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sundarakandam word by word translation sarga1

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168.pravishto asmi hi the vakthram

dhaakshaayaNi namosthu


gamishye yathra vaidhehee sathyaSacha




I have entered your mouth Dhakshayani, salutations to you. I will go

where Vaidehee is and your boon has also become true.


pravishto asmi- I have entered


the vakthram- your mouth


namo asthu the – salutations to



dhaakshaayaNi- the daughter of

Dhaksha,She was the daughter of Dhaksha prajapathi who was married to Kasyapa

along with Adhithi, Dhithi and others through whom he procreated the various

species of beings, like devas, asuras and nagas.


gamishye – I will go


yathra- where


vaidhehee- Seetha ( is)


thava varam cha – and your boon


aaseeth- has been


sathyaH- true.




169. tham dhrshtvaa vadhanaath

muktham chandhram

raahumukhaath iva


abraveeth surasaa dhevee svena roopena



Seeing him released from the mouth

like the moon from the mouth of Rahu, goddess Surasa spoke to the monkey

assuming her own form.


dhrshtvaa- seeing




muktham- released


vadhanaath- from the mouth


iva- like


chandhram- the moon


raahumukhath- from the mouth

of Rahu, at the time of eclipse when the moon is supposed to have been

swallowed by rahu for a while and released


surasaa- Surasa


dhevee- the goddess


abraveeth- said


vaanaram- to Hanuman the



svena roopeNa – with her own

form, assuming her own form.



170.arThasiddhyai hariSreshta

gacCha soumya yaThaa sukham


samaanayasva vaidheheem raaghaveNa



Oh the best among monkeys, go as

you please for accomplishing your deed , dear one, reunite Seetha with Rama the



hariSreshTa- best among

monkeys. Hari has the meaning of monkey also besides meaning lion


gaccHa –go


soumya, dear, soumya is

used in an endearing meaning like badhra.


yaThaasukham- as you please.


Samaanayasva- bring together

(aanaya-to bring , with sam)


vaidhheem- Seetha


mahaathmanaa –with the great


raaghaveNa- Rama.



171 thath thrtheeyam hanumathaH

dhrshtvaa karma


saaDhu saaDhu ithi bhoothaani

praSaSamsuH thadhaa


Then seeing the third action of Hanuman

which was difficult to do, all the beings praised the monkey saying `well



dhrshtvaa- seeing


thrtheeyam karma-

the third action


hanumathaH- of hanuman


sudhushkaram- difficult to do


bhoothani – all beings


thadhaa- then


praSaSamsuH- praised


saaDhu saaDhu ithi- saying well




172. sa saagaram anaaDhrshyam

abhyethya varunaalayam


jagaama aakaaSam aaviSya vegena



That Hanuman approached the sea

which is the abode of Varuna and difficult to cross and entered the sky and went along, like Garuda with


Sa-that Hanuman


abhyethya- approaching


saagaram- the sea ( from

the mouth of Surasa)


varuNaalayam- the abode of



anaadhrshyam – which is

difficult to cross, from Dhrsh meaning to overcome,


aaviSya – entered


aakaaSam- the sky


jagaama- went


vegena =-with speed


garudopamaH- like Garuda.



The slokas till 179 are the

description of the sky.


173.sevithe vaariDhaaraabhiH

patagaiH cha nishevithe


charithe kaiSikaachaaryaiH airaavathanishevithe


The sky which was served by streams of water and by birds, tread by

the masters of music, and by airavatha,


Sevithe- served by ,

here it means `frequented by'


vaariDhaaraabhiH- the streams of water,

may be from the akaasaganga or the showers from rain bearing clouds


nishevithe- frequented ,

the same meaning asd sevithe,


pathagaiH- the birds


charithe- tread , from char

to move


kaisikaachaaryaih- masters of



airaavatha nishevithe- frequented by

theelephant of Indra, Airavatha



174. simhakunjaraSaardhoolapathagoragavaahanaiH


vimaanaiH sampathathbhih cha vimalaiH



adorned with the divine vehicles

of lion, ekephant, tiger,bird and serpent moving with speed,


samalamkrthe- decorated with


vimalaiH- blemishless


sampathatahbhiH- moving


vimaanaiH- vehicles




as the lion, elephant, tiger, bird and serpent, denoting the vehicles of the




175.vajraaSani samaaghaathaiH

paavakaiH upaSobhithe


krthapuNyaih mahaabhaagaih svargajithbhiH



shining with fires hitting the sky

like thunderbolt, adorned with the meritorious and fortunate ones who have won

the heaven,


upaSobithe- shining with


paavakaiH- fires (like



samaaghaathaiH- striking like


vajraasani- thunderbolt


alamkrthe- adorned


svargajithbhiH- by those who won the heaven


krthapuNyaiH- by their

meritorious acts


mahaabhaagaiH- and were fortunate


176. vahathaa havyam athyarTham

sevithe chithrabhaanunaa






served by the fire carrying the

oblations and decorated with the palanets, moon, Sun and the stars,


sevithe- frequented


chothrabhaanunaa- by the fire


vahathaa- carrying


athyartham havyam – much offerings

(from the yajnas to the devas),


viSobhithe- adorned with




the main stars (like asvinietc.,) moon, sun and the multitudes of other




177. maharshigaNa ganDharva



vivikthe vimale viSve viSvaavasu nishevithe


assembled by great sages, gandharvas, naagaas and

yakshas and secluded, clear, wide and served by Visvavasu,


samaakule-gathering or assembled


vivikthe- secluded,

meaning quiet , (not traffic jam)


vimale- clear or





nishevithe frequented by


viSvaavasu- the king of



178. dhevaraajagajaakraanthe

chandhrasooryapaThe Sive


vithaane jeevalokasya vithathe



paced by the elephant of Indra and

the sacred path of the Sun and the Moon and the caopy constructed by the

creator over the mortal world,


dhevaraajagajaakraanthe- paced by the elephant of Indra


chandhrasooryapaThe- the path of the

Sun and the Moon


Sive- pure or



Vithaane –the canopy


Jeevalokasya- of the mortal



Vithathe – spread


Brahamnirmithe- constructed by

the creator



179 . bahuSaH sevithe veeraiH vidhyaaDharagaNairvaraiH


jagaama vaayumaarge cha garuthmaan iva



frequented largely by the valiant

and the best of the hosts of vidhyadharas and the path of the wind, Hanuman

went like the Garuda.


Sevithe –frequented


bahusaH – much


veeraiH – by the valiant


varaiH – best of


vidhyaaDhara gaNaih-

the groups of Vidhyadharas


vaayumaarge- in the path of

Vayu (here ends the description of the sky)


maaruthiH- Hanuman


jagaama- went


garuthmaan iva- like




180. hanumaan megha jaalaani

prakarshan maarutho



Hanuman drawing the groups of

clouds with him like the wind


prakarshan- drawing


meghajaalaani- the groups of



maarutho yaThaa-

as vayu di oes


181. kaalaagarusavarNaani

rakthapeetha sithaani cha


kapinaa krshyamaaNaani mahaabhraaNi



the large clouds , drawn by

Hanuman shone with black , red, yellow

and white.


mahaabhraaNi- the large

clouds, abhra means a cloud.


krishyamaaNaani- drawn


kapinaa – by Hanumaan


chakaaSire- shone


kaalaagaru savarNaani-

similar in colour to fragrant smoke


raktha-red, peetha-

yellow, sithaani cha – and white


182.praviSan abhrjaalaani

nishpathan cha punaH punaH


praavrsheendhurivaabhaathi nishpathan

praviSan thadhaa


Entering and emergining out of the

groups of clouds again and again

He shone like moon in

rainy season entering and emerging from the clouds.


praviSan- entering


nishpathan cha - and emerging

out of


abhrajaalaani- the groups of



punaH punaH- again and again


abhaathi- he shone


thadhaa- then


iva- like


indhuH- the moon


prravrshi- in rainy

season, praavrt=rainy season


nishpathan- emerging out of



praviSan- entering (the





183. pradhrSyamaanaH sarvathra




bheje ambaram niraalambam lambapaksha

iva adhriraat



Seen everywhere Hanuman the son of

Vayu, went along the sky without support like aking of mountains with wings

hanging down



pradhrSyamaanaH- being seen


sarvathra – everywhere


hanumaan – Hanuman


maaruthaathmajaH-m the son of



bheje- got into


ambaram- the sky


niraalambam- which has

nothing to hold on


iva- like


adhriraat – the king of



lambapaksha – with wings hanging down.

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