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Padhuka Sahasram-1003

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:


1003. yE nAma BhakthiniyathA: kavayO madhanyE

mAtha: sthuvanthi maDhusUdhanapAdhukE thvAm

lapsyE guNAmshavinivEshithamAnasAnAm

thEShAmaham sabahumAnavilOkithAni


Oh Lord's Paaduka! Many others may compose similar works on You,

prompted by devotion. They will be conscious of the obstacles in the

path and they will, therefore not direct their eyes except on the

virtues of this work of mine.


Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan


Special Notes by V.Sadagopan (V.S):


SlOkam 1003


1) UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam : Oh Mother! Poets , who are devotees

of Your Lord will concentrate on my descriptions about Your

auspicious qualities and will compose their own poems praising You.

They will read my sthOthram on You with affection . Being devotees of

Your Lord, they make me fulfilled in my efforts through their

adoring approvals.


2) SrImath Andavan's anubhavam: The PaadhukA responds to the prayer

to be forgiven and says: " Alright, I forgive You out of my affection

for You. What about the righteous ones? Wll they accept Your daring

act? Swamy Desikan answers: " Oh Mother PaadhukE! In the matters of

praising You, the success or failure to adequately capture Your

multitudes of GuNams is neither due to their sakthi or asakthi. It is

their prEmai (love) for You that propels the righteous ones. Those

revered righteous ones will therefore not look at my deficencies but

will examine whether my effort is linked to prEmai for You . They

want to know whether my sthuthi is a PrEma garbha sthuthi or not. If

they conclude that adiyEn's sthuthi arose from Bhakthi paravasam,

then they will overlook the aspects of dhOsham and will be

pleased with my efforts. Since my endeavours are driven by my

athyantha prEmai for You, I feel confident that the righteous ones

will accept it and overlook any blemishes .


3) Oh Mother PaadhukE ! The other poets (madhanyE yEnAma Kavaya:)

propelled by their deep devotion for You ( Bhakthi niyathA: ) engage

in praising You through their SrI Sookthis (ThvAm Sthuvanthi). Those

righteous ones are going to react to my Sahasram with favor and cast

their benovolent glances on me since they would recognize that my

efforts like theirs are driven by Bhakthi to You (GuNAmsa vinivEsitha

mAnasAnAm tEshAm sabahumAna vilOkithAni aham labhyasE )....(V.S).

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