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The SathAbhishEka MahOthsava Kaimakryam Fund raising project needs your thoughtful support

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Dear Srimatam SishyAs :


The efforts to raise the need funds are stalled !


We can count on 52K$ pledges sofar out of the total

of 225K$ ( 1 Crore rupees assigned to overseas sishyAs ) needed .


The SathAbhishEkam planning committee is expecting a lot of

expenses during the grand occasion of our dear AchAryan's

Special mile stone in serving MalOlan .


We need to raise $173 K in trhe next 45 days.

Your participation is vital .


Number of you are planning to be at Srirangam

for this life time occasion to recieve Srimath

Azhagiya Singar's blessings in person and possibly

are planning to present your samarpaNam in person .

That is perfectly fine .


The only request that both Sriman Rajaji and adiyEn

would like to make of you is to permit us to include your

pledges in our overseas sishya's samarpaNam list , while

you present the samarpaNam in person , if you will be

at Srirangam on Nov 30 .


It will be more orderly to recieve acknowledgements and

Phala mantrAkshathai from Srimath Azhagiya Singar . He

will be very busy during the MahOthsavam .


I request you to consider this appeal and also

request those who are not planning to be there

at Srirangam let us know about your pledges ,

small or large . Please send your samarpaNams

to Sri Srihari Raghavan , the Treasurer of Sri Matam

at Milpitas , California .


NamO Sri Nrusimhaaya ,

Daasan , V.Sadagopan





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Dear SrIvaishnavas,

Srimatam Sishyas and abhimanis in south-east asia region, australia and

newzealand may join singapore-sishyas to make a consolidated samarpanam, which

will be added to the overseas-sishyas' fund-raising efforts. Please contact

either aDiyEn or SrI. Madhusudanan (who is in Australia until 25th November)..


azhagiyasingar thiruvadigalE SaraNam




Dr. Sadagopan

Swami ; samboard ; SAMcoordinators

Cc: rrajaji

Friday, October 06, 2006 11:16 AM

The SathAbhishEka MahOthsava Kaimakryam Fund raising project needs

your thoughtful support





Dear Srimatam SishyAs :


The efforts to raise the need funds are stalled !


We can count on 52K$ pledges sofar out of the total

of 225K$ ( 1 Crore rupees assigned to overseas sishyAs ) needed .


The SathAbhishEkam planning committee is expecting a lot of

expenses during the grand occasion of our dear AchAryan's

Special mile stone in serving MalOlan .


We need to raise $173 K in trhe next 45 days.

Your participation is vital .


Number of you are planning to be at Srirangam

for this life time occasion to recieve Srimath

Azhagiya Singar's blessings in person and possibly

are planning to present your samarpaNam in person .

That is perfectly fine .


The only request that both Sriman Rajaji and adiyEn

would like to make of you is to permit us to include your

pledges in our overseas sishya's samarpaNam list , while

you present the samarpaNam in person , if you will be

at Srirangam on Nov 30 .


It will be more orderly to recieve acknowledgements and

Phala mantrAkshathai from Srimath Azhagiya Singar . He

will be very busy during the MahOthsavam .


I request you to consider this appeal and also

request those who are not planning to be there

at Srirangam let us know about your pledges ,

small or large . Please send your samarpaNams

to Sri Srihari Raghavan , the Treasurer of Sri Matam

at Milpitas , California .


NamO Sri Nrusimhaaya ,

Daasan , V.Sadagopan



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Dear SishyAs and VedAbhimAnis :


The Overseas sishyAs contribution is ear marked for

the Veda PaarAyaNam and SambhAvani for 500 Vedic

Scholars .


I thank Sri Mukund for his welcome suggestion to

have a consolidated approach .


If we go by regions like North America , Europe ,

Middle East & Africa , Asia-Pacific and Oceania ,

we can have an integrated approach .


Please encourage your friends and relatives overseas ,

who are blessed to belong to this AchArya Paramparai ,

to take part in this one time samarpaNam to show our

Kruthajn~athai to the most merciful AchAryan , who

thinks of our welfare all the time and comes to our

rescue , when we are n trouble.


Hoping that all of you will take part .

As I mentioned before , please present Your samarpaNam

at Srirangam to our revered AchAryan in person

but let us include your samarpaNam in the overall

Overseas SishyA's samarpaNams . This way you can

fulfill your desire of personal samarpaNam , while

making sure that the acknowledgement and Phala MantrAkshathai

follow in a streamlined fashion . The work of overtaxed KaimkaryaparALs

will also be lightened somewhat . Our AchAryan will be

fully appraised of your particpation even before the SathAbhishEkam

day .


This is all we can appeal to you as overseas SishyAs .


Srimath Azhagiya Singar Thiruvadi ,


New York


" Mukund " <krupa

" Swami "

Friday, October 06, 2006 9:20 AM

Re: The SathAbhishEka MahOthsava Kaimakryam Fund raising project

needs your thoughtful support




Dear SrIvaishnavas :


Srimatam Sishyas and abhimanis in south-east asia region, australia and

newzealand may join singapore-sishyas to make a consolidated samarpanam,

which will be added to the overseas-sishyas' fund-raising efforts. Please

contact either aDiyEn or SrI. Madhusudanan (who is in Australia until 25th

November).. Thanks,


azhagiyasingar thiruvadigalE SaraNam



> -

> Dr. Sadagopan

> Swami ; samboard ; SAMcoordinators

> Cc: rrajaji

> Friday, October 06, 2006 11:16 AM

> The SathAbhishEka MahOthsava Kaimakryam Fund raising project

> needs your thoughtful support



> SrI:


> Dear Srimatam SishyAs :


> The efforts to raise the need funds are stalled !


> We can count on 52K$ pledges sofar out of the total

> of 225K$ ( 1 Crore rupees assigned to overseas sishyAs ) needed .


> The SathAbhishEkam planning committee is expecting a lot of

> expenses during the grand occasion of our dear AchAryan's

> Special mile stone in serving MalOlan .


> We need to raise $173 K in trhe next 45 days.

> Your participation is vital .


> Number of you are planning to be at Srirangam

> for this life time occasion to recieve Srimath

> Azhagiya Singar's blessings in person and possibly

> are planning to present your samarpaNam in person .

> That is perfectly fine .


> The only request that both Sriman Rajaji and adiyEn

> would like to make of you is to permit us to include your

> pledges in our overseas sishya's samarpaNam list , while

> you present the samarpaNam in person , if you will be

> at Srirangam on Nov 30 .


> It will be more orderly to recieve acknowledgements and

> Phala mantrAkshathai from Srimath Azhagiya Singar . He

> will be very busy during the MahOthsavam .


> I request you to consider this appeal and also

> request those who are not planning to be there

> at Srirangam let us know about your pledges ,

> small or large . Please send your samarpaNams

> to Sri Srihari Raghavan , the Treasurer of Sri Matam

> at Milpitas , California .


> NamO Sri Nrusimhaaya ,

> Daasan , V.Sadagopan


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