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sundarakandam word by word translation sarga1-207 till the end

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207.thathaH Sareeram samkshipya

than mahenDhra



punaH prakrthim aapedhe veethamoha iva



Then contracting his body

which was like the mahendhra mountain, he regained his original form as the

one who has realized his self. becoming devoid of delusion.


thathaH- then


samkshipya- contracting


thath Sareeram- that body


mahendhrasannibham- like the



aapedhe – obtained


prakrthim- natural form


punah- again


aathmavaan- like a realized



veethamoha- from whom the

delusion has gone. The real nature of the self is realized when the delusion

giving rise to identification with the body is gone.



208. thadhroopam athi samkshipya hanoomaan




threen kramaan iva vikramya

baliveeryaharo hariH


Contracting that form very much

Hanuman stood in his natural state like

the Lord Hari who took away the power of Bali by taking three steps.


athi samkshipya- contracting

very much


hanumaan- Hanuman


sThithaH- stood


prkrthou- in natural state


hariH iva- like Lord Hari


baliveeryaharaH- who took away

the power of Bali


vikramya- tread


threen kramaan- three steps






param samaasadhya samudhra theeram


paraih aSakyaH prathipannaroopaH


sameekshithaathmaa samavekshithaarThaH


He who could take many beautiful

and different forms and invincible by enemies and who knew himself well and who

knew his purpose reached the other side of the ocean, assuming the original



Sah – that Hanuman


paraiH aSakyaH- invincible by



sameekshithaathmaa- who knew

himself well


samavekshitha arThaH-

who knew well his purpose


Chaaru naanaaviDha roopaDhaari- who could take

various, beautiful forms


prathipannaroopaH – assuming the

original form


samaaaadhya- reaching


param samudhratheeram- the other side

of the ocean



210. thathaH sa lambasya gireH



vichithrakoote nipapaatha koote




mahaadhrikootaprathimo mahaathmaa


The great Hanuman, looking like a

big mountain, descended on the peak Lamba of the mountain, which was richly

endowed with kethaka plants and coconut trees and the like, with many peaks.


Sa mahaathmaa- the great



mahaadhrikoota prathimaH- looking like a

great mountain


nipapaatha- descended


koote-on the peak


lambasya gireH- Lamba of the



sakethakodDhaalaka narikele- abounding in

kethaka plants and coconut trees (kethaka is r the flower called Thaazmaboo in

Tamil with long yellow fragrant petals)


samrdDhe- richly endowed


vichithrakoote- which had many



nipapaatha- descended


211.thathaH thu sampraapya



sameekshya lankaam girirajamoorDhni


kapisthu thasmin nipapaatha parvathe



viDhooya roopam vyaThayan mrgadhvijaan


Then Hanuman reaching the coast of

the ocean, seeing Lanka on the top of the mountain descended on the mountain

casting off his former form making the animals and the birds miserable


thathaH- then


kapiH thu- Hanuman


samprraapya –reaching


samudhratheeram- the coast of

the sea


sameekshya –seeing


lankaam- Lanka


girirajamoorDhani- at the head of

the mountain


nipapaatha- descended


thasmin parvathe- on that



viDhaaya –casting off


roopam -the former form

(that is , contracting it)


vyaThayan- tormenting


mrgadhvijaan- animals and birds ( which

became frightened of his speed)




212.sa saagaram



balena vikramya mahormimaalinam


nipathya theere cha mahodhaDheH thadhaa


dhadharSa lankaam amaraavatheem iva


Then, Hanuman, crossing the ocean full of asuras and serpents

and great waves, with valour, descending

on the coast of the great sea,

Saw Lanka resembling Amaravathi, the capital of Devaloka.


Thadhaa- then


saH- Hanuman


vikramya- crossing


saagaram- the sea


dhaanavpanaagaayutham- abounding in

asuras and serpents


mahormimaalinam- and with full

of big waves

balena- powerfully


nipathya cha- and descending


theere- on the coast


mahodhDheH- of the great



dhadharSa- saw


lankaam- Lankaa


amaraavatheem iva- like

Amaravathi, capital of devaloka.




The end of first chapter of Sundarakanda






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