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PeriyAzhwAr's ThiruppallaNDU Paasurams: Part XI ( The Ninth Paasuram )

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Dear BhakthAs :


Today we will study the Ninth Pasuram of ThiruppallANDu :


udutthuk- -kaLaintha Ninn peethakavAdai

udutthuk- -kalatthathuNDu

thoduttha thuzhAi malar soodikkaLainthana


viduttha thisaik- -karumam thirutthit- -

thiruvONat- -thiruvizhavil

paduttha painnAhaNaip- -paLLikoNDAnukku

pallANDu kooruthumE


Meaning according to Dr.V.K.S.N.Raghavan


(God's grace to all the devotees , in general , is prented

in this paasuram). We , the thoNDars ( Your servants),

wear the yellow silk-garment worn and cast off by You .

Oh Lord ! We eat the remnants of food found in vessels

offered unto You (after nivEdhanam) and we decorate

(our heads ) with TuLasi leaves and flower wreaths ,

worn and cast off by You . We are at Your service

and we are Mumukshus ( desiring to do service to You

in Parama Padham ). During the great SravaNa festival

( ThiruvONa Thiruvizhavu) , we abide by Your orders

to perform the digh karmaas (KarmAs commanded by You

in different directions) . Oh Lord , in praise of You ,

who has reclined on AdhisEsha (Serpent Couch) , we perform

MangaLASAsanam ( sing PallANDu) . AdhisEshA serves You

both as vidhAnam ( roof of Your couch , with his hoods )

and the wide couch to recline on .


1. Sri Upanishad BhAshyakArar's Commentary


In the " Yenthai tanthai " (6th PallANDu Paasuram),

Azhwar celebrated the union with Mumukshu

ParamaikAnthis (Bhagavath Parars). In this 9th paasuram ,

AzhwAr sings PallANDu with them .


Oh Lord reclining on the hooded serpent AdhisEshan !

We are Your sEshans and as such delight in wearing

the robes used and discarded by You . Similarly , we

delight in partaking the nivEdhanam offered to You .

We adorn the SrI TuLsi garlands offered earlier for

Your bhOgam(enjoyment) .


As Your Sesha BhUthars and ananya prayOjanars , we perform

kaimkaryams commanded by Your SaasthrAs ( Karthavyam)

and even then we are not fully satisfied and to compensate

for the insufficency of Kaimkaryams to You , we engage in

singing PallANDu for Your dhivya Soundharyam as You rest

beautifully on AdhisEshan .


2. Sri Periya ParakAla Muni's commentaries


Jn~Anis are Bhagavath Bhandhus . In the third paasuram

( VaazhAtpattu ) , AzhwAr invited the Jn~Anis to join his group

to sing PallANDu. In the 6th Paasuram ( Yenthai Tanthai ) ,

the Jn~Anis responded positively to the AzhwAr's invitation

and joined the group. In this ninth Paasuram , AzhwAr joins with

the Jn~Anis and sings the PallANDu to their Lord .


BHagavAn saw this group approaching and reclined on

AdhisEshan quickly to hear with comfort their MangaLAsAsanam.

The ghOshti relished the darsanam of the Lord resting on His dear

bed of AdhisEshan and addressed their PallANDu as : " Paduttha

PainnAhaNai PaLLikoNDAnukku PallANDu kooruthume " .


2.1: Udutthu KaLaintha Ninn peethakavAdai : The PeethAmparam

adorning Your waist will be removed at the time of manthrAsanArOhaNam

during the AarAdhanam . Our prayers are for that PeethAmparam to fall

on our head so that we can wear it as a sign of auspiciousness and

Svaroopa Phala laabhArTam ( the gain from Svaroopa Jn~Anam ).

Similarly . we as Sesha bhUthAs of Yours long to wear with affection

the Sacred ThuLasi garland worn earlier by You .We long for the PrasAdham

from Your AarAdhanam for our bhOjanam . " Pushpa bhakshya bhOjyams

sEshabhUthanukku bhujikka prAptham " ( The garlands, nivedhanam

and the clothing assoicated with the Lord are highly coveted by

the Daasans (SeshabhUthars) of the Lord and they are entitled to them ).


2.2: " Viduttha tisai karumam tirutthi " : Tisai means direction . HanumAn

followed the command of His Master , Raamachandran to look for SitA PirAtti

in the Southern direction . Just as that , AzhwAr says that we as ThoNDars ,

are ready to go in whatever direction you command to perform the


that would please your heart .


3. Thirukkudanthai Desikan's Commentaries


" Udutthu KaLaintha Ninn peethakavAdai udutthu kalatthathuNDu "

The PeethAmbharam is adorned by the Lord is blended with Turmeric

powder and sandal Paste and it is removed at the time of change in

Aasanam offering during the AarAdhanam. Peethakavaadai refers to

Thiruparivattam (dres piece worn on the head ) , an amsam of

PeethAmparam adorend around the waist .


" Kalatthathu uNDu " : Whatever is left after Bhagavath nivEdhanam is

the prescribed food for Seshans of the Lord , who introduce themselves as

" Thvadheeya bhukthOnjitha sEsha BhOjinaa: " ( Your servants , who

partake the food offered to You and left over thereafter ). Such DhAsAs

who eat only Bhagavath PrasAdhan cross Your (VishNU) Maayaa

( Ucchishta BhOjinO DhAsAstava MaayAm Taranthy tE ). AzhwAr says that

dhAsAs of the Lord adorn with relish the Thiru Parivattam used by

the Lord , Bhuktha sishta annam ( leftovers from the Lord's nivEdhanam)

and the flower garlands used by the Lord as a mark of their DhAsyathvam

for the Sarva Seshi , their Lord .


4. Thirukkudanthai Sri RanganAtha Swamy's commentary


" Avan kazhitthanavai koNDu dEha Yaatthirai " . The ParamaikAnthis

conduct their life activities by adorning the clothes used by

their L.ord , decorate themselves with the flower garlands

presented earier to their Lord (Seshi) and sustain themselves

by consuming the leftovers from Bhagavath NaivEdhyams.

This gives them svaroopa siddhi as the seshans of the Lord .

This is intrinsic behavior on their part as the servants of

the Lord .


ThiruvON dina MangaLAsAsanam : Although the Jn~Ani/ParamaikAnthi

carry out the directions of the Lord in every way , they still are not

satisfied with the amount of Kaimakryam that they have done and

perform MangaLAsAsana kaimkaryam for Him on His birth day driven by

the fear that some harm may come to Him on His special day .


" Paduttha PainnAhaNai PaLLikoNDAnukku PallANDu " : AzhwAr

and his ghOshti take in the divine beauty of the Lord reclining on

AdhisEshan ( a blue gem resting on the white mountain of Adhi Seshan)

and are afraid of dhrushti dhOsham and perform MangaLAsAsanam

to Him to ward off any harm that may come his way .


The ghOshti delights in performing the anuj~nA Kaimkaryam

of MangaLAsAsanam along with the Aj~nA Kaimakryam .


Thus ends the 7th Paasuram , which celebrates the Vaibhavam of

Jn~Anis performing MangaLAsAsanam to the Lord.


PeriyAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

ThUppul KulatthadiyArkaL adiyAr poRRp-padham pORRi

Daasan , Oppiliappan KOil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka

SrivaNN Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:

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