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Bhagavatgita a detailed study-chapter1

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37.yadhyapyethe na paSyanthi lobhopahathachethasaH

kulakshayakrtham dhosham mithradhrohe cha paathakam


Even though these aathaathyins do not see the sin of destroying one's own clan and the betrayal of friendship

because their intellect is clouded by avarice,


yadhyapi- eventhough


lobhopahathachethasaH- these kouravas whose mind is covered with greed

na paSyanthi- do not see


dhosham -the defect , here means sin


kulakshyakrtham- out of destroying one's own clan


mithradhrohe cha paathakam- and the sin in betrayal of friendship



38.kaTham na jneyam asmaabhiH paapaath asmaath


kulakshayakrtham dhosham prapSyadbhih janaardhana


How can it be not known by us, who see the sin of destroying our clan, to turn away from such a deed, Janardana?


kaTham na jneyam asmaabhiH- do we not know


nivarthithum asmaath paapaath- to turn away from this sin




prapaSyadhbhiH kulakshayakrtham dhosham- we see the sin of committing kulakshaya


Janardana- Arjuna desses Krishna thus meaning hat He is resorted to by people in trouble and He alone should show the way out of this.


Dharma is of two kinds, saaDhaarana Dharma and visesha Dharma. It is adharma to kill any being which is a saadhaarana dharma but that one can kill even a cow if it attacks is the visesha dharma. Here the dharma Arjuna quotes is the saadhaaranahdharma and one can kill the aathathaayins without hesitation is the visesha dharma which takes precedence over saadhaaranadharma.


Arjuna replies to an anticipated question `when they are intent on fighting with you and they are aathathaayins why are you talking about kulakshaya krtham dhosham etc.,' by saying that their intellect is clouded by greed which prevents them from seeing the sin but we who are of better knowledge should not do so.


Arjuna proceeds to explain to Krishna about dharma and the results of adharma. It is said that `achaaraprabhavo Dharmo Dharmasya prabhuH achyuthaH.' Dharma consists in right conduct and the Lord is the master of dharma. When He Himself is standing in front controlling the activities Arjuna needs no other authority than His words. But like carrying coal to Newcastle , Arjuna speaks about dharma to Him. Here we cannot help recalling the incidents when the Lord Himself as a human obeyed the words of his guru, Visvamithra and killed a woman without compunction and similarly in Parsauramavathara He killed His mother obeying the order of His father. To show to the world that visesha dharma is to be followed in special circumstances. Moreover dharma consists in denouncing even your close relatives if they go against it, as Vibheehsana left Ravana.


In the subsequent sk lokas Arjuna elaborates on the effects of kulakshaya.






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