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Thirukkudanthai Desikan Thirunakshathram- Purattaasi Pooraadam

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SrimathE Gopaalaarya Namah:


Dearest all,


Today is the Thirunakshathram of Thirukkudanthai




Let us enjoy his wonderful life history and divine

incidents in his life.


(Purattasi / Pooraadam) (1701 - 1783 CE) He was born

in Athreya Gotram. He was the 14th generation of Vaadi

Hamsambu vaahar, the uncle and Acharya of Swami

Vedanta Desikan. Sri Krishna Suri, his father had 3

sons. Our Swami was the middle one. He was born in

Royampettai Agraharam near Tiruk Kandiyur on the

northern banks of Kaveri. He was born in Kaliyuga year

4801, about 294 years ago at the beginning of the 18th

century CE. He was born in 1701 CE (Vikrama year)

Purattasi month Sukla Paksha Navami, a Monday under

the star Pooraadam(PPM)


Once when Sri Krishna Suri couple had been to the

Sravanotsavam at Oppiliappan Koil, the Lord appeared

in their dream and gave them some milk to drink saying

that Swami Vedanta Desika himself will be born as

their son in the constellation of Vishwaksenar. When

they returned to Royampettai, the lady became

pregnant. On the 12th month, she gave birth to a son

who was the very Gantaavataara Desika. Swami Desika

himself indicates about this reincarnation when he

says in his Rahasya Traya Saram-



_Bhavati Devat Kaschit Kaschid Vivasritaamaha /

Sad Vartaneem Anuvidaasyati Saaswatham Naha //



As Sri Krishna Suri_s Aradhya Devata was Gopalan and

as the child was born as Desika Avatara (as per the

dream), he named the child as _Gopala Desikan_.


He had his Upanayanam while very young. As desired by

his father, Gopalarya became the disciple of Srirangam

Swami (considered to be an Avatara of Sri

Bhashyakarar). He had his Bhara Samarpanam at the

hands of Saakshaat Swami through Acharya Nishta.

Saakshaat Swami blessed him saying _Prathiseshitha

Vedaantah_ One year thereafter, Saakshaat Swami

breathed his last (with his feet on the lap of Gopala

Maha Desikan). Lord Amudan ordered him to give

Pravachanams- _Nam Thooppul Pillai Pol Sampradaaya

Pravachanam Pannak Kadaveer_ So, he retired to Tiruk

Kudanthai. But, he also visited several Kshetras

consecrated by Alwars, the _Pallisthalam_ of

Tirumazhisai Alwar, Keezh Tiruvarangam and other

places. He gave his daughter in marriage to one

Elayavalli Srinivasachari, who was doing Alavatta

Kaimkaryam to Amudan. He took as his Sishya, his

Douhitran ( Daughter_s son) Vedantacharya and

performed Bharanyaasam for him.


Through the Archaka, the Lord declared _Oh ! We are

pleased to confer on you the title of _Tiruk Kudanthai

Desikan- Go and defeat the arguments of other faiths

and establish our Matham_- _Para Matha Nirasanam

Poorvamamaavaha, Swamatha Sthaapanam Kuru_


As ordered by Swami Desika, while at Tiruk Kudanthai,

he meditated on Lord Hayagriva for 45 days in the

Sannidhi of Amudan under the Vaideeka Vimaana and

installed the idol of Lord Hayagriva there.

_Sthaapayas Cha_. Saanidhyam Kuru Te_.


There were 3 great men at that time: One Srinivasa

Maha Desikan (as the Amsam of Sri Nathamuni) at

Seyyanam; Another was Sri Ranganatha Maha Desikan (as

the Amsam of Sri Aalavandaar) at Vathirayiruppu

village near Tirumaalirum Solai; In Vazhuthur, was

born Sri Vedanta Ramanuja Maha Desikan (as the Amsam

of Sri Bhashyakarar). The Lord appeared in the dreams

of these three and asked them to take Sannyas and do

Kalakshepams at the feet of Tiruk Kudanthai Swami in

whose dream also the Lord appeared and asked him to

accept them as his Sishyas. Like the 3 Mudal Alwars

who met at Tirukkovilur, the 3 Yathis met at the

Asramam of Tiruk Kudanthai Desikan and spent their

time in Kalakshepams. Our Swami had his Bharanyasam in

the shrine of Amudan and came to be hailed as _Muni

Traya Sampradaaya Pravartakar_


With the three Yathis, our Swami visited Saakshaat

Swami_s Asramam and performing Japa, Kalakshepa,

Bhagavad Aradhana etc. He lived on Uncha Vritti. With

whatever Sambavanais were received, he spent in

adorning the Lord with a precious Mahalakshmi pendent

which the Lord wears to this day, repaired the Gopuram

and doors of Desikar Sannidhi.


When a Samprokshnam was to take place , the devotees

pleaded with our Swami to install the Vigraha and

Amudan also ordered him in a dream, to do so.

Accordingly, he embraced the Vigraham infusing in it a

new mystic power now than ever before.


It was the great Brahmotsavam of Amudan. The huge

chariot on which the Lord was coming on his round

suddenly stopped halfway and would not move even an

inch in spite of the best efforts. Three days it stood

still. For three days our Swami did not take any food

nor water. Many fasted with him since as per the

tradition one should not eat until the Lord returned

to his Sannidhi. The public came to our Swami for a

solution to the stalemate. Our Swami offered prayers

to the Lord and asked them to go and try again.

Instantly, the chariot started moving and soon the

Lord entered the Sanctum Sanctorum to the joy of

everyone around.


Once, he became so distressed with intolerable

Apachaarams which his son was committing . He prayed

for _Aartha Prapatti_ for his son lest the Apachaara

Parampara should continue. The Lord instantly took the

Acharyaputra to his feet. It is really astonishing

that in maintaining _Aastikya_, even _Putra

Vaatsalyam_ was not allowed to be an impediment.


Venkataadwari Swami, author of Viswa Gunaadarsa Champu

was one of his Pitamahas. As the son of Venkatadwari

had predeceased his father, our Swami performed the

Uthara Kritya ceremonies.


He asked his disciple, Paduka Sevaka Ramanuja Swami to

give discourses on Bhagavad Vishayam. As he felt that

his _Avatara Karyam_ was over, he bade his disciples

_Come and see me in my great home_-_Nam Periya Veedu

Vandhu Kaanum_. He himself took Sannyas just before

his death. The next day, it was a Thursday with Ayilya

Nakshatram, Simha Lagnam. He took the Sripada

Theertham of Saakshaat Swami and distributed some to

his Sishyas and breathed his last. It was a sight to

see his soul rending through his Brahma Randram in the

presence of all. His physical frame was laid to rest

in the Sakkarap Padi Thurai of Kaveri. That was Kali

year 4882 corresponding to 1781 CE Pilava, Kartigai,

Krishna Paksha Shashti, a Thursday. His Douhitra Sri

Vedantachariar performed his Uttara Kriyas.


Like Kumara Varada composed Stotras in praise of Swami

Desika, his nephew (Bhagineya) Sri Venkatachariar

composed several Stotras on Tiruk Kudanthai



VED: _ As mentioned above, Sri Gopalarya Maha Desikan

was the chief disciple of Sri Saakshaat Swami. He is

hailed as the progenitor of the Munitraya Sampradayam.

Born in the Royampettai village close to Tiruvaiyaru,

as the son of Sri Krishna Suri, he received his Pancha

Samskaram and early Vedantic instructions from his

father and later he sought the feet of Sri Saakshaat

Swami, and received instructions in all our religious

lore. Paduka Sevaka Sri Ramanuja Swami, another

celebrated scholar of the day instructed him in

Bhagavad Vishayam. He completed the unfinished work of

his Acharya, Sri Saakshaat Swami_s Poorva Saara

Swaadhini with his own _ Uttara Saaraswatham_ that the

Acharya was greatly pleased with him and conferred on

him the title _Tiruk Kudanthai Desikan_. His

scholastic distinction drew to himself a wide circle

of Sishyas of whom special mention may be made of

three Sannyasis- Sri Ranganatha Swami of

Vatharayiruppu,, Sri Vedanta Ramanuja Swami of

Vazhuthur and Chey! anam Sri Srinivasa Swami.


Sri Tiruk Kudanthai Desikan has authored several works

of which _The Aahnika_ which lays down the daily

routine of a Srivaishnava in minute detail is very

useful composition (regarded as a Reference manual by

succeeding Acharyas).


He also wrote commentaries on Tirup Pallandu and

Kanninun Siruthaambhu . His other works include-

Aparyaapta Amruta

Bhagavad Dhyaana Sopaanam

Srimad Aahnikam

Nigamaantha Desika Sahasranamam

Nikshepa Chintamani

Saaraswaadhini. (Saakshaat Swami had done only about

12 chapters of his Our Swami completed the rest as

ordered by his Acharya)

Uttara Saaraswtham

Jayanthee Nirnayam etc.(PPM)



His Tanian reads as follows:



Sri Krishna Desika Padaambhuja Bringaraajam Vedaanta

Lakshmana Muneendra Krupaatha Bodham /

Trayyantha Desika Yatindra Sataari Moorthim Gopaala

Desika Sikhaamanim Aasrayaamaha //



Meaning: _Let us take refuge at the feet of Gopala

Desika , the crown jewel, the Acharya for the three

great Sannyasis, who was like the bee surrounding the

lotus feet of Sri Krishna Desika and who was the

recipient of the grace of Vedanta Lakshmana Muni_


The above means that Tirukkutanthai Desikan Swami

combined in his persona;ity those of all the three

AchAryas viz Sri Vedanta Desika, Sri Bhashyakara and

Sri Satakopa. It is interesting to note that those who

resorted to him were also three yathivaras.


Sri Gopalarya Maha Desikan embraced Sannyasam just

before he neared his end. He was hailed as a Maha

Bhaagavata in his own time in recognition whereof the

special and rare privilege of embracing the idol of

Aravamudhan so as to render it more efficacious, was

accorded to him. He was succeeded in the Peetam by Sri

Vedaanta Ramanuja Swami who came to be known as

_Vazhutur Andavan


Acharyan ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana







Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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