

GÄ«tÄ is a book of grace. Most wonderous, divine and peace-giving feelings arise by its recitation, or taking its refuge. Great peace of mind is obtained by its sheer recitation. One method is, first to memorise the meanings of all the ‘ślokas’ of the GÄ«tÄ, and then reverse recitation of the same, sitting in solitude, without the aid of the book, beginning from the last ‘śloka’, “Yatra YogeÅ›waraḥ KrÌ£sÌ£nÌ£aḥ.......†to the very first one, “Dharma KsÌ£etre Kuru KsÌ£etre......†Then much peacefulness prevails. If the GÄ«tÄ is recited in its completeness, everyday once or as many times, new special and distinctive meanings arise in the reader's mind. Even, if there is any query or doubt in one's mind, it gets resolved automatically, during the course of recitation.

In reality, no person is competent or capable enough, to fully sing the glory of this scripture. Who would dare describe the great majesty of the infinitely glorious and holy GÄ«tÄ?

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