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Padhuka Sahasram-653

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:


653. dhivyam DhAma sThiramaBhiyathAm dhEvi! mukthAmaNInAm

maDhyE kaschidhBhavathi maDhujithpAdhukE! thAvakAnAm

nyasthO nithyam nijaguNagaNavyakthihEthOrBhavathyA

mAthmajyOthishshamithathamasAm yOginAmantharAthmA


Oh Paaduka Devi! Pearls are permanently inset on You. They then can

exhibit their inherent qualities such as whiteness, coolness etc.

Such pearls laid on to You have an effulgence that can drive away

darkness. To be one among them is a great previlege, indeed!


The inner soul of yogis albeit possessing innate qualities, such as

sinlessness, imperishability, grieflessness, etc. will have such

traits displayed only if and when it is permanently deposited-

surrendered-into YOU. Thus deposited, it acquires an effulgence

from 'Paramatma-jyoti " , with its Tamo-guna eliminated. It-the

yogis' 'antaratma'-acquires a supreme, divine status and brilliance

suigeneris (Latin word=almost unique), and becomes one among the

Muktamanis (liberated souls describable as gems). What a reward for a

surrender unto YOU!!


Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan


Special Notes by V.Sadagopan (V.S):


SlOkam 653


1) UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam: Oh PaadhukAs of Madhusoodhana !

Yogis meditating on the lustre of Your supreme Lord realize

that their dark attributes (TamO GuNA) are destroyed . The jeevans

housed in the hearts of these liberated Yogis attain a pearlish

lustre and sit at the center of Your pearls forming a tight ring

all around . They become one with the pearls adorning You .

Afterwards , they attain permanently the supreme abode of

Your Lord and join as members of the group of liberated

souls residing there to offer eternal service to Your Lord.


2) SrImath Andavan's anubhavam:Oh PaadhukE! when one places

his AathmA at Your feet , his natural attributes (svabhAvika guNams)

shine forth. That Aathma becomes united with You and becomes

one of Your pearls and becomes qulaified to serve the Lord .


3)Oh the Paadhukais of the Lord , who destroyed the asuran

named Madhu (Madhujith PaadhukE)! On You are the assembly of

pearls characterized by their satthva guNam ( BhavathyAm

nija guNa gaNa vyakthihEthO: nyastha: moukthikA: asthi).

When the Yogis desirous of gaining Moksham perform

aathma samarpaNam , then their jeevaathmAs reach the supreme

abode of Your Lord ( yOginAm nyastha aathma jyOthi: samitha

tama:, antharAthmA dhivyam sTiram dhAma abhiyathi). Those

liberated jeevans become now one among the many pearls

adorning You (TaavakAnAm mukthAmaNInAm madhyE kascchith


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