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Swamy Desika SahasranAmams : ( Thiruvaheendhrapuram MahA MaNtapa Kaimkaryam in fornt of Lord HayagrIvan's sannidhi):621-630, Part X

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Dear Swamy Desika BhakthAs :


We will study Ten more of Swamy Desika Sahasra Naamams( 621- 630 ) today :


621) DasA visEshAnumathArjanaOpAya visEsha vidhE nama:


Salutations to the Acharyan , who was knowledgable about the specific

means permitted for Brahmins to acquire dhravyam .


There are 3 main ways in which a Brahmin is permitted to earn money :

(1) performance of Yaagams/Yaajanam (2) adhyApanam/ teaching the VedAs

and (3) Prathigraham ( accepting dhAnams) . Prathigraham has a lot of

restrictions .


As Manu has declared , in times of emergency , Brahmin can accept other

means prescribed for other VarNAs for sustaining life and should revert to their

own , when dharmAs once the crisis is over ( aapathsu anantharA vrutthi: ) .


622) Sarvaprathigra vyAptha Mau nirNaya kOvidhAya nama:


(meaning): Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who focused on the important

manthram to be used at all Prathigrahams (recieving dhAnams) .


A brahmin can accept dhravyam (Funds/upakaraNams) for Bhagavath

AarAdhanam given by anyone .SaasthrAs state however the protocols

and restrictions (niyamams) for acceptance of of such dhAnams .Yama

Dharma Raajan has instrcuted us on a manthram to be used on such

occasions .Both the reciever of the dhAnam and giver has to say :

" Achyutha: priyathAm " to free themselves from any sins of recieving

Prathigraham .It is valid for all occasions of prathigraham ( emergency or

routine times ) . There is also another manthram , which starts with

" PrathigruhNAthu " that needs to be used .


623) Yathi pushpa grahOpAya viSadheekaraNa kshamAya nama:


(Meaning):Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who revealed the means for

SanyAsis to assemble Flowers , fruits et al .


SanyAsis are strictly prohibited from directly assembling fruits , flowers etc.

If they do , then they have to iniate PrAyascchittham . Others have to assemble


for the SanyAsi to perform their AarAdhanams . If there are no one available to

assemble these upakaraNams , then the SanyAsi has to present the fruits and

flowers et al in the form of water ( Jala roopam ).


624) poojAdhyahArhAnthara Aathmeeya guNopAdhAna sAdhakAya nama:


(Meaning): Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who enlightened us on

the acquisition of Aathma guNams for acquiring fitness (Yogyathai)

to perform Bhagavath AarAdhanam.


Just as one assembles external dhravyams for the AarAdhanam ,

one has to cultivate inner (aathma) guNams as well . Some of the

aathma guNmas required are (1) Freedom from ego (2) AchArya

Kaimkaryam (3) Sath sangam . Cultivation of Aathma guNams is

part and parcel of the items to be acquired during UpAdhAnam .


625) BhAshyakArOktha nithyAkhyagranTa-vyAkaraNakshamAya nama:


(meaning): Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who had the expertise to

expand on Bhagavath RaamAnujA's nithyam (nithya grantham or dinasari) .


Swamy Desikan describes Abhigamanam and UpAdhanam first and now

starts on Ijyai according to the way in which RaamAnujA explained in

His nithysa grantham .


626) IjyA-kAla visEshaj~nAya nama:


(meaning): Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who knew the exact time

in which Ijyai has to be performed and the significance of the IjyA kaalam .


This time bracket is between 10.40 AM to 1.18 PM ( Third portion of the day :

from 12 Naazhikai to 18 Naazhukai ) .


627) IjyA prAdhanya sAdhakAya nama:


(Meaning): Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who established the importance

of Ijyai among all anushtAnams .


Ijyai is BhagavadhArAdhana roopam . Like VaiswadEvam , it must be done

daily without fail .It is the root for all kriyAs .


628) ParamaikAnthi sabdhArTa tanniBhandhana vEdhithrE nama:


(Meaning): Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who gave us the meaning

for the term ParamaikAnthi and why one becomes(aspires to become)

a ParamaikAnthi .


Definition 1: YekAnthi is one , who is of the firm mind that BhagavAn alone

is UpAyam for Moksham . ParamaikAnthi is one , who does not seek

any phalans from the Lord and considers that the Supreme PurushArTam

is to attain the Lord .


Another definition is : yEkAnthi is one , who is assured that the Lord is

the Supreme dEvathai ( Para dEvathai). ParamaikAnthi is the one , who

has the conviction that the Lord alone is PrApyam and PrApakam

( Reaching Him is Parama PurushArTam and for attaining Him , he alone

is the UpAyam ).


One becomes a ParamaikAnthi by performing KaalakshEpam under

a SadAchAryan and comprehending that Bhagavan alone is

the Supreme One among all the DevathAs . After that one does not have

any desire of bhakthi for ithara dEvathAs.Afterwards , the ParamaikAnthi

learns also that " Bhagavaan alone is the most delectable/Parama bhOgyan) .

He will cease interest in other prayOjanams and will offer the fruits of all

phalans of KarmAs to the Lord Himself .


629) yathyanyadEva poojAdhi mAhAdhOsha prasAdhakAya nama:


(Meaning) : Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who declared that worship of

anya dEvathAs is a great dhOsham for SanyAsis .


Yathis have to worship VIshNu and VishNu alone at all times . Swamy Desikan

states that this dictum is applicable to the members of the three Aasramams.


630) paramaikAnthi sandhrushtAnyadEva nathi BhAdhakAya nama:


(Meaning): Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who stopped ParamaikAthis

from offering worship to anya DEvathAs .


Question : Some SaasthrAs say that ParamaikAnthi should not worship ithara

dhaivams . Other SaasthrAs say that any one who does not salute the vigraham of

Ithara dhaivams passing in front of him has to perform fasting due to the sins

arising from not saluting . Which is right ?


Answer : ParamaikAnthi should not offer praNAmams to any dhaivam

other than Sriman NaarAyaNan . This is a visEsha dharmam for ParamaikAnthis .

Others have the saamAnya dharmam of offering salutations to ithara dhaivams

appearing before them . Pradhibuddhan ( One who has the awkening befititng

a ParamaikAnthi) should offer His salutations to BhagavAn and His parivArams

( Anantha , Garuda , VishvaksEnAdhis) and not to other devathais , who are

Karma vasyALs like him .


Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan KOil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


P.S : Please participate in the MahA Mantapa Kaimkaryam

at Lord HayagrIvan's sannidhi at Thiruvaheendhrapuram :











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