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sArasAram - II (3)

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SrI sAra sAram – II (3)


II – DvayAdhikAram


After establishing that prapatti, that is, the means of absolute surrender, can be adopted by all, SwAmi Desikan tries to clear doubts about the effectiveness of this means of salvation:

kim nu tasya ca mantrasya karmaNah kamalAsana /

na labhyatE adhikArI vA SrOtukAmOpi vA narah //


enRatu viSvAsa-mahatthaiyum vilamba-akshamataiyum uDaiyanAna adhikAriyinuDaiya daurlabhyatthaiyE kATTukiRathu.


SwAmi Desikan first refers to such a doubt raised supposedly in the Paushkara samhita, as mentioned above. It says:


“O Brahma! No person will be available who is either qualified as per this (dvaya) mantra or for adopting prapatti by uttering this mantra. Nor can one be found even to listen to this mantra.â€


What is the implication of such a view? SwAmi Desikan explains it thus:

For performing prapatti, two aspects are essential. The first one is absolute faith. The second essential requirement is one should be keen to attain salvation. If one is not particular in attaining salvation in this birth itself but may want to consider it in any of his later births, it is useless. One should be eager to get salvation at least at the end of this very birth itself. It is very rare to find such persons having absolute faith and eagerness. This is what is indicated by the passages quoted above and not the absence of persons qualified for resorting to prapatti as a means for salvation.

After clearing the doubt thus, SwAmi Desikan explains why this mantra is called ‘dvayam’:

im-mantram svAdhikAratthaiyum sva-svarUpatthaiyum teLintavanukku sv-adhikAra-anurUpamAna upAyamenna, svarUpa-anurUpamAna purushArtham-enna, dESa-kAlAdi-paricchEda-rahita-mAna iv artha-dvayatthaik kATTukaiyAlE ‘dvayam’ enRu pEr peRRathu.

Why is this mantra called ‘dvayam’? SwAmi Desikan answers this query thus:

The term, ‘dvayam’, means two. It contains two parts. The first part indicates the means to be adopted and the second indicates the fruit obtained through such means and so, it gets the nomenclature, ‘dvayam’.

The means here is prapatti, surrender. A sensible person (jIvAtmA) may want relief from this miserable life and attain salvation, but realize his utter helplessness as he is unable to adopt the means like bhakti-yOgam etc., which are very difficult to practice. This absolute inability is known as ‘Akincanyam’ – a sense of wretchedness. That is, the state of total absence of self-confidence to act on his own. That is a feeling of incapacity to make any effort on his own to attain salvation, as he feels that adopting bhakti-yOga or jnAna-yOga is beyond his reach, though he desires to attain salvation. Such a person is the one who is really qualified for adopting prapatti.

He also comes to know that he is a natural Sesha - servant of the Lord. After getting this clear knowledge, he earnestly ponders on the means most suitable for him. He realizes that prapatti is the only option that is the most suitable for him under his present wretched condition. Besides, he also realizes that the only goal which is fitting to his nature is the perfect bliss in the Parampadam. Thus, the means as well as the final goal are both indicated by this mantra, ‘dvayam’..

For adopting the means of prapatti, there is no fixed qualification in the form of sex, caste, place or time etc. It can be performed anywhere, at any time.

There are no special conditions attached to getting the fruit of salvation in the form of a particular place or a particular time or for a particular sex, caste, class, rich or poor. Beyond this materialistic world, that is, samsAra, any muktAtma can enjoy the absolute bliss for any period of time, at any place of his or her choice.

Thus, as this mantra reveals both the means and the utmost objective, it is called ‘dvayam’.


(To continue)


anbil S.SrInivAsan


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