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Srimath Azhagiya Singar SathaabhishEkam Special series : 80.3 / SRI ACHYUTHA SATHAKAM : PART 2

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SrI NaarAyaNa Yatheendhra MahA DesikAya Nama:


Dear BhakthAs :


Many indeed are the glories of Achyuthan of Thiruvaheendhrapuram.

PurANAs like BrahmANDa , Skaandha and Bruhan-nAradheeya PurANams

have sung about the Vaibhavam of Lord DevanAthan of Thiruvaheendhrapuram .


One of the ThirunAmams given by the PurANam is " Achyuthan " .


Let us recall some of the observations of U.Ve. Chetlur SrinivAsan Swamy

on this subject of the other PurANic names of Lord DevanAtha :


The other names by which the Lord of this dhivya desam is saluted are:


" DevanAthan , Daasa Sathyan , Sthira JyOthis , Anaga JyOthis ,

Thrimoorthy and Bhava Oushadham " .


Kaliyan has followed this PurANic tradition and literally translated these

Sanskritic NaamAs in to sweet Tamil in his Paasurams on Ayindhai NaaTan :


Deva NaaTan = Dhaiva Naayakan

Daasa Sathyan = adiyavarkku Meyyan

sTira JyOthis = mEvu sOthi

Thrimoorthy = MoovarAhiya Oruvan


Swamy Desikan followed this PurANic nomenclature for BhagavAn as well :


anaga JyOthis became " anapAya PrabhAnvitha: " in one of his rahasya granthams .


References of PurAnic Names in Achyutha Sathakam



In the very first slOkam of Achyutha Sathakam , Swamy Deikan includes

the many PurANic names in the first Paadham of the first slOkam :


" namatha thridaSAnAm NaaTam , Sathyam DaasAnAm , Achyutham , sTira JyOthis "


He continues with the other PurANic names thereafter :


" Kimkara Sathya " ---- 2nd , 3rd , 24th , 38th , 69th , 72nd slOkams


" ThridasAnAm NaaTa --- " 1 st , 4th , 16th , 87th SlOkams


" Thridasa Iswara " --82nd SlOkam


" Achyutha -- " 1st , 5th , 6th , 10th thru 14th ,

18th , 23rd , 25th , 30th , 31st , 36th , 40th , 42nd ,

45th , 47th , 53rd , 56th ,57th , 58th , 61st , 64th , 66th ,

68th , 70th , 73rd , 75th , 76th ,77th , 78th , 83rd , 84th ,

85th , 92nd , 93rd , 94th , 95th , 96th , 98th and 101st

SlOkams ( 41 Invocations of Achyutha Naamam alone ) .


" natha Sathya -- " 7th , 19th , 20th , 22nd , 43rd , 50th , 54th , 55th

62nd , 63rd , 74th , 79th , 86th , 88th , 99th 100th SlOkams ( 16

Invocations) .


" namath Satya -- " , 46th , 97th SlOkam


" SaraNAgatha Sathya -- " 8th , 48th , 59th SlOkams


" anaga JyOthi " --- 9th SlOkam


" sTira JyOthi: " -- 1st SlOkam


" Daasa Sathya --- " 1st , 17th , 21st , 34th , 35th , 41st , 71st SlOkams


" DaasAnAm Sathya-- " 51st , 80th , 89th , 91st SlOkams


" Deva Naayaka -- " , 37th SlOkam


" Deva NaaTa -- " , 67th , 90th SlOkam


The name of Achyuthan ( One who never lets any SaraNAgathan

slip from His hands , One who never fails/abandons those who

performed Prapatthi to Him ) is invoked 41 times in this Sathakam and

the names relating to being True to His adiyArs , SaraNAgathAs

( Natha Sathyan , Namath Sathyan , Daasa Sathyan , DaasAnAm Sathyan ,

Kimkara Sathyan, SaraNAgatha Sathyan with tight links to Achyutha

Tatthvam ) is invoked again 38 times .


There is thus reference to Achyutha Tatthvam directly

or indirectly 79 times in Sri Achyutha Sathakam . The many

direct appeals to Achyuthan and indirect references to

Achyutha Tatthvam through the NaamAs of Natha , Kimkara ,

SaraNAgatha , Daasa , DaasAnAm , Namath Sathyan emphasize

the noble SaraNAgathy Tatthvam , where the Lord assures of

His abhaya PradhAnam and His nithya Vratham as unfailing

SaraNAgatha Rakshakan .


Sri VishNu Sahasra Naamam & Achyutha Tatthvam


There are 3 places , where the Achyutha Naamam occurs in Sri VishNu

Sahasra Naamam: 101 320 and 557th NaamAs .


101st NaamA


Achyutha here refers to the Lord , who is never away (seperated)

from those , who sought His refuge .In Bharatham's Saanthi Parvam ,

our Lord says : na tyajEyam kaTanjana ( I will never abandon them ).


" AasrithAnAm chyuthi: yasmath nAsthi Sa: Achyutha: " is the definition

( I have never abandoned My bhakthAs and hence I am known as

Achyutha ). Chyuthi: means ignoring them and abandoning them

after accepting their SaraNAgathy . I do not disappear or make Myself

thin before My aasrithAs ( TasyAham na PraNasyAmi).


320th NaamA


Here , the NaamA has been commented upon as " One who does not fall

from His exalted status at any time . " YasmAnn chyavathE sTAnAth tasmAth

samkeerthyasE Achyutha: " ( You are in the middle of Indhra , Brahmaa ,

VaruNaa , who are bound by KarmAs and therefore are suject to ups

and downs in their sTAnams and adhikArams . Unlike them , Oh Lord ,

You do not fall or slip from Thy exalted sTAnam or Iswaryams as SarvEswaran .

You are untouched by KarmAs . Therefore Thou art Achyuthan , who does not

lose Your overlordship .


557th Naamaa


Reference here is to Vyuha Moorthys . The previous naamaa

was SamkarshaNa: ( He who draws others--Chith and achith--

near Him ). The next name is Achyutha , who never abandons

those who have reached Him in a state of Prapatthi :


chyavanAth uthpatthi yukthEshu BrahmEndhra-VaruNAdhishu

yasmanna chyavasE sTAnAth tasmath samjkeerthyasE Achyutha :


" When Brahma , VaruNaa and others are subject to birth and death , and fall

down from their position , Thou does not fall down like that. So Thou art called

Achyuthaa. "


This is the Achyutha Tatthvam celebrated in Brahma SoothrAs , Upanishads

and Vedams . The role of Lord Achyuthan as Jagath KaaraNan ( cause of

the Universe , its creation , sustenance and dissolution ) , Prathivasthu


( pervading every thing to their fulness) as saluted by IsAvAsya Upanishad ,

Sarva sabdha-vAchyan ( as the ParamAthmA supporting , controlling and

ruling all the entities of the world) , staying as UpAdhAna KaaraNan (Material

cause ) , nimittha KaaraNan ( Instrumental cause) and SaamAnya KaaraNan

( general cause) , Sarva Karma SamArAdhyan ( object of all offerings and

grantor of fruits of those karmAs) and SiddhOpAyan ( the sole means of



We will now take up one slOkam of Achyutha Sathakam every day .


Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan



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