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Swamy Desika SahasranAmams : ( Thiruvaheendhrapuram MahA MaNtapa Kaimkaryam in fornt of Lord HayagrIvan's sannidhi):601-620 / Part IX

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Dear Swamy Desika BhakthAs :


We will study Twenty more of Swamy Desika Sahasra Naamams( 601- 620 ) today :


601.ParagOgrAsadhAnardhayEc nama:


(Meaning ): Salutations to the AchAryan , who accepted the importance of

GrAsa dhAnam ( giving a fistful of grass ) to other's cows .


gOgrAsam means presenting a cow with a mushti(fistful) of green grass.

It yields important phalans.This is from VaishNava dharma Saasthram . In Sri


kalpa manthram , it is explained that if the cow is pleased , BhagavAn Gopalan

is pelased . JayAkhya Samhithai states that the Lord resides in Sooryan ,

Chandran ,

Cow , Pupil tree (Aswattham) , Agni , Guru . Therefore giving food (grass) for

the Cow is to be considered as Bhagavath AarAdhana roopam .


602. abhiyAna svaroopavidhE nama:


(Meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan , who was fully familiar with

the Svaroopam of Abhigamanam , the first of the PanchakAla PrakriyA .


Abhigamanam means " senRu adaivathu " (travelling to arrive ).

In NikshEpa chinthAmaNi , Thirukkudanthai Desikan describes

the Svaroopam of Abhigamanam as the prayer : " From this moment

(after getting up) ,adiyEn seeks the protection of the Lord and perform

SaraNAgathy to Him for conductance of the day's anushtAnams and

Kaimkaryams " .This prayer seeks suddhi (purity ) of maind , speech

and body for perfroming Japam , DhyAnam , archanam and SthOthram

and this is " seNradaithal " or Abhigamanam. To perform nithyAnushtAnam

in this manner , one has to prostrate before the Lord , perform Prapatthi and


Fruit , Flower or atleast anjali to the Lord. This is Abhigamanam .


603. upAdhAnAkhya samayavEthrE nama:


(Meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan , who knew the time boundaries

for UphAdhAnam , the second portion of Pancha Kaala PrakriyA .


UpAdhAnam follows Abhigmaanam .This time boundary for UphAdhAna

(Sangava Kaalam ) is between 8.25 to 10.48 A.M ). During this time , the


of material for Bhagavath AarAdhanam ( Flowers , fruits , Sandalwood paste ,

clothing et al ).One also prepares one's mind for fitness to perform AarAdhanam



604. upAdhana mantra vidhE nama:


(Meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan , who knew of the Manthram

(asthra manthram) for picking flowers for AarAdhanam . For TuLasi

picking , there is a visEsha Manthram starting with ' TuLasyamrutha janmaa.. " .


605. hEyOpAdhEya dEvArTa sumAdhi dhravya vEdhithrE nama:


(Meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan ,who was fully familiar with the flowers

that can be used in Bhagavath AarAdhanam and those , which are not permitted .


Acceptable are : White and fragrant ones ( TuLasi , Lotus , Jaathi Mallikai ,

CheNpakam , two kinds of nandhyAvattai , Kumudham , Kaattumalli , VaguLam

et al) .Flowers to be avoided are : " PalAsam , Kaattu Vaazhai , Tamirand ,


from poisonous trees , Marutha tree , from trees growing at four corners ,

smasAnam and trees that have been hit by lightning et al) .


606. svArjithatAraNya -moolyakreetha yaachitha guNAdhividhE nama:


(Meaning ) : Salutations to the AchAryan , who knew the differences in

among the guNams and dhOshams of mataerial (1)assembled from his own earnings ,

(2)acquired from the forest and (3) acquired by Yaachanam ( alms) from others .


It is the best practise to assemble flowers , fruits etc grown in the garden of

one's own house . This is Utthamam.Collecting from forests is next in guNam .

Purchasing from some one for a price is adhamam ( low in guNam); that

which is acquired by begging is the lowest in value (adhamAdhamam) .


607. SumanOgatha satthvAdhi kruthOpAdhana hAnakAya nama:


(Meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan , who instructed us on the Phalans

resulting from worship with flowers of different colors .


Mallikai and other white flowers with fragrance are Saatthvic flowers and

yield the highest phalans . Red flowers like Rose , Poorcchai are Raajasic

flowers and yield half the phalan of worshipping with Saathvic flowers .

Taamasic flowers are those with black color like VishNugrAntham ;they yield half

the Phalan given by Raajasic flowers . Yellow, Green and Blue colored flowers


variations of Saathvic flowers , which are preferred for Bhagavath AarAdhanam .


608. thiTi-bhEdhAdhi niyatha-pushpabhEdhAdhi SaadhakAya nama:


(Meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan , who revealed to us the kinds

of flowers to be used in different thithis of the Month ( 15 for Sukla and 15


KrishNa paksham) .


NandhyAvardhakam is to be used during SangramaNam ; UpanandhyAvargam

during ayanam ; TuLasi is recommedned for Vishu Kaalam . Maximum phalans

are gained by the use of the right flowers .


609. dhivA-niSA-dEvayAga-vyAptha soonavisEshavidhE nama:


(Meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan , who knew about the different

flowers to be offered for the Morning and the evening AarAdhanam for

the Lord ( Ijyai and Paanaka AarAdhanam in Ahobila Matam tradition) .


One has to offer the flowers that bloom during the day for Morning

worship and the flowers that blom in the evening for the evening

worship .


610 . SaasthrAnumatha SishtAgrAhya PushpAdhi nivArakAya nama :


(Meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan who did not choose the flowers

that are permitted by SaasthrAs but rejected by sishtAchAram (the codes of

conduct of Elder VaidhikAs) .


Those flowers which had been smelled by others , those which bloomed in

the unacceptable places , those which have been attacked by insects and those

which have been touched by people with asoucham (Theettu) --these flowers

can not be accepted for Bhagavath ArAdhanam even if these flowers are

accepted by SaasthrAs like Mallikai , Rose etc .


611. gruhAlayArchA-niyatha vaasa : pushpAdhi(kusuma) bhEdhavidhE nama:


(Meaning) : Salutations to the AchAryan , who knew about the appropriate

Vasthrams and Pushpams that should be used for AarAdhanam at homes

and at the Temples.


For the ArchA Moorthys at the Temple , we hold the silk Vasthrams and

the new clothings over fragrant dhUpam and then present them to the Moorthys.

For Gruha archA Moorthy , only white vasthram is presented . At one's home ,

there are no red flowers presented except Lotus and KalhAram (Senkazhuneer) .

All the other white flowers allowed are fine to present .


612 . srang-mAlA bhEdhadhrusE nama:


(Meaning) : Salutations to the AchAryan , who knew the difference between

the two kinds of garlands known as Maalai and srang .


Maalai is the garland assembled with one kind of flower .

Srang is the long flower garland with many kinds of allowed flowers .


It is better to present a garland than loose flowers to the Lord.

It is even better to have the large multicolored garland (Srang).


613. soothragraTithaadhi nishEdhakAya nama:


(Meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan , who pointed out that one can not

use the cotton thread in hte construction the garlands . Only dried banana tree

barks are to be used for garlands to be presented to the Lord .


Flowers set aside for the Lord's use should not be spoken ill off

and portions of that assembly should not be used for personal use .


614. BhagavathyAga varjYOpAdhEya aabharaNa SOdhakAyA nama:


(Meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan , who instructed us on what kind of

jewelery (AabharaNams) are appropriate for presenting to the Lord .


Golden and gem-studded jewelery are free from dhOshams .

Those jewelery can be presented . The gem stones with dhOshams

should not be included in the AabharaNams . That worn and enjoyed by

humans before should not be presented to the Lord without consecration .


615. PrANyanga surabhidhravya upayOga vyAkruthikshamAya nama:


(Meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan , who can explain the special

significance of fragrances originating from the body of particular animals .


KasthUri , Mrugha Madham are unique fragrances that can be used on the body

of the Lord for His pleasure . They should not however be used as sprinklings to

DhUpam .


616. hEyOpaadhEya mukuLpathrAnkura vichArakAya nama:


(Meaning) : Salutations to the AchAryan, who has researched the acceptable

and unacceptable categories of the buds (MukuLam) , the leaves( pathram)

and shoots ( ankuram) in Bhagavadh AarAdhanam .


Among Buds , only Uthpala pushpam's unopened buds(MukuLams)

are fit to use . Among leaves , only those of TuLasi , PalAsam and Aswattham

can be used . Among ankurams , those of Wheat , green gram , black gram et al

can be used .


617. dhinadhvayAparyushitha kusumOkthi vichakshaNAya nama:


(Meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan , who pointed out the flowers

for usage beyond two days ( Uthpalam and Lotus , which grow in water) .

Rest of the flowers fade after one day .


618. BhOjarAjAdhyuktha kaala pushpa-bhEdha vichArakAya nama:


(Meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan , who instructed us on the proper

flowers to be used according to the different time divisions of the day .


These combinations are : Sangava Kaalam: Sunrise to 5 Naazhikais

thereafter ( pushpam recommended for that Thithi ); Sama Kaalam :

the 10 Naazhikais after Sangavam ( Lotus Flowers) ; VishNu Priya Kaalam

( Five Naazhikais after Sama Kaalam ( Karaveera Pushpam) ; Dharma Kaalam:

the next 5 Naazhikai ( Kumudham) ; VirAga Kaalam : the subsequent five


( Bilva leaves) . These specific recommendations were made King BhOjA in his


" PrayOga Paddhathi RathnAvaLi " . This prayOgam has to fit within the Saasthraic

rules for the specific pushpams for the different portions of the day .


619. grAhyamoolagrahithrE nama:


(Meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan , who identified the roots

that can be used in Bhagavath AarAdhanam ( Useeram : Vetti vEr ).


620. dhUpa-dheepa dhravya vEdithrE nama:


(Meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan , who spelled out the dhravyams

that can be used for DhUpam and Dheepam .


The shavings & powders from the logs of DevadhAru , ahil and Sandal wood

alone can be used as DhUpam on smokeless flame . Dheepam has to be limited to

cow's ghee or seasme seed oil .


Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan KOil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


P.S : Please participate in the MahA Mantapa Kaimkaryam

at Lord HayagrIvan's sannidhi at Thiruvaheendhrapuram .




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