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Padhuka Sahasram-973

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:


973. kimaham maNipAdhukE! ThvayA mE

sulaBhE ranganiDhoU shriyA sanAThE

karaNAni puna: kadharThayEyam



Oh Manipaaduka! Lord Ranganatha with his consort resides in

Srirangam. That `Sriranganidhi' is my cherished treasure, easily

made available to me through Your help. After this would I again

repeat (as in my earlier births) the process of sitting outside the

doors of misers, wasting my limbs in vain efforts?


Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan


Special Notes by V.Sadagopan(V.S):


SlOkam 973


1) UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam: Oh MaNi PadhukE ! When I have

obtained with Your help the unique wealth resident at Srirangam

easily, why would I let my faculty of senses reside at the gates of

residences of misers and engage in the despicable act of begging for

money from them as in my previous births ? I will not.


2) SrImath Andavan's anubhavam: Oh MaNi PaadukE ! Will any one

who has been revealed an incomparable treasure ever go again in

search of alms to sustain himself ? Your Lord is easily attainable ;

He is the grantor of all desired wishes all the way upto MOksham

and is always with MahA Lakshmi (Sriya: SrI: ). He has elected to

stay under Ranga VimAnam to make it easy for all to have His darsana

soubhAgyam and to recieve His anugraham. Oh PaadhukE ! After

attaining Yourself and Your Lord of such glories, will I ever stoop

to beg for perishable and insignificant wealth ( vide : 954th

SlOkam) as before gaining You both? Anya Phala apEkshai ( seeking

other Phalans) and ananya SaraNam (seeking protection from

others) are out of the question now that I have been blessed

with the treasure of both Yourself and Your Lord. The importance

of SadAchArya KatAksham is revealed here as Parama PurushArTam.


3) Oh Gem-studded PaadhukE ! When I have in my possesion

the treasure blessed to me , the easy-to-acccess Ranga Nidhi

with MahA Lakshmi ( MaNi PaadhukE ! ThvayA mE sulabhE

SriyA sanATE Ranga nidhou sathi) , why would I stand once again

before the doors of misers and haughty ones and suffer

the indignities of begging them for perishable and insignificant

wealth ( Ranga Nidhou sathi , aham karaNAni krupaNa dhvAra

durAsikAdhi dukkhai: kim kadharTayEyam) ? I will never undergo

that demeaning experience ...(V.S).

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