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Padhuka Sahasram-969

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:


969. kAlE janthUn kaluShakaraNE kshipramAkArayanthyA:

GhOram nAham yamapariShadhO GhOShamAkarNayEyam

shrImadhrangEshvaracharaNayOrantharangaI: prayuktham

sEvAhvAnam sapadhi shruNuyAm pAdhukAsEvakEthi


(Oh Paaduka!) It is the moment of reckoning. All limbs die down

powerless. A loud noise would arise from the attendants of Yama,

hurrying to take away the life, calling the name of the dying person.

May that noise be not heard to me! May I, on the other hand, hear me

summoned, by the name 'Paaduka Sevaka', by the proximate service-

personnel of Lord Ranganatha, for the purpose of His 'darshan' and



Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan


SrI :


Specail Notes by V.Sadagopan(V.S):


1) UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE! at the time of faintness

of my faculty of senses , when death approaches me , I do not want to

hear the frightful sound of the servants of the Lord of Time (

Yamadharma Raajan ) calling me to hell to undergo the punishments for

my accumulated sins ; instead, please bless me to hear immediately

the calls of the dear and intimate servants of RanganAtha hailing me

as the servant of His PadhukAs and requesting me to join in PaadhukA

aarAdhana kaimkaryam .


2)SrImath Andavan's anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE celebrated for

the protection of the sacred feet of SrIman NaarAyaNan , the sole

grantor of Moksham! With Your anugraham , the links to the sarIram is

going to end. Therefore I appeal now for the things that You should

bless me with. I have been committing sins from time immemorial . The

Yama dhUthAs will be sent at the time of death by Yama dharma raajA

to bring me to fierce hells and they will shout at me to follow

them . At that time of terror, You must chase them away by shouting

Your Lord's name and reminding them that I am the servant of Your

Lord. My indhriyams will be weak and will not permit me to utter the

name of Yours and that of Your Lord . I would also be in possession

of poorva vaasanAs and I may end up calling my wife's or my son's

name instead of Your or Your Lord's name. As a result ,the servants

of Yaman wont recognize me as a Prapannan and will scream at me. All

my titles such as Ubhaya VedAnthAcchAr , Sarva Tantra Svatantrar and

Kavi Taarkika Simham wont help me from these Yama dhUthAs during my

last moments . The only thing that would help me would be

the aruLappAdu as " SriMath RanganAtha PaadhukA SEvakan " .

Once the Yama PatAs hear that call , they will say " Parihara

Madhussodhana PrapannAn " ( stay away from the Ones who have

done prapatthi at the feet of Madhusoodhanan ) and cease their

terrifying shouts. They will run away from me . Oh PaadhukE !

You should bless me with this boon during my last moments

on this earth .


3) May I not hear the bone chilling screams of the servants of Yama

during my last moments , when my faculties will be feeble and I would

be helpless . May You spare me from hearing the frightening screams

of the assembly of the servants of Yama dharma Raajan ( Kalusha

karaNE kaalE , janthUn kshipram aakaarayanthyA: Yama parishadha :

ghOram ghOsham aham naakarNayEyam ). May I hear quickly as a

countermeasure the invitation to have the darsana soubhAgyam of SrI

Ranganathan by His BhaagavathAs calling me with the nAmam of "

PaadhukA sEvakan " so that the Yama BhatALs will run away from my

side ! May I hear that aruLappAdu at my last moments !

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