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Padhuka Sahasram-881

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:


881. maNinikarasamuthThaI: sarvavarNA mayUKhaI:

prakatithashuBhanadhA pAdhukE! rangaBharthu:


mavagamayasi hrudhyAmarDhamAthrAm chathurthIm


Oh Paaduka! From Your hordes of gems, rays emerge in various colours.

Your note is also melodious. That musical note is reminiscent of the

fourth half-measure of the Pranava mantra, that half-measure

denoting, as its presiding deity, Ranganatha.


[Atharva-Shika-Upanishat describes that the syllables A-U-Ma are of

one measure each, that the last, half measure in the sound is of


as implying Para-Vasudeva. This and the belief that Sri Rangavimana

is Pranava-embodying are relevant here].


Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan



Special Notes by V.Sadagopan (V.S)


SlOkam 881


1) UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam: AtharvasikhA Upanishad secton is taken

as the pramANam by Swamy Desikan here. The Upanishadic portion

describes the colors, presiding deities for the three letters of

PraNavam (viz) aakAram , Ukaaram and Makaaram). Afterwards, it points

out that the final and the fourth portion of PraNavam (ardha

maatra/half letter) is nothing but Your naadham. The presiding deity

for the ardha maatrA is revealed by the Upanishad to be none other

than Para VaasudEvan , the supreme Lord resident in SrI Vaikuntam and

on the vimAnam of SrI RanganAthan at SrIrangam. Thus, the ardha

maatrA becomes Sarva varNa MaNi naadham, because of its links to the

Supreme Lord. That naadham of ardha maatrA blesses every one , who

hears it with auspiciousness of every kind. The sounds generated by

the PaadhukAs are that of PraNavam and has the features of Sarva

varNa MaNi naadham. Those who are fortunate to hear it are

truly blessed. Swamy Desikan says: " Oh RanganAtha PaadhukE! You

shine with the lustre of rays from all of Your gems and have attained

all colors of the spectrum (Sarva varNam). After that, You have

displayed the most auspicious sounds through Your movement, which is

equal to the fourth section of PraNava naadham (ardha maathrA),

celebrated by the VedAs as the one affiliated with RanganAtha Himself

and that which is heard in the heart lotuses of the Yogis " .


2) SrImath Andavan's anubhavam: AtharvasikhOpanishad reveals the

Svarams ( Hrasvam, dheergam, plutham), VarNams ( Naadhams ) and

presiding deity (adhishtAna dEvathA) for the four different

variations of reciting PraNavam. The UpAsana of PerumAL , who is the

PraNava roopi can be approached with one or two or three or three

and half maathrAs. The last version of reciting with three and half

maathrAs is considered the most auspicious in granting Moksham. That

PraNava Roopi worshipped by the Three and half maathrA route is none

other than KaaraNa Brahma Svaroopa Para VaasudEvan. The adhishtAna

dEvathAs for recitation with one or two or three mAtrAs however are

Kaarya Brahma Moorthys such as Brahma (for 1 maathrA), VishNu ( 2

maathrA ) and Rudran ( 3 MaathrA) .


Swamy Desikan weaves in the Upanishadic meanings behind

PraNavOccharaNam with the varNams and svarams arising from the

different sanchArams of the Paadhukais, whose adhishtAna dhaivam is

always Para VaasudEvan .


3) The address of the Padhukais in this slOkam is very special and

endearing: " nikhila nigama soothE : BrahmaNa: Rangabharthu:

PaadhukE ! " ( Oh Paadhukais of the magnificent Lord of SrIrangam,

who is the origin of all VedAs and are unmatched in Svaroopam ,

GuNams and VibhUthis as ParamAthmA ). Swamy Desikan points out that

the sanchArams of the Padhukais reminds him of the fourth way of

recitation of PraNavam with ardha maathrai (ChathurTee ardha-mAthrAm

avagamayasi). He gives three reasons for coming to that conclusion:

(1) MaNi-nikara samuTtthai: mayUkhai: sarva varNaa ( having all kinds

of varNAs from the spreading rays from different kinds of gems ),

(2) prakaditha Subha nadhA (having the celebrated auspicious

nAdhams ) and

(3)Tath SanATAm hrudhyAm nikhila nigama soothE: BrahmaNa:

( having as Lord , the originator of all VedAs). For these three

reasons , Oh PaadhukE, You remind me of the fourth way of recitation

of PraNavam ( chathurTee ardha-mAthrAm avagamayasi)...(V.S).

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