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Padhuka Sahasram-980

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:


980. vimrushya rangEshvarapAdharakshE!

VArakramam nUnamavAraNIyam

PadhmAgruhEpi sprushathI prathIthA

SThUlEna rUpENa vasunDharA thvAm


Oh Ranganatha Paaduka! There perhaps is a regular protocol in the

manner of presenting You to the Feet, Lakshmi in the first occasion,

Bhoomi next and Neela on the next. When however, it is the turn of

Lakshmi, Bhoomi cherishes the chance of touching You in her concrete

form of Earth, not being merely contented with her turn-that

privilege being unavoidable.


Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan


Special Notes by V.Sadagopan (V.S):


SlOkam 980


1) UtthamUr Swamy's anubahvam : Oh RanganAtha PaadhukE! Bhoomi Devi

can not bear the seperation from Her Lord. She knows however of the

rigid protocol of who has to have the association of Her Lord and at

what time. Inspite of that, She develops a scheme to bypass that

protocol and to have contact with Her Lord at " all " times ,

(when He has to go on His SanchArams). During those sanchArams , His

feet are in touch with You (Paadhukais) and You are in touch with

Bhoomi DEvi, even if She has no direct contact with Her Lord's feet.

This auspicous situation makes Bhoomi Devi assume a big size (BhU

ManDalam) and this act elates Her. It appears that She has swelled

up with pride and attained the gigantic form as Earth due to the

blessings of frequent indirect contact with Her Lord.


2) SrImath Andavan's anubhavam: Oh SrI RanganAtha PaadhukE !

My statement alone that you are the sole recourse ( parama prApyam )

for the Tatthva Jn~Anis may not have sufficent authority . May I

suggest another pramANam that could be acceptable to all? There is a

well established protocol that is set regarding which Devi of the

Lord (Sri, BhU and NeelA DEvis) can present You to the Lord's

Thiruvadi on which day. This is strictly observed among them. Even

then, BhUmi dEvi comes up with a clever scheme to prolong the links

with Her Lord. She hides Her own roopam as a woman and takes on

the gigantic roopam as BhU MaNDalam and supports You (Paadhukais)

so that She can be close to Her Lord in an indirect way as well as

long as possible. This is a Parama PrAmANyam acceptable to all.


3) Oh Ranga PaadharakshE! BhU DEvi thought about the inviolable

protocol regarding which DEvi will present their Lord's Paadhukais

on which day of the week ( VasundarA avaaraNeeyam vaara kramam

vimrusya). She thought about a way to prolong Her sambhandham

with Her Lord compared to the other Devis and took on a gigantic

form (BhU MaNdalam ) hiding Her roopam as a lady ( PadhmA grahEapi

sTUlEna roopENa ) and is in contact with You and through that

association is linked indirectly connected to Her Lord ( sTUlEna

roopENa ThvAm sprusathee ). This is surely well known ( Pratheethaa

noonam ).. (V.S).

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