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PeriyAzhwAr's ThiruppallaNDU Paasurams: Part XII ( The Tenth Paasuram )

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Dear BhakthAs :


Today we will study the Tenth Pasuram of ThiruppallANDu :


yennAL EmperumAn Unranakku adiyOm yenRu yezhutthuppatta

vannALE adiyOngaLadikkudil veedu peRRuynthathu kaaNN

sennALL thORRit-Thirumathuraiut-silai kunitthu Iynthalaya

painnAhat-talai pAynthavanE Unnaip-pallANDu kooruthumE


Meaning according to Dr.V.K.S.N.Raghavan


(The poet-Saint hints of the Svayam-PrayOjana kaimakryam

in this Paasuram ). Oh Supreme Lord of Ours ! On the very same beautiful

day , in which we have written down the treaty of becoming Your servants,

the lowly huts of these servants of Yours populated by the generations

has gained Moksham , and final redemption . May we sing hence PallANDu

in praise of You , Oh Lord , who has assumed the avatAram of KrishNa , on

a benign day , in the sacred city of MathurA , where later You broke the bow

(in Kamsas' dhanur -yaaga ) and who pounded upon the five-headed naaga

(serpent KaaLingan ) and controlled him .


1. Sri Upanishad BhAshyakArar's Commentary


In this Paasuram , AzhwAr describes the KaivalyArTees

( those who were engaged in kEvala/mere svAthmAnubhavam )

reciting PallANDu for Bhagavan as transformed Bhagavath ParALs ,

who have cast aside all other prayOjanams.


The original Sanskrit Text of Upanishad BhAshyakArar's commentary

is beautiful: " Aathma DhAsyam HarE : Saamyam SvabhAvasccha sadhA

smara ithyAdhibhi: " niscchitha: " asmath SwAmin ! nirupAdhika nithya

sEshiNa: Tava vishayE DhAsabhUthA : vayam ithi lEkhana siddhikaram

taddhinam " idham srEshta dinam ! asmin dhinE dhAsA: vayam

gruhajana parayanthatayA mOksha siddhim sameechina: " .


Oh Lord , who is the Master of all Prapancham! From many janmams

to today , we thought of ourselves as independent ones(Svatantrars)

instead of Para Tantrars and behaved accordingly. We did not learn

about aathma dhAsyam and knoweledge that Hari is the Sarva Swamy

and felt totally independent of Him . Then we had the benefit of

the divine upadEsam of the SadAchAryan and gained knowledge about

our Svaroopam as eternal servants to the Lord , Sriman NaarAyaNan .

We became Bhagavath ParALs and Bhaagavatha DhAsAs . That day

of gaining such knowledge is a day of matchless good fortune for us.

This transformation in us to become ananya prayOjanars blessed

many generations of our house and has redeemed us all .Therefore ,

we sing PallANDu out of gratefulness to You , Oh Lord , Who entered

the weapons storage area of Kamsan and broke a mighty bow there !

We sing PallANDu to Your heroism in jumping on top of the serpent

with five hoods by the name of KaaLingan and subduing his egotistic

behavior .


2. Sri Periya ParakAla Muni's commentaries


Oh Supreme Master ! What a miracle it is to see that

we have been saved through Your incomparable mercy

from falling into the unredeemabale pit of Kaivalyam .

With us , our sons and grandsons have gained Moksham

through Your merciful intervention . You have corrected us

from seeking Kaivalyam and taken us on the high road to

Moksham .


3. Thirukkudanthai Desikan's Commentaries


Here , former KaivalyArthees changed through Bhagavath

PrabhAvam their futile pursuits and were on their way to

Moksham .They are performing PallANDu to the Lord for

His intervention and blessing the entire generation with

Moksha Sukham .


4. Thirukkudanthai Sri RanganAtha Swamy's commentary


As KaivalyArthees , We were filled with ahankAram and sought

consequently the Kshudra ( lowly ) PurushArTam of Kaivalyam.

Then we fell at Your sacred feet and during that aasrayaNa vELai

( Time of seeking Your protection ) , You uplifted not only us ,

but many generations following us. After becoming ananya

prayOjanars , we perform MangaLASaasanam for You in gratefulness .

This is is our desired kruthyam (seyya vENDuvathu).


Thus ends the 10th Paasuram , which celebrates the performance of

MangaLAsAsanam for the Lord by the chastised the former Kaivalya Parars ,

who had joined AzhwAr's ghOshti as ananya prayOjanars .


PeriyAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

ThUppul KulatthadiyArkaL adiyAr poRRp-padham pORRi

Daasan , Oppiliappan KOil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka

SrivaNN Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:

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