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Iraamaanusa nooRRanthAthi- 51st verse- Ramanuja's avathAram -it appears - is only to save me..!

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SrImathE Ramanujaya namah:


Dearest all,


The way he has blessed me itself – it appears- is

perhaps one of the reasons for his avathAram as



atiyaith thotarnthezum aivar_kat kaay_anRu


mutiyap parin^etunN thErvituNG kOnai muzuthuNarntha

atiyark kamutham iraamaa Nnuchanennai aaLavanthip

patiyiR piRanthathu maRRillai kaaraNam paarththitilE



For the sake of PaaNdavaas, who held on to KaNNan as

the only support for them, KaNNan drove the chariot in

the battle field Himself in front of the enemy group

of DuryOdhanaadhis; He showed Himself to PaaNdavaas

(Arjunan) and also decided to finish the battle with

an intent to destroy the Kauravaas completely.

Emperumaanaar appeared as the insatiable nectar and

BhOgyam for the Bhagawathas, who are deeply immersed

in the most auspicious, limitless attributes of

KaNNan. Such greatest Emperumanaar Sri Ramanujar has

appeared in this world only to rule me; Actually

thinking of it, there can not be any other reason.


anRu- that day in KrishNAvathAram;

adiyai- the lotus feet were

thodarndhu- taken as refuge [by Paandavas]

yezhum- who remained victorious;

ivargatku aay- for their sake; He toiled [as


bharatham pOr mudiya nedu pari thErai- completed the

KurukshEthra battle with a master plan destroying all

Kauravas and helped Pandavas [His Asrithars] win;

vidum kOnai- Sarva Swami drove chariot victoriously


muzhudhu uNarndha adiyarkku- BhAgawathAs who have been

blessed to realize and comprehend His Parathvam and


amudham – Their sweetest nectar

Ramanujan – [is] our Ramanujacharya;

Ennai ALa- in order to rule this lowliest self;

Ippadiyil piRandhadhu- born in this world;

Paartthidin- if one tries to look into;

kaaraNam maRRU illai- there can not be any other

reason [but to bless this lowly soul]


Only for blessing me, EmperumAnAr Ramanuja appeared in

this earth and that is his avathAra’s cause. Also

there is another interpretation: Those who take refuge

at the lotus feet of Sriman Narayanan are elevated and

are placed at higher pedestal by Him.. He blesses them

to achieve better and higher places. That’s why for

the sake of Pancha paaNdavas He worked hard; drove the

chariot and completed the whole battle. In fact,

KaNNan single handedly with the master plan and

destroyed the Kauravas. He is Sarva Swami; kOl koNda

kOn; SarveShwaran..


Those bhAgawathAs who have realized His greatness of

being SarvEshwaran as well as being easily accessible

with Sowlabhyam and Sowseelyam have taken refuge at

feet of Sri Ramanujar; and their sweetest nectar is

Ramanuja. Their KaNNan himself is Sri Ramanujacharya.

That nectar itself has appeared in the form of

Ramanuja. Hence he has saved this lowliest self as

well and has blessed me with this bhAgyam of composing

these verses. That day He has blessed those five and

had toiled for them. This day he has taken the trouble

to save me and rule me. He has enslaved me. There can

not be any other cause for his avathAram.


This birth- jNana piRavi – I am blessed to be born [as

the sishya of KooratthAzhwAr] due to His grace as

Ramanuja. He is the sweetest nectar to me and He has

come to rule me. He is my Lord; my Master.


And he has named me as Amudhanaar; what a bhaagyam!

All KaNNan’s devotees consider Him as the nectar

[including myself] and He has addressed me as the

amudhan in front of all. What else could be the reason

for his avathAram?


That is the nature of his self; nature of his birth

being jagadhAchAryan to bless such lowliest souls like



EmperumAnAr ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana







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