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Sri Srinivaasa Vaibhavam- Thirumangai AzhwAr anubhavam Periya Thirumozhi 5.5.1

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah:

Dearest all,


Let us continue to enjoy Thirumangai AzhwArs wonderful

verses on Thiruvenkatamudiayaan.

kalayaami kalidhvamsam kavim lOkadhivaakaram

yaSya kObi: prakaaSaabir aavidhyam niHatham thama:


I meditate on the Poet, who is like the Sun for the

whole world, to destroy the darkness of ignorance

(a~jnAnam) with his word and who destroys the Kali



veruvaathaaL vaayveruvi 'vEnkadamE !

vEngadamE !' enkin RaaLaal,

maruvaaLaa len_gudankaal vaaNedunkaN

thuyilmaRanthaaL, vaNdaar koNdal

uruvaaLan vaanavar_tha muyiraaLan

olithirainNeerp peLavaNG koNda

thiruvaaLan enmagaLaich cheythanakaL

eNGNGanamnNaan chinthik kEnE ! (5.5.1)


Bhagawaan Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayanan stays at

Srirangam only for protecting us. AzhwArs longs to

perform kaimkaryam to Him. Nothing happens and it does

not materialise. He gets into the NayikA Bhavam, and

becomes Parakala Nayaki. The mother (of

Parakalanayaki) is bursting out in this ten. She says:

I am not able to let her unite with PerumAL; nor am I

able to alleviate her sufferings. What can I do? What

is my use of being a mother??


Thirumangai AzhwAr ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana









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