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Thuppul Deshikan Thirunakshatram VCD - Appeal from Shathakopa tha thacharya

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Swamy Deshikan Thiruvadigale Sharanam !!!


Dear Bhagavathas,


Sriman Shathakopa thathacharya swamy of Kanchipuram has released a VCD of

Swamy Thuppul Deshikan's Thirunakshatram celebrations. Sriman Shatakopa

Thathacharya is the trustee of Thooppul Vedantha Desikar Charitable Trust.

With regards to the procurement of this VCD by bhagavathas, Sriman

Shathakopa thathacharya has forwarded the following appeal. (All translation

errors are adiyen's).




- From Sriman Shathakopa thathacharya -


It is a known fact that since 1993, the trust has been responsible for the

smooth conduction of nityaradhanam at the avatara sthalam of our acharya

sarvabhouman Swamy Deshikan. It is worthy enough to mention the immense

upakaram of Sri V Shatakopan Swamy of USA. This trust since then has been

deriving the services of noble bhagavathas through their benevolent



" gunairdAsyamupAgataH " - In Srimath Ramayanam, Lakshmana says that he has

come to the sub-serviency of Rama having been drowned in the flood of His

inherent virtues and auspicious attributes. In a similar way, we have great

bhakti towards our Swamy Deshika owing to his great virtues and inherent

auspiciousness. This devotion has in turn lead to a steadfast thought and we

are determined to continue the kainkaryam to our Swamy in this way.


At the same time while traveling through the rich life history of Swamy, we

are often left with the thought of not having been able to take birth during

his times. But while watching our Swamy perform mangalashasanam to

Perarulalan on the day of Purattasi thiruvonam, we are relieved of this

depression. Just as how Swamy performed mangalashasanam during his earthly

days to Perarulalan, similarly does he do even to this day in his archai



A lot of devotees who reside outside the states and the country are unable

to witness this wonderful event. We have produced this CD so as to enable

these devotees take benefit of watching this wonderful event. This CD

therefore is priceless as it brings to light the wonderful occasion of

Swamy's mangalashasanam at all the Perumal sannidhis in Kanchipuram

Varadaraja Perumal koil. But, we are limited in resources to present this CD

to each and every aspirant. Just as how the Lord uses sharanagathi as a

pretext to give moksham to a Jeevan, similarly to it this CD shall be given

to all those devotees who shall participate in the nityaradhanam of Swamy

Deshikan. The returns of these shall be used for Swamy Deshika's

nityaradhanam and devotees are requested to receive this CD and enjoy the

celebrations of purattasi thiruvonam every day in their houses.


The name Swamy Deshikan is popular only with reference to our Swamy. The

term Deshika denotes a preceptor. While describing the characteristics of a

preceptor one starts with " achinoti " and concludes with " svayam Acharate

yasmAt sa AchAryaH " . Swamy is the person who practiced and preached thus.

All deeds need to be done by abandoning the doer ship.


Our Swamy has blessed us with many works but does not take credit for any of

those in his works with pride.


- Swamy has blessed us with 1008 shlokams in an inimitable way and finally

eulogises that Padukas themselves have spken their prabhavams.


- In Dayashatakam Deshika says that Perumal has made him sing the glories of

his compassion (daya). Ref - " devo dayAshatakametadavAdayanmAM " and " vINA

visheshamiva " .


In the end of Adhikaranasaravali Swamy says " tadvaktA vAjivaktraH " - The one

who has told this is none other than Lord Hayagriva .


Srimath Rahasyatrayasaram, glorified as Swamy's magnum opus, carries a

similar reference - " Vellai parimuga deshikarAY " .


These are only a few examples to cite, but Swamy has followed this practice

of abondoning the doership in all his works and owes it only to the grace of

his acharyas and Sriman Narayana.


Swamy has thus preached and pursued sat-sampradayam without any sence of

doership. He is therefore replete with preceptor decorum and beams complete

with all the acharya lakshanams. Hence the name Deshika has come to stay for

our Swamy which in other words denotes an acharya.


To be contd ...




Please avail this rare opportunity. Bhagavathas making a contribution of

more than Rs 300/- towards Swamy Deshikan Nityaradhanam Kainkaryam will be

given this CD as a pArithoshakam (present) and Swamy's anugraham.


Interested bhagavathas may kindly send their Cheques or Drafts to -


Sriman SatakOpa Tatacharya

Thooppul Vedantha Desikar Charitable Trust.

# 8-B, Sannidhi Street,

Little Kancheepuram:631 501.

Tel : 04112-269919 (Kanchi)

0484-2529744 (Kaladi)

09447573942 (Mobile)

email : tatacharya or srithooppul


vAzhi vyAkhyAmuddirak kai !!!

vEdAntasUri charaNau sharaNam prapadye !!!

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