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PeriyAzhwAr's ThiruppallaNDU Paasurams: Part VII ( The Fourth Paasuram )

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Dear BhakthAs :


Today we will study the Fourth Pasuram of ThiruppallANDu :


yEdu nilatthil iduvathan munnam vanthu

yengaL kuzhAm puhunthu

koodu manamudayeerkaL varam pozhi


Naadu Naharamum nankaRiya NamO

NaarAyaNAya yenRu

paadu-manamudaip-pattharuLLeer vanthu

PallANDu kooRuminE


(Meaning according to Dr.V.K.S.N . Raghavan ) : Oh ye Men desirous of

joining our fold ! Please come and mingle with us soon .You should

come before your gross body ( sToola sarIram) merges with moola prakruthi ;

come and join us, the EkAntins (aspiring for Bahgavath PrApthi alone).

Please come quickly ( in this birth itself) so that your (current)

limiations are

annuled (i-e., Kaivalya Kaamathvam ceases and Mumukshuthvam emerges) .

Please come to us and become one amongst us , the devotees singing in

chorus , " NamO NaarAyaNAya " ( I do not want anything for me save service

to the Lord) so that all the villagers and the citizens to know of this

manthra clearly , and also singing in praise of Him , " May You live long

for many years " .


Notes : " Just as Tatthva is three fold , Viz., Prakruthi , Jeevan and

Iswara , even so PurushArtha is threefold , viz., Aisvarya ( material

prosperity ) , Kaivalya (enjoying Aathmaanubhava as the ultimate

end ) and Moksha , the summum bonum of doing uninterrupted

Bhagavath kaimkaryam in Parama Padham (Sri Vaikuntam ) .

It is to be noted that in the previous paasuram , the aspirants of

Moksham only were called to join his (AzhwAr's ) ghOshti by our

AzhwAr .In this paasuram , PeriyAzhwAr calls the aspirants of

Kaivalyam also to join his group and become MokshArTis. In the next

Paasuram , PeriyAzhwAr invites even Aisvarya Kaamees (those who aspire

for material prosperity ) to come and join his ghOshti , so that they will


attain the eligibility to become Mumukshus ( those who desire Moksham) " .


Commentaries of Four AchAryAs


1. Upanishad BhAshyakArar's VyAkhyAnam


" aTa KaivalyArTitha: aahvayathi " ( Now AzhwAr invites

those who desire Kaivalyam as their ultimate PurushArTam .

Kaivalyam is the sukham of visualization through meditation

of the Jeevan inside the heart cavity than the ParamAthmA

dwelling inside that Jeevan ) .


First Line: " yEdu nilatthil iduvathan munnam vanthengaL kuzhAm puhunthu "


" sTUla sareerasya bhUpAthanAth poorvam , saadharam aagathya

asmadheeya samaajE antha: pravisya "


Oh dear KaivalyArtthees ! Before Your physical body falls down on

this earth and becomes part of Moola Prakruthi , hurry here and join

our group for your ujjevanam .


yEdu nilam means inauspicious land (pollA nilam ) , the land where one

arrives , when one is dead (smasAnam). It is where the dEham is burnt

into ashes and returned to Pancha bhUthams. Oh Kaivalyam seekers !

Please come before your body is placed in the pollA nilam .It will be

too late then . Join us when you are still alive to gain the Supreme

goal of life ( Moksha siddhi).


Second Line: Koodum manamudayeerhaL varam pozhi-vanthollai kooduminO



" asmAbhi: sahathulyA: bhavithum abhiprayanthO yooyam paryAptha-

prayOjana- -parathAm vihAya parama purushArTa preethyA aagathya

thvarayA sangacchatha "


Oh People focusing on the incomplete Kaivalya PurushArTam !

If you wish to become like us focused on the Parama PurushArTam of

Moksham , please come and join us speedily .


Third Line: Naadu naharamum nankaRiya NamO NaarAyaNA yenRu


avisEshaj~nA: visEshaj~nAsccha maTAsamyagg-jAnanathi taTA

tandhikAraanuroopamaa praNAlikayA ashtAksharam .


The sophisticated ones (naharam/visEshaj~nar/Brahmavith ) and the country

bumpkins ( Naadu/avisEshaj~nar/abrahmavith ) should both be inspired to sing

and meditate on the profound meanings of AshtAksharam through

our joint singing .


Fourth Line: Paadu(m) manamudaip-pattharuLLeer vanthu PallANDu kooruminE



Oh KaivalyArTees ! You should abandon the limited goals that you have set

for Yourselves and hurry up and join our ghOshti . You must have two

requirements filled before you join our group : (1) SvAthma RakshA bhara

SamarpaNam ( Performance of SaraNAgathy and leaving the burden of

your protection to the Lord ) and (2) a mind set to hail PallANDu to the


Through meditation on the AshtAksharam and its many esoteric meanings ,

You would become conversant with the Tathva Thrayam and would be

propelled to perform SaraNAgathy at the sacred feet of the Lord . This

would set an example to the sophisticated (naharatthAr ) and

the unsophisticated (naattAr) to emulate you to become paramaikAnthis.

You will be filled with prEmai to sing PallANDu to Him and will attain

Satthu . Please come and join us and sing PallANDu to the Lord .

perform SaraNAgathy .


Periya ParakAla Muni's commentaries have been blended

with that of Upanishad BhAshyakArar in the above passages .


2. Excerpts from Thirukkudanthai Desikar's commentary


In the 3rd Paasuram , AzhwAr invited ananya prayOjanars

( ParamaikAnthis) to his ghOshti. Not being content with

the invitation to that group alone , AzhwAr turns his attention to

the adhikAris , who have performed Bhagavath SamAsrayaNam

but got stuck with the enjoyment of the limited purushArtham of

Kaivalyam (meidtation on the Jeeva svaroopam instead of

ParamAthma Svaroopam ).These KaivalyArthees are better than

the IsvaryArthees . Hence , AzhwAr addresses the KaivalyArthees

next and invites them to join his ghOshti. He reminds them however

that they would have to fulfill two conditions prior to joininng :

(1) adopt SaraNAgatha Vrutthi and (2) desire to sing the PallANDu

for the Lord gain SaraNAgatha Vrutthi visEsham .


3. Thirukkudanthai RanganAtha Swamy's commentary


In the previous Paasuram (VaazhALppattu- - -) , AzhwAr invited

ananya PrayOjanar to join his group to sing PallANDu . Recognizing

that there are two other categories of people , who are left out

pursuing inappropriate PurushArTams , AzhwAr focuses on them

to redeem them from their wasteful pursuits. One is the KaivalyArtthi ,

who abandons Lord and chooses aathma PrApthi . The other is

the Isvarya Kaamis , who chase perishable wealth instead of

the Lord , who is the imperishable wealth.


AzhwAr points out that the KaivalyArtthees should beat the door

to join the GhOshti of ParamaikAnthis as a result of recognizing

the inadequacies of Kaivalyam as a goal to seek .They should be

fully aware of the VailakshaNyam ( greatness) of Moksha siddhi

( Bhagavath PrApthi and nithya Kaimkaryam at SrI Vaikuntam ).

AzhwAr suggests that they should join his ghOshti after gaining

knowledge about their true Svaroopam (Svaroopa Jn~Anam )

and svaroopAnuroopa siddhi of Kaimkaryam as a VaishNavan ;

further , AzhwAr asks them to come and join to sing PallANDu

to the Lord with a heart filled with PrEmai and Vaathsalyam for Him .


PeriyAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

ThUppul KulatthadiyArkaL adiyAr poRRp-padham pORRi

Daasan , Oppiliappan KOil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka

Srivan Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:

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