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Srimadbhagavatham- skandha6 chapter1 _ The episode of Ajamila

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Srimadbhagavatham –skandha 6


Chapter1. Ajamila episode



the ten requisites of a purana, first three, namely,sarga, visarga and sThaana

were described in the preceding skandhas. Sarga is the first creation of

prarthi and its evolutes, visarga is the

creation of the gross universe and sThana is the description of the name and

form of universe thus created. This

skandha deals with the fourth requisite known as Poshaka which is described as

thadhanugraha, the protection of the Lord which is unconditioned.



Suka told Parikshith that the praayaSchittha, atonement for sins should be done

in this life itself to avoid rotting in hell after death, Parikshit asked that

if a man continues to commit sins even after prayaSchittha does it become

futile like the gajasnana, that is, like an elephant which after taking bath

puts mud on its head. Suka replied that prayschittha does not mean an action to

atone the sins, as one karma does not destroy another karma. Real prayaschittha

is the cleansing of the mind on the occasion of which one will not repeat his

sin. But simple physical and mental control does not purify a sinner as much as

the service to bhagavathas and devotion to the Lord.



Suka related the story of Ajamila, who was a Brahmin in kanyakubja. He lived a

pious life but forsaking that, fell in love with a prostitute and had ten

children from her. He lived a life of sin and no wicked deed was left undone by

him. He was fond of his last son named Narayana and when he was in the throes

of death he saw the terrible messengers of Yama approaching him and he called

out his last son Narayana and immediately the messengers of Lord Narayana came

and prevented the men of Yama from

taking him to hell. The latter related the evil deeds done by Ajamila and said

that though he was a good Brahmin once he went to forest to gather flowers,

fruits and dharbha grass and saw an intoxicated prostitute and felt a longing

for her. He could not control himself in spite of his vedic learning and life

full of sadhachara. He left his wife and started living with that woman and

henceforth lived a life of sin and till his last moments never repented for it.



the vishnudhoothas said that since Ajamila uttered the name of the Lord at the

last moment all his sins have been expiated.


Saamkethyam paarihaasyam vaa sthobham

helanameva vaa




Meaning something else or teasingly or by song

or as a mark of disrespect, the name of the Lord in Vaikunta is capable of

destroying all sins. Hence he does not deserve punishment. Even though Ajamila

had sinned he was able to say the name of Narayana by poorvajanmapunya. The

nama of the Lord said even unconsciously burns the sins like a fire burns even

by accident.



the yamadhoothas went back to Yama and told him what happened. Yama said he was

acting as per the command of the Lord who is the supreme ruler and he has no

power over His decision and told the men not to go near the devotees of the




who was hearing the conversation between the men of Yama and those of the

Lord was surprised when the former

disappeared and tried to speak to the lattter when they also disappeared. Then

Ajamila was struck with remorse over his conduct and turned a new leaf and

renounced the world. He went to the banks of Ganges

and through yoga attained freedom from bondage. He saw the same divine

personalities at the end of his life and shed his mortal coil in the river and

went to vaikunta.



implication of the story is deeper than it looks. This should not be

misunderstood as whatever kind of life one leads it is enough if one says the

name of the Lord at the time of death and all his sins get absolved. It is true

that if one says the name of the Lord even unaware it will destroy the sins

like the nectar taken without knowing what it is creates well being. But to say

that needs poorvapunya. A man who was about to die was told to utter the

ramanama but he he could not do it. Then some one pointed at his last son who

was named Rama and asked him who was that and the man said that he was his last

sin and his life ended.



had the punya to be able to utter the name of the Lord and at that time all his bad

karma was exhausted and good karma started to give result. That was because he

led a pure life before his transition.


In the

Gita Krishna

says , api cheth sudhuraachaaro bajathe

maam ananyabhaak saaDhureva cha manthavyah, "even if one is a confirmed

sinner, if he worships Me with a steadfast mind, he is to be considered as

a good person." This is what Ajamila did after the incident of

the yamadhoothas. Then as Krishna continues , kshipram bhavathi Dharmaathmaa SaSvath

Saanthi nigacChathi, He

becomes a righteous person immediately and attains everlasting peace. This is

what happened to Ajamila also.

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