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Srimad Villivalam Periya Swami( SrI VedAntha VaavadhUka Swami) : Part IX ( SatyakAma StaBakam: slOkams 1-25)

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SrimatE Lakshmi Nrusimha ParabrahmaNE Nama:


SrimatE RaamAnujAya Nama:


SrimatE VedAnta GuuravE Nama:


SrimadhbhyAm Sriranga SaThakOpa SrI VedAnta Desika YathIndhra Mahaa DesikAbhyAm



SrimatE VedAnta VaavadhUka SrI NarayaNAchArya MahAvidhushE Nama:


Third StaBakam: SatyakAma StaBakam


This third of the four staBakams covers (1)the rise in stature of Sri

Villivalam Periya Swamy as a VedAnthic Scholar and Acharyan , (2)his appointment

as the distinguished Faculty in Vedantham at Benares Sarva KalAsAlaa , (3)his

stay in Kaasi for ten years,(4)his dakshiNa dhivya dEsa MangaLAsAsanams ,(5) his

help to grow Sri Nrusiumha Priya , MalOla Vidhvath Sabhaa and Veda Saastra

KalAsAlaa at MadhurAntakam (6) the invitation by HH MukkUr Azhagiya Singar to

swamy to become His successor to Ahobila Matam AastAnam .


SlOkam 1


VaishNavOnyam VaishNavanchEth-

paSyEthsadhyO namaScharEth


ithi neetim nijAchArE bhAvayannayamaidhata


(Meaning): It is the custom for a VaishNavan on seeing another VaishNavan to

prostrate before him( namasSccharEth). Villivalam Periya Swamy put this niyati (

neeti) in his way of life .


SlOkam 2:


SrIsthalE Bhagavata: purata: SrI RangakArijayateeD svasabhAyAm


sthAnayOgyavidhushAm varamEnam bhAvinam hi viSadheekurutE sma


(Meaning): Srimad InjimEdu Azhagiya Singar announced in front of MalOlan at

the sabhAs of two dhivya dEsams of ThiruninRavUr and ThirucchAnUr that

Villivalam Periya Swamy is the first among the VidvAns to succeed Him as the

next Azhagiya Singar .


(Comments): Srimad InjimEdu Azhagaiya Singar proudly announced the fitness

of Villivalam Periya Swamy (sthAnayOgya vidhushAm varam) to adorn the Nrusimha

AasthAnam after him before MalOlan ( Bahagavata: Purata:) . This was when

MalOlan was blessing His devotees with His sEvai during the Vidhvath Sadas at

ThiruninRavUr as well as at ThirucchAnUr . InjimEdu Azhagiya Singar had such a

high esteem for Swamy that He considered Swamy as the best among qualified to

succeed him .


SlOkam 3


panchatrimSadh-vayaskOapi panchakAla



padham mEanantaram sOyamalankartEt-



(Meaning): HH InjimEdu Azhagiya Singar stated that this 35 year old Swamy

from Villivalam will adorn the SrI Matam AchArya Peetam after Him and will shine

as an exemplary PanchakAla

PaarAyaNar and perfrom AarAdhanams for MalOlan ( padham mE anantaram



SlOkam 4


sarvEapi sannidhE SishyA: santamEnam tatOavidhan


tadheeya savidhE granthAnSuSUshava upAsata


(Meaning): The Sannidhi SishyAs understood well the scholarship of

Villivalam Periya Swamy and prostrated before him to be blessed with the bhAgyam

of sampradhAya Grantha KaalakshEpams.


SlOkam 5


sabhAsvanuttaram vachO vibhAvya paNditAdhrutam


yaSassamasta bhAraTEatanOth praphullamadhbhutam


sukASyadhishiDatO mahAkAlAlayOvruNOdhimam


yatee vareeya samprahAyatattvaBhOdakam gurum


(Meaning): The PanditAs praised the unique vidvath of Swamy . His name and

fame blossomed all over bhaarata dEsam . The prestigious Kaasi SarvakalAsAla

appointed him to a Faculty position to teach Bhagavth RaamAnuja SiddhAntam there



SlOkam 6


chaturbhujasya pAdhataSchaturmukhasya hastayO:


skhalatpadhAm bhavOttamAngasEvitAm



viyannadheem samASrayanvyatheeta-




mumOdha bhaktimAn


(Meaning): At Kaasi , the river GangA ( dEva Gangai) flows ; it arose from

the holy feet of Chathurbhuja NaarAyaNan during His avatAram as Trivikraman ; it

flowed on next to the hands of Chathurmuka Brahma and from there entered the

matted locks of Lord SivA to become Deva GangA .With the sacred waters of that

Deva GangA , Swamy performed His nithya-anushtAnams and destroyed all his poorva

karmAs and became joyous over his good fortune.


SlOkam 7





jhAanavee-salilamASrayan-sadhA prApa

tushDi-pathaseema sAttvika:


(Meaning): Our Saattvika Swamy reached the limit of joy thru the usage of

the sacred GangA water for bathing, drinking and for use in Bhagavad AarAdhanam

during his stay at Kaasi .


For all prescribed Ahnika kAryams for the day ( nityAnushtAnams) , Swamy

used " Jaahnavi Salilam " ( GangA water) and as a result achieved tushti patham

( the limit of Bliss) .


SlOkam 8


swAminOadhbhutatarAm manOhareem



uttarAbhijanaSAstrAvallabhA: veekshya

nissamamudham prapEdhirE


(Meaning): The Mahaa VidwAns from the north experienced the enchanting and

uplifting style of Saastra pravachanam of our Swami and had a great joy.


The Scholars of the northern part of Bhaarata dEsam are saluted here as

" UttarAbhijana SaastravallabhA: " .The

wonderful Saastra BhOdhanam of our Swami was percieved by the Northern

scholars as having an enchanting and unique style( Swamina: adhbhuta taram

manOharI ViSuddha-dhOraNee Sastra BhOdhanam ).


SlOkam 9


vismitA: pravachanEna sasmitA:

dESbhEdamapi naiva mEnirE


sarva yEva sakuDumBabhAvanA-souhrudEna vinayAth sishivirE


(Meaning): Uplifted and wonder struck (VismitA:) by the Pravachanams of

Swamy ( pravachanEna sasmitA: ) , the Northern Scholars felt close kinship with

him and considered our Swamy as one of their own family and treated him with

great reverence . There was no feelings of dEsa bhEdham ( as towards an outsider

) .


SlOkam 10


dakshiNAgata janAnsadakshiNam daksha

yEsha viBhudhO dinE dinE


sOpachAramanukampayAcharyan sarvadhA pravachanE matimdadhou


(Meaning): Our Swamy offered dakshiNai to visiting scholars from dakshiNa

dEsam to Kaasi , performed athiti satkAram for them and was engaged daily with

utsAham in VedAntha Pravachanam .


SlOkam 11




granthalEkhanamanEna pADanam poojanam cha parivartitam kramAth


(Meaning): Swamy had no slackness in researching on literature regarding the

Aastika mArgam and he devoted all of his time in creation of new granthams (

grantha nirmANam) , teaching SrI Sookthis ( Pravachanam) and performance of

Bhagavad AarAdhanam ( Poojanam) .


SlOkam 12


ananyasulabham yaSa: dhraviNamapyanantArchanaa-

prayOjakamavApyasan paramahrushDa bhaktOanisam


daSABdha samayam dhrutam gamayati sma kASyAm mahA-

kalAlayapadhE parE tanurabhUccha rugNA tata:


(Meaning): Our Swamy spent ten happy years at Kaasi and became the object of

matchless name and fame ( ananya sulabham YaSa:) ; he gained adequate wealth for

Bhagavad AarAdhanam and felt fulfilled. Time went by fast .All of the stresses

and strains of his tireless,

decade-long efforts at Kaasi vijayam began to affect his health(

tanur-abhUccha rugNA tata:) .


slOkam 13:


aviratakAryakalApai: asvasthOayam KalAlayAdhvirata:


dhivyai: sUribhireDyE dhivyArchArUpa-sEvanE nirata:


(Meaning): The ceaseless engagements in Pravachanam , BhOdhanam and Bhagavad

AarAdhanam took a toll on Swamy's health . He decided to retire from the

unceasing demands on his time and energy at Kaasi and planned to retire ; he

longed to visit Dakshina dhivya dEsams celebrated by the AzhwArs and enjoy the

archA Moorthys there during his retirement.


slOakm 14:


dhivyasUrinivahOatra pruthivyAmEva



dhivyadhAmanirapEkshamArtithan-manAsapriya SubhASrayarUpE


(Meaning): Our AzhwArs engaged in performing MangaLAsAsanam of the archA

Moorthys of the dhivya dEsam felt that the soulabhyam of the ArchA Moorthys in

the LeelA VibhUthi was even more enjoyable than the Lord in

His Supreme abode of SrI VaikunTham. Overpowered by the subhASrayam of the

archA Moorthys of the dhivya dEsams ,the AzhwArs performed their

SaraNAgathy at the sacred feet of these dhivya dEsa EmperumAns .


SlOkam 15


jananee stanyaika ratASiSaSavO nAhAramicchanti


Rangapatikimkaratvam vihAya VaikuNThamapi na vAnchanti


(Meaning): Just as the infants do not prefer any nourishment other than


mother's milk , the AzhwArs did not prefer Vaikunta Vaasam over Kaimakryams

to SrI RanganAthan.


SlOkam 16


BhAlyAdharchAvigraha sEvAyaamEsha-nissamaspruhayA





(Meaning): Our Swamy was active in ArchAvatAra sEvai since his days as an

Youth . After returning from Kaasi , he visited ThiruveLLUr ( VeekshAraNyam) and

had immense joy in performing devout MangaLAsAsanam of Lord VeerarAghavan (

RaghUdhvaham) there from head to foot (AapAdha kireeDam-anvabhUdh-bhaktyA) .


SlOkam 17


KaanchyAm Varadham yadhivaa chintayatE tarhi tamm dhrutam prApya


vEdhOyajn~atalOtitha suravaravaradham

piBhEth svadhrushtibhyAm


(meaning): Whenever the thought arose in his mind to perform MangaLAsAsanam

of Kaanchi Varadhan , our Swamy will rush to Kaanchi and drink there as it were

with his eyes the sundara ThirumEni of the boon-granting VaradarAjan , who arose

from the Yajn~a vEdhi on top of Hastigiri during the AswamEdha Yaagam performed

by Brhama dEvan .


SlOkam 18


Bhagavaanni:samasushamAm mAnasEna-

pathyavilikhitAm krutvA


vismruta-loukika-bhAvastatpadha-vinyasta chittavruttirabhUth


(Meaning): Our Swamy will draw the matchless beauty of Lord Varadhan in

the canvass of his mind as a picture , forget about all the worldly

activities and be totally immersed in dhyAnam about the Lord's sacred feet .


BhagavAn's matchless beauty is saluted as " Bhagavannisama sushmA ) ; Our

swamy capturing that beauty on the canvass of his mind as a picture is described

as : " mAnasapathya-vilikhitAm krutvA " . Swamy's forgetting of all loukeekam as

a result of dhyAnam of the sacred feet of Lord Varadhan is referred to by: "

vismruta-loukeeka bhAva: tadhpadha vinyasta chitta vrutti: abhUth).


SlOkam 19


nAnAdESAn dhivyasUreeDitaansa:

prApyArchanaam SrIpathy-prEmabhAjaam


soundharyENAkrushDa chitthO BabhAsE

na kshuttrushNE BhAdhayantyou Bhudamtamm


(Meaning); For our Swamy visiting the many dhivya dEsams eulogized by the

Various AzhwArs and enjoying the divine beauty of the archA mUrthys there ,

the hunger and thrist did not affect him.He overcame them .


SlOkam 20



Baala ivAnyabhAva Soonya:


sulabhAm sushumASrayAm tadharchAm

na paravyUhamukhEshu chaivamArta:


(Meaning): ThiruppANAzhwAr was totally engaged in enjoying the divine beauty

of Lord RanganAtha just like an

infant seeking the nourishment from its Mother alone . Our Swamy's riveted

anubhaavam of the soundharyam of Lord RanganAthan was unparalleled and

that intensity of anubhavam was not matched in the MangaLAsASanam of

other ArchA Moorthys.


SlOkam 21


VaikunThavAsEapi namEabhilAsha:

Sriranga-KaanchyAdhishu sEvayAlam


ithyEva bhaktAngrirajOmukhAsccha

gAthAsvagAyan paramAbhisandhim


(Meaning): The great ones like ThoNDaradippodi AzhwAr have sung that they

have no interest in places like SrI VaikunTham as long as they have the bhAgyam

of the sevai of Archaa

Moorthys of Srirangam , Kaanchi and

other such dhivya dEsams .


SlOkam 22


NaarAyaNAchAryaBhudhOapi nityam navAni dEvAyatanaanigacchan


SaareeramasvAsthyamatheeva dukkham

sasmAra nO nyastanijAvanO yath


Swamy was a virakthar , who understood very well that dEha Yaatrai is

karmAdheenam and Aatma Yaatrai is BhagavdAdheenam. With this in mind , whenever

he visited the Sannidhis of the dhivya dEsa EmperumAns , he did not pay any

attention to his bodily weaknesses . He visited number of new dhivyadEsams and

forgot his dEha asoukaryams ( nityam navAni dEvaayatanAni gacchan) .


slOkam 23


yadhA sishEvE Varadham smitAyAm

mEnE pravALadharatO rahasyam


svakarNamoolE kimasou vivukshurityEva



(Meaning): When our Swamy had the sevai of Lord VaradarAjan , he had the

anubhavam of Hastigireesan imparting a rahasyam from his smiling ,coral red lips

( pravALaadhram ) into his ears( KarNa moolam) .


slOkam 24


SrIkairavaNyAm puri PaarthasUtam-

pachAnnrusimham cha nishEvamANa:


SrI KomaLAmbhAsayujam cha dEvam

SrI SaarngapANim vidhivatprapEdhE


Sri NaarAyaNAcchAr Swamy performed

MangaLAsASanam of GeethAchAryan and Sri Nrisimhan at Thiru AllikENi (SrI

KairavaNi Puri) next and proceded from there to Thirukkudantai for the sevai of

Sri KomaLavalli samEtha SrI

AarAvamudhan in the traditonal manenr.


slOkam 25


SrI VyOmapuryAm asamAdhikAbham BhuvA samAsadhita-VenkatESam


SrI champakAraNya vibhAsamAnam

GopAlamASiSrayadhArdhra chEtA:


(Meaning): With a mellow, bhakti-laden heart ( Ardhra chEtas) , our Swamy

travelled next to OppilA Appan Koil and Raaja MannArkudi for the

MangaLa-AsAsanams of BhUmi DEvi samEta Sri Oppiliappan ( asamAdhikAbhan) and Sri

Raaja GopAlan . At both these dhivya kshEtrams , he experienced heart-felt

delight during his MangaLAsAsanams .


To Be continued ,


Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari



SriamatE LakshmI Nrusimha dhivya PaadhukA Sevaka SrIvaNN SaThakOpa SrI

NarayaNa Yatheendhra MahA DesikAya Nama:







































































































































































































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