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Tributes to MahA Lakshmi : Part III

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SrI :


Dear Sri Devi BhakthAs :


Sri Sthuthi of Swamy Desikan has 25 beautiful

and powerful slOkams that on recitation confers

Sarva MangaLams (Ishta Kaamya Siddhi) to the reciter .


The Poetic Metre of SrI Sthuthi SlOkams


Swamy Desikan has set the First 24 of the 25 slOkams of Sri Sthuthi

in the MandhAkrAntha Metre and the 25th slOkam in the Maalini metre .


It is striking to note that Swamy Desikan chose the same MandhAkranthA

metre for the 24 Sri Sthuthi SlOkams that he elected for eulogizing

the Lord of Srirangam in the 12 slOkams of Sri Bhagavath DhyAna sOpAanam ;

latter is modelled after ThiruppANAzhwAr's dhivya Prabhandham of

AmalanAdhipirAn , which is an exquisite anubhavam of the soundharyam

of the Lord's ThirumEni from His sacred feet to His majestic crown .


Sri Sthuthi and PattAbhishEkam for Sri Devi as Sarva lOka Iswari



In a similar vein , Swamy Desikan praises the glories of Sri Devi

in the first 12 and the last twelve slOkas and right smack in the middle

( 13th sLokam ) positions a gem of an anubhavam of the PattAbhishEkam

of Sri Devi as Sarva Loka Iswari as described in Sri VishNu PurANam according to

Vaikunta Vaasi Sri V.N.SrirAma DesikAcchAr Swamy of Oppiliappan Sannidhi .


Six Topics Celebrated in Sri Sthuthi


Sri Devi's Svaroopam , ThirumEni Soundharyam , KalyANa guNams ,

Vibahavam , Archai and Iswaryam are celebrated in these 25 slOkams .


Her Three ArchA Forms


As LayArchA Moorthy , She takes Her place on the sacred chest of the Lord

and never ever leaves Him . There She stays as the Empress of the Lord and

pleads for Her Lord's forgivance of the multitudinous trespasses of

the chEtanams ( PurushakAram role ) ; next , She stays as the Means (UpAyam)

along with Her Lord during ChEtanan's Prapatthi and as Phalan for Moksham

that arises as a result of the Prapatthi performed .


As BhOga ArchA Moorthy , She stays by Her Lord's side .


As AdhikAra ArchA Moorthy , She stays at Her seperate Temple

(Sannidhi) without Her Lord .


The Kaamya Siddhi from reciting Individual slOkams of SrI Sthuthi



Each Of the 25 slOkams have their own power to grant specific wishes .

Scholars have summed up the power of these individual slOkams this way

in the AhObila Mata SampradhAyam :


1st SlOkam : MaanAtheetha --- For rise of all MangaLams


2nd SlOkam : AavirbhAva: ---- For gaining control over divine speech


3rd SlOkam : SthOthavyathvam ---- For fulfilment of what one desires


4th SlOkam : Yath Sankalpath ---- For the enrichment of one's DhyAnam


5th SlOkam : NishprathyUha --- For growth in VedAntha VidhyA


6th SlOkam: UddhEsyathvam--- For enhancing happiness of the Mind


7th SlOkam : Pasyantheeshu --- For landing high positions


8th SlOkam : AsyEsAnaa---For destruction of One's sins


9th SlOkam : ThvAmEvAhu: --- For enhanced recognition of one's name/Fame


10th SlOkam : AapannArTi ----For destruction of one's sorrows and fears


11th SlOkam : ---DhatthE SObhAm --- for gaining Her Lord's anugraham


12th SlOkam : AasamsAram --- For the blessings of a distinguished Education


13th SlOkam: AgrE Bharthu: --- for the fulfilment of Subha Kaaryams


14th SlOkam : AalOkyathvAm --- For neutralization of Curses


15th SlOkam : AarthathrANa -- For gaining everlasting wealth


16th SlOkam : yOgArambha ---- For the growth of one's Bhakthi


17th SlOkam: SrEyaskAmA : ---For attaining High Positions


18th SlOkam : Ureekarthum ---For conquering the vagaries of one's mind


19th SlOkam : JaathAkAnkshA --- For attachment to Dharmam


20th SlOkam : sEvE Devi ! --- For gainig Moksham


21st SlOkam : sAnuprAsa --- For destruction of physical/mental illnesses


22nd SlOkam : SampadhyanthE --- For removal of fears about SamsAram


23rd SlOkam : MaathA Devi ! --- For gaining Kaimkaryams ( Kaimkarya PrApthi)


24th SlOkam : KalyANAnAm --- For gaining all desired Phalans


25th SlOkam : Upachitha Guru BhakthE: ---For growth in AchArya Bhakthi


The Sanklapam for each of the slOkams for specific siddhi has to be

followed by :


SrImAn VenkatanATArya: KavitArkika Kesaree

VedAnthAchAryavaryO mE sannidhatthAm sadhA hrudhi


the SlOkam or the whole Sthuthi should be recited now .


The Japam should be completed with :


KavitArkika Simhasya KalyANaguNasAlinE

SrImathE VenkatEsAya VedAntha GuravE nama:


Periya PirAttiyAr ThriuvadigaLE SaraNam ,


SrImath Azhagiya Singar Thiruvadi ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan (SaThakOpan)



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