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Sri 43rd azhagiyasingar's thirunakshatiram

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Srimathe LakshmiNrisimha Parabrahmane Namaha

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha

Srimathe Vedantha desikAya Namaha

Srimathe AdiVanSatakopAya Namaha

Srimathe LakshmiNrisimha DivyaPAduka Sevaka SriVan Satakopa SriRanga

Satakopa Yathindra Mahadesikaya Namaha

Srimathe SriVan Satakopa SriVeeraRaghava Satakopa Yathindra Mahadesikaya


Srimathe SriVan Satakopa SriVedanthaDesika Yathindra Mahadesikaya Namaha

Srimathe LakshmiNrisimha DivyaPAduka Sevaka SriVan Satakopa SriNarayana

Yathindra Mahadesikaya Namaha


Dear all


Today is Karthigai-Pooradam according to Indian Panchangam and it is the day

a great acharyan Sri 43rd AzhagiyaSingar (popularly known as Sri

Devanarvilagam Azhagiyasingar) was born in the year of 1901. Adiyen would

like to share you with some interesting incidents in his life.


1. During his poorvashrama days, Sri 43rd azhagiyasingar was conducting

kalakshepam in the backyard of his house. Some of the disciples who attended

the kalakshepam were Sri. U.Ve Melpakkam Narasimhachariar Swami and Sri.

U.Ve Purisai Nadadur Krishnamachariar Swami.

While the SriBhashya Kalakshepam was going, a serpent came from some where

and all the students attending the kalakshepam wereterrified. But Sri 43rd

Azhagiyasingar asked the students not to panic and told them that it is one

other than Swami Ramanujar hearing the kalakshepam and giving his blessings

to us. After hearing this, the students kept quiet and the serpent was there

for some time and then left the scene without harming anybody.


2. After becoming the Junior Pontiff of Sri Ahobila Mutt, Sri Injimettu

Azhagiyasingar used to conduct kalakshepam and then he would stop at a

point. He will ask Sri Devanarvilagam Azhagiyasingar to start from that

point. After getting his niyamanam, he used to do Acharya vandanam

and then start the kalakshepam. Such was the guru bhakti of Sri 43rd

Azhagiyasingar. Seeing this, the elders of those days used to say that Sri

Alavandar and Swami Bhashyakarar have re-incarnated as Sri 42nd and Sri 43rd

Azhagiyasingar because Swami Alavandar and Swami Ramanujar were not together

during their avatara kaalam. Also Sri 43rd Azhagiyasingar started sancharam

towards North because Sri 42nd Azhagiyasingar was very interested in doing

it and he could not because of his old age.


3. Once, Sri 43rd Azhagiyasingar was camping at Neduntheru for Chaturmasya

Sankalpam. One day there was a 11 year old boy with kudumi and dwadasa

thiruman and waiting outside the house to have the darshan of Sri 43rd

Azhagiyasingar. The Mutt KaimkaryaParals informed about this to Sri

Azhagiyasingar. But Sri Azhagiyasingar was hearing the boy's request and

asked him to wait. Finally after insistence of the Kaimkarya Parals and

others, Sri Azhagiyasingar asked the boy to come in and blessed him. The boy

was none other than his own " Poorvashrama Sweekara Thirukumarar: Sri. U.Ve.

L. Varadarajan " .


4. After the nityaVibhuti of Sri 42nd Azhagiyasingar, Sri 43rd

Azhagiyasingar took full incharge of the Mutt. His poorvashrama brother Sri.

U.Ve Srinivasa Desikachariar was the editor of Sri NrisimhaPriya Magazine

then. The first thing Sri 43rd Azhagiyasingar did was ask his poorvashrama

brother to step down of the editorship and gave the editorship to another

Ubhaya VedanthaChariar. Swami took

pains to see that his family members are not associated with the Mutt during

his reign (so as to avoid any controversies and as well as being a

dispassionate person). During his sojourn in Neduntheru and kumbakonam, his

sisters and other family members used to come there to have darshan of him

as well as perumal. After they have theertham and Satari, he used to ask

them to leave. Once his sister replied back to him that they came to see

their acharyan and perumal and not their brother.


5. When Sri 43rd Azhagiyasingar was invited to his poorvashrama house, he

had accepted the invitation and went there. The family members made sure

that he would not see his mother and made her to go into some room which is

not accessible. It so happened that Sri 43rd Azhagiyasingar had chanced to

see her. Though a sanyasi, he has to prostrate before his mother and Sri

43rd Azhagiyasingar did

the same.


6. Once one of adiyen's wife's chittya had been to airport to meet somebody

and met a person in the airport. The X person who recognized the chittya as

a Sri Vaishnava and started enquiring about him. Mr. X asked him what is the

native place. Our relative told him that he hails from Devanarvilagam. As

soon as he heard that, Mr. X prostrated before him and asked him to come to

their house telling that their family would be very pleased to meet him. So,

our relative went to their house and Mr X. mom was very happy to learn the

lineage of our relative. Mr. X's mom recalled an incident which occurred in


life. She was married and did not have any kids for a long time. She went

and cried like a child in front of Sri 43rd Azhagiyasingar that she does not

have a child and hence she is sad and people in the town are talking bad

about her and her husband etc. Sri 43rd Azhagiyasingar told her not to worry

and informed her that she will beget a child very soon and gave

mantrakshadai. A son was born to them who is our Mr. X working in London. At

first the parents wanted to name him directly with Sri Azhagiyasingar's

thirunaamam but it would not look nice when they would scorn at the child

for its

mistakes. So, he was named as " Sri. Raghuveer " (i.e VeeraRaghuvit was

changed to RaghuVeer). Sri. Raghuveer recites Sri 43rd Azhagiyasingar's

thaniyan 10 times during every Sandya VAndanam he does along with other

upadesa mantrams.


7. Swami was very strict about punctuality. 9:00 a.m. Sharply, Abhigama

Arathi would be over. Once he was camping in the Rashtrapathi Bhavan. A

central minister (or it might be even President Rajendra Prasad) was

sponsoring the Aradhanam for a particular day. Abhigaman was going on and

the minister or President who-ever it was could come until 9:02 a.m.

Abhigamana Arathi was over and hence could not get theertham/satari from

Sri. Azhagiyasingar. When the kaimkarya parals asked him why he is doing

this he said, we should not make perumal wait and morever, the person might

be the King of India but for Azhagiyasingar, Malolan was the king and he a

servant. Hence the arathi would be done punctually irrespective of who comes

or not. A similar incident happened in Hyderabad. One of the minister who

was brahmin had come to have darshan of acharyan and perumal. Satari was

given to all except the minister. The minister went and asked him why and he

was informed because as Brahmin, he did not have kudiimi, katukan or so. The

next day, the minister came with kutumi, kadukan and got blessings for Sri

Azhagiyasingar. (Can we imagine that scenario now at all?). The same kind of

incident happened to one my uncle's (who is in his late 70s) and his father

was Mutt Agent at that time. But my uncle did not get Satari from Sri

Azhagiyasingar because he did not have kudimi. Later on, my uncle went with

kudimi and got Satari from Sri Azhagiyasingar. I hope that Sri 43rd

Azhagiyasingar would pardon me for writing this incident (as adiyen does not

have kudimi and kadukan).


8. The following incident was narrated by Sri. U.Ve. P. Dileepan when he was

at Boston. The incident was reported by a retired Judge and who was a

Brahmin and not an Iyengar. It was reported in Bhavan's journal sometime in

the late 1950s ( i.e around 1957-58). The incident is as follows.


One Brahmin used to periodically visit Gunaseelam and have darshan of

Srinivasar. After having a pleasant darshan of perumal he used to catch the

bus without fail and go back to his place. It so happened that he once had

darshan of perumal and instead of being absorbed in perumal, he started

having fear that he would miss the bus. In those days (and even now), in

villages, buses will come once in the morning and once in the evening. On

that day, he missed the bus after having darshan of perumal.

He walked to a house and sat on the thinnai (verandah with bench like cement

structure) and started taking rest. In a few minutes a SriVaishnava came out

of the house with SriVaishnava Swaroopam (i.e with dwadasa Thiruman, kudumi,

kadukan and panchakaccham) and asked the person to partake lunch in his

house. Also the Swami informed him that after thiruAradhanam, he used to eat

only after

serving food for another person. The brahmin told him that he is not a

SriVaishnava. To this our SriVaishnava Swami became angry and told the

person that everybody born in this world is a SriVaishnava because it is

ParaVAsudevan and Thayar who resides in the Hrudaya Kamalam. After this, the

person came to his house and partook prasadam. This person wrote the article

in Bhavan's journal and ended the article with a statement on the following

lines: " The Sri Vaishnava Mahan who served food for him

later became the Azhagiyasingar of Sri Ahobila Mutt and recently passed away

at NAIMISARANYAM " . Somebody in the recent few years read this article from

Bhavan's Journal and made the connection that this could be none other than

Sri 43rd Azhagiyasingar who entered nityaVibhuti in Naimisaranyam.


On this day, let us remember his thaniyan:

Srimath SriRanga Prithvisvara Sataripuna SamyaMeendrena Drishtam

NyasyathMaanam Nrisimhe Narahari Satajit Yoginethu PrasadAth

PrAgnya: Sri RangaKaari Prabhaya Vyathipathe: Praptha LakshmiNrisimhAsthAnam

SevaYathindram Sakala GunaNidhim VeeraRaghuvit Satarim


Srimathe SriVan Satakopa SriVeeraRaghava Satakopa Yathindra Mahadesikaya


Srimathe SriVan Satakopa SriVedanthaDesika Yathindra Mahadesikaya Namaha

Srimathe LakshmiNrisimha DivyaPAduka Sevaka SriVan Satakopa SriNarayana

Yathindra Mahadesikaya Namaha


Please pardon me for any mistakes.


Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan

Lakshminarasimhan S.




Srimathe Lakshminrusimha divya pAduka sevika

srivan satakopa Sri Narayana Yathindra MahadesikAya Namaha




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