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Few Copies of AchArya RaamAnujA CD ROM are left !

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Dear BhakthAs :


The Informative CD ROM on AchArya RaamAnuja , His Vaibhavam ,

SrI Sookthis , AarAdhanam for Lord VaradarAjan of Kaanchi

and the anugraha BhAshaNam of HH SrImath Azhagiya Singar

is a VaishNavite collectors' item that I want to bring it to your

attention during this holiday season.


Please contact me if you wish to acquire a copy for

your family .







Wednesday, December 24, 2003 10:44 AM

Emailing: irscd.htm




International Ramanuja Society, USA






A pioneering CD-ROM on the life and works of Bhagawan Ramanuja


Opening Screen

Main Screen


Life History








Purchase Info




Works of Azwars




This multi media presentation focuses on the greatness of

Ramanujacharya, his lige and works. It is a remarkable work that excels in its

grandeur, and depicts Bhagavan Ramanuja precisely as He was.




Opening Screen


The Opening Screen begins with a verse sung in traditional Indian

Classical style. The visual is in accordance with the meaning of the verse whose

meaning is as follows :

" The sun called Ramanujacharya rose, in this world, to dispel the

darkness of sin and to make the lotus of virtue and righteousness bloom " . This

verse very concisely tells us the main aim of the appearence of Ramanujacharya.




Main Menu Screen



The Menu Screen shows the different menus that leads the user to different

parts of the software. In the middle is the photograph of the image of Sri

Ramanujacharya, from Sriperumbudur, near Chennai in South India, the place of

His appearence. This image too, almost life-size, is very significant and truly

portrays His divine presence. In fact tradition tells us that He Himself

acknowledged that the image portrayed all His features and was most fit to be

worshipped by all His devotees.




The presentation has five mail sections,


Charitram - Life History of Sri Ramanujacharya

Granthamala - Works of Ramanujacharya

Vaibhavam - Anecdotes depicting the greatness of Ramanujacharya

Aradhanam -Performing of Pooja according to the instructions of


Vinodah - Fun (Four sections viz. Quiz, Video(1), Video(2) and



Charitram(Life History ) - This section shows the life of Sri

Ramanuja in six different subsections, Incarnation, Ramanuja's formative years,

Ramanuja's spiritual quest, Ramanuja and Srirangam, Ramanuja at Tirumalai and

The retreval of Tirunarayanapuram. Audiovisual effects in the motion picture in

each section, elevate the viewers to a rich vibrant state of spiritual ecstasy.


Granthamala(Works of Ramanujacharya) - This section is dedicated to

the nine works of Sri Ramanujacharya. The order of the works are according to

the chronology in which they were composed by him. Each work of his is presented

in a nutshell with audios of shlokas sung in a traditional manner. Further, a

narration lets the user more about the essence of each work.



Vaibhavam (Anecdotes depicting the greatness of Ramanujacharya) -

This section deals with incidents that depict an anecdote of Bhagavan Ramanuja.

The shloka which is sung in the background, gives a list of holy places, like

Srirangam, Kancheepuram and so on, which Ramanujacharya patronised with great

devotion, and are of great importance to all Srivaisnavas

Aradhanam(Performing of Pooja according to the instructions of

Ramanujacharya) This section instructs the users about the procedure to perform

Pooja or worship (popularly known as Aradhana) of the Lord, as instructed by

Ramanujacharya. The Pooja, as Ramanujacharya says, has six main components, plus

two preliminary sections. Audiovizuval instructions and explanations are

provided for each step .

Vinodah(Fun) (Four sections viz. Quiz, Video(1), Video(2) and

Website-connection) The video section presents the Tirumanjanam of Bhagavan

Ramanuja, and theVairamudi Utsavam of the lord at Thirunarayanapuram. Web sites

connected to Srivaishnavism and an Online quize also entertain the viewers.










Purchase Information

This invaluble presentaiton cost just $25. To purchase this CD-ROM, Please



Dr.V. Sadagopan. sgopan






Viewers feedback on Acharya Ramanuja CD-ROM


Balaji C.G

Browsing through Acharya Ramanuja CD-ROM was a great experience. The

presentations, the renderings and the music are all excellent.


The Charitram, though concise, highlights the most important phases in the

life of Bhagavad Ramanuja. The animations have been well handled. The

GranthamAla section is one of the highlights of the CD-ROM, I feel. All the Sri

Sookthi-s of Sri Ramanuja are presented in a way, that can inspire many to learn

more about them through kAlaksepam-s, sathsangam-s etc.


The AchArya Vaibhavam, I feel is something very important for a shishya to

know. The episodes selected for this section are again very apt. The first

episode, which depicts a milkmaid who performs SaraNAgati, reiterates the

importance of an AchArya for a person to perform SaraNAgati. PerumAL is ready to

accept anybody unconditionally to His abode, with just one word from the

AchArya. I also feel it upholds the importance of AchArya vAk.


The second episode similarly upholds the significance of an AchArya as a

" mArgadarshaka: " , I liked the first one a lot. The ArAdhanam procedures are very

finely represented. It is very easy for anybody to learn Bhagavad ArAdhanam with

the material presented. Dr. NSA was very much impressed and said that it is a

well-researched presentation and was very happy to see the glories of Ramanuja

being spread to the world through the electronic media. He also said that he

remembers seeing certain portions of the CD-ROM at Thirunarayanapuram, where

Sriman Alwar had given a presentation earlier. He was very happy to know that, a

second project of the same kind " Azhwars and 108 Divya Desams " , is already in

the making, and has wished every success in all such future projects and divine



Govindarajan T. R.


It is an extremely hard work to bring out a CD of this kind on the great

Acharya. The effort is tremendous. Please keep doing this service to Sri

Vaishnava community.


Jayakrishna Vijayaraghavan.


The CD ROM is very informative in terms of performing aradhana and also

giving details about our acharya Bhagwan Shri Ramanujar. It is indeed a real

Compact disc carrying a plethora of information on Sri Vaishnavism. I was really

happy to listen to all the aradhana part. All these days I was illiterate to

many procedures and this CD has certainly opened my eyes to a wealth of

information. I am not sure whether it was intended to be slow and steady, but in

some areas the video is quite slow but nevertheless it helps to observe what is

being done more closely. In all the CD-ROM is definitely an asset for all Sri

Vaishnavas and I would highly recommend it to each and every bhakta in our group

and outside our group. I would greatly support the cause for many more of such

kind of CD's.




I browsed through the CD Rom last night. It is fantastic. It is very

informative, and very aesthetically done. The musical rendering is very good. I

also noticed Chowdaiya in one of the instrumental sections. Another instrumental

section seemed to feature the pkhawaj and the surmandal -. The sketches are

tastefully done. Also, the image of Tirunarayanar is beautiful. I was expecting

more images from Tirukkoshtiyur, Tirupperumpudoor etc.




I had gifted an extra CD that i had got of Acharya Ramanuja to boston koil

balaji bhattar. He is extremely enthusiastic about the way things have been done

in the CD. He had said many times " romba pramadhama irukkuda lakshminarasimha "

from his heart.


Madhavakkannan V


Your mamooth kaimkaryam and that of Sri MA Alwar, for this CD ROM on

AchAryan Sri Ramanuja, sponsopred also by Sri Ahobila Mutt, is one of the

greatest kaimkaryams to future generations of Srivaishnavam. AchAryan - There

can never be one - there never will be one equal to our AchAryan Emperumaanaar.


Swamy Desikan says beautifully: The clouds are like Emperumaan. Both are

black; Both are merciful showering evey where with no partiality. Both roar with

thunderous sound (Emperumaan with His Conch shell). Both have that beautiful

lightning (Sriya: Pathi has that " minnal kodi " Periya PiraaTTi). Cloud takes the

water from from the oceans and showers. Where does Emperumaan get His dayA. From

none other than Emperumaanaar Sri Ramanuja.. who used to go running from the

well to Sri Varadarajan sannidhi, trying to do " theertha kaimkaryam " as much as

he could. That is how Emperumaan has got " never-ceasing " waters (dayA) with him

(as given by " dayaika sindhO: " Sri Ramanujacharya) that shower on us always.

What an anubhavam of Swamy Desikan! May Divya Dampathi shower their dayA on us

as always.




Srimad Ramanuja's CD-ROM was exceptional. Our million thanks to all the

devotees who have put in their efforts for the successful completion of the



Saranga Kidambi


The CD-ROM on Acharya Ramanuja is just fantastic and hats off to the

wonderful job done by you and your partner I have been studying a Telugu book on

Alwars biographies (written sometime>in early 1900s). This book has help me

understand and appreciate my predecessors. If I can accomplish something of the

magnitude of their hair tip, I feel that the reason for my existence on this

earth is fulfilled.


Sampath Rengarajan


Athma sambhandam


adiyEn is reminded of this pasuram of Swami Desikan.


thEsamelaa mukanthidavE perumpoo thoorir

siththiraiyi laathirai naaL vanthu thOnRikkaasinimEl vaathiyarai

venRa rangar

kathiyaaka vaazhntharuLu mEthiraasaamun

poosurarkOn Riruvarangath thamutha naarunponnadimE lanthaathi

yaakap pORRip

pEsiya naR kaliththuRai nooR Rettup paatum

" pizhaiyaRavE " yenak karuL sey pENi neeyE - Swami Sri




As per his niyamanam, thiruvarangaththamudanaar, served sri

kooraththaazhwaan as his sishyan and also delivered the " thodarbu " or smbandham

that Sri bAshyakArar and AzhwAr's paasurams in " kattaLaik kalith thuRai " (a

poetic style) and in " anthAthi " meter with 108 paasurams. As Similar to that

this CD is bringing out our Athma sambhandam with Bagawath Sri Ramanujar. I pray

that Such special nool, slOkam etc be understood clearly and prayed upon with

thehelp of this CD in many illams.






Shyamsundar Sreenivasan


Viewing the CD-ROM give me immense pleasure and I was awestruck by the

excellent art work and multi-media effects on those arts. The charithram of Sri

Ramanuja is very clear and concise enough to capture the full attention of the

listeners. I think, the size of those stories is concise and very nice.


Venkatakrishnan (I.V.K. CHARY)


I have installed the cd on my pc and have gone through it many times

frame-by-frame. Each and every screen is a visual delight and pleasant to the

ear also. CONGRATULATIONS to you and all others associated in conceiving,

designing and producing this excellent product. Srivaishnava community is

indebted to you all for this yeoman service.


Samplings of Feedbacks on the AchArya RaamAnujA CD ROM


(1) " -- the CD ROM on the Life of Sri Ramanuja has a great section

on AarAdhanam. The graphics and the accompanying audio sections as well as the

text are excellent and " user Friendly " .Even my teen age son (who just turned 19

thought it was " awesome " . I am saying this because we know, how difficult it is

to impress teen age children these days. It is so important to use relevant

technology to impart understanding of our tradition. Truly , education imparting

knowledge of one's heritage is one of the primary DharmAs in a pluralistic and

secular world. This CD ROM is a venture that has been truly an enterprising one

trying to make aspects of our great tradition accessible to a whole new

generation of people in India and in the diaspora "


... Bhakthai from Florida.


(2) " The CD ROM and its graphics , the music , the commentaries are

all superb and sublime. I am dumbfounded by the intense dedication with which

the developers have produced this interactive , multimedia edition "


.. Bhakthar from Massachusetts.


(3) " Congratulations to all the developers! I was quite stunned by

the superlative quality of the presentation on ThiruvArAdhanam. This section

will be a boon to those aspiring to learn or verifying these procedures "


... Bhakthar from New Jersey.


(4) " This Kaimkaryam is mamooth. One of the most important

Kaimkaryam to the generations of SrivaishNavaas "


..Bhaktharfrom Singapore


(5) " Every Sri VaishNavA family should get one copy and show it to

the children , so that they can learn about their glorious heritage "


..Bhakthar from New Jersey.


(6) " Lord VaradarAjA in the background in the AarAdhanam section is

indeed a great choice ( Kanchi PerumAL was dear to both Sri Ramanuja and Swamy

Desikan; they were born in nearby agrahArams " )


..Bhakthar from New York.


(7) " Truly wonderful creation! We have been enjoying it very much .

our heartfelt gratitude for sharing so much of your time and knowledge in

producing this CD ROM "


..Bhakthar from Texas


(8) " This CD ROM is simply superb. Presentation is excellent. I

like the CD Very much. I am not able to fully appreciate the recitations from

Sri RaamAnujA's original texts in Sanskrit. I am learning Sanskrit now and hope

to be able to appreciate the recitations one day at a much higher level "


.. Bhakthar from Canada


(9) " Thanks for your excellent Kaimkaryam of making EmperumAnAr's

life and granthams accessible to common folks "


.. Bhakthar from Chennai , India


Dr. V Sadagopan


Both Dr.Alwar and myself are heartened by the favorable responses ,

constructive criticisms , changes and suggestions for additional work . We

recognize the problems of intercontinental coordination, multiple revisions ,

some affected accent in pronouncing AchArya RaamAnujA's name properly inspite of

many rehearsals and other dhrushti dhOshams. All in all, we have done our best

given the circumstances and thank every one of You , who have supported this

novel venture of using new media to present our ancient sampradhAyam to reach

out across the generational gap. Seeking AchArya RaamAnujA's and our current

AchAryA's blessings for future endeavours,


Daasan , OppilA-appan Kovil Varadachari Sadagopan


Send your feedback





* Life and works of Azwars *




A pioneering CD-Rom on the life and works of Azwars is under production


For more details contact - Dr.V. Sadagopan. sgopan






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