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Sri Mukkur Azhagiya Singar's commentary- Snapshots- as requested by a Bhagawatha

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas,


After yesterday's post on Vaamanan Vs. Krishnan as described beautifully by

Srimath Mukkur Azhagiya Singar in his commentary, one dear BhAgawatha

requested me to post small snap shots of Sri Mukkur Azhagiya Singar’s

SukabhOdhini for every day’s verse. [kuruvi thalaiyil panangaaay]


adiyEn(with prayers for Acharya, Bhagawatha anugraham) will attempt to post

little of what adiYen understands, to the best of my limited abilities.


Today’s verse: MAAYANAI MANNU (verse 5) explains how when one surrenders to

the Lord all impediments get destroyed. In this verse, AndAl instructs a

very important aspect- Saranagathi.


We will just dwell upon first word Maayan:


Oh friends! When one surrenders to Sri Krishnan, all karmas (Sanchitha karma

and Praarabdha karma) get extinguished- All the Sanchita Karmas( Accumulated

) and Praarabdha Karmas (started to yield) will be completely finished like

the straw dirt being burnt by fire- within no time.


By going to Him with pure heart (thooyOmaay vandhu)


by body, Speech and Mind (Mano, Vak, Kaayam)

[bhUmAdEvi was submerged in the ocean by an asura called Hiranyaksha. Lord

Sriman nArAyana took the incarnation of a big boar (varAha avtaar) and went

into The ocean to uplift up BhUmAdevi. She was lifted up and made sit in the

lap of

the Lord. Still bhUmAdEvi was shivering. When the Lord asked her for the

reason. She replied politely : " Oh! my nAthA! You have protected me. But

still our children in the samsArA are helpless and suffering. They cannot

practice the uninterrupted meditation in Bhakti yoga as preached by you in

the vedas with their limited knowledge. So you must be kind enough to show

them a simpler way to reach you " The Lord understood the affection of

bhUmAdEvi towards her children and gave a fitting reply: The simplest way to

reach me is in stable state of mind, [with all three organs of senses

(karanam) viz. manas, vAk and kAyam (speech, action and thought)]-surrender

to Me.


Think only about him, act only for pUja [ArAdhana] to Him, and speak only in

praise of Him. Immediately bhUmi piratti grasped this easy means of

Saranagathi to reach the Lord and thought it fit to be preached to us in

this samsAra. Thus came ThiruppAvai and this line in particular.


How- why is He so great? Because He is Maayan.

Maayan- Mysterious One- Of the One who is the Swami of Moola Prakruthi as

LeelA VibUthi Naathan

[sri Azhagiya Singar writes so beautifully]

1. He is Superior to all Devas; (all demi gods). He is possessed eternally

with all Greatest most auspicious attributes and has got no blesmishes.

During dissolution, all jeevas are in dormant stage in his stomach and He

(out of His great compassion) gives them sthUla sarIra and gives them an

opportunity to reach Him by giving them jnAnam. He ultimately makes the

surrendered jeevathmas equal to the Nithasooris – and even Himself. He is

Sathya sankalpan. He is such a Maayan- Sri KrishNan


2. He created Chathur mukha Brahma, taught him Vedas and saasthras. Also He

learnt the Vedas and Saasthras from a teacher by name Saantheepini (during

Krishna avatar). He is such a Maayan- Sri Krishnan. Then, he instructed

Arjunan GitA and became Geethacharyan. He captivated everyone’s heart- He is

Maamaayan- Sri Krishnan.


3. dhvE maatharaou cha dhvE pitharou cha kulE api dhvE…- says

KooratthAzhwAn. Two fathers, Two mothers; Two kulam –all in one birth within

few hours from birth- He also married two (Rukmini Sathyabama) – He alone is

maayan- Sri Krishnan.


4. This Maayan alone can bring someone who is already dead long back-in the

same sarIram. Who else can do such maayam?

5. With Pareekshith inside Utthara’s womb, He protected inside the Uterus by

entering there with His ChakrA to show himself to Parikishit- This Maayan

alone can perform that.

6. VizhukariyOr kumaranena mEvichiRandhana- Say Desikan- The baby lied like

a charcoal (live) and He touched the charcoal like baby with his lotus feet

(only Brahmachari can touch- says Vyasa- and Krishnan touched) to make it

come alive like a charming beautiful baby. (I think this baby was SisupAlan)

7. He rode on GarudA to go to Indra lOkam- fought the battle to bring the

ParijAtha tree to the earth for the sake of SathyabAmA- This mahaa sakthan-

Maayan- Sri Krishnan alone can perform the same.


Like that, there are very many chEshtithangaL by this Maayan.

Thus, If we peform Saranagathi at his lotus feet- offer pushpAnjali with a

pure heart (being a Pathivrathai- with no Devathaantharam worship), sing the

glory of His naamAs and meditate on Him , all of our accumulated sins as

well as the ones accrued after prapatthi will be burnt to ashes.

If there is any merit, the credit goes to the great commentary by Srimath

Azhagiya Singar. Any errors / mistakes are due to my lack of understanding.


Andal ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana




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