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Bhakthi rathnakara-Meera 1.7 The turning point

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1.7-The turning point


Meera sang `thum

suno dhayaaL mein araji, `bhoosaagar mein bahijaat hun,' "Oh Lord, you are

compassionate . Hear my prayer. I am drowning in the ocean of samsar." `Yo sansaar sage nahi koi,' "I have no

one in this world." Crying piteously Meera feel at the feet of

Giridhari and a flower fell on her from His garland. She looked at Him and

forgot her anguish seeing His bewitching smile and started singing and dancing

again. mhaaro man har lenyaa ranachor ,

she sang, " my Ranachor has captivated my heart." She saw Him with His peacock

feathers on his head, an umbrella over His head and the earrings which dangle beautifully when He played the

flute and she forgot the world and her misery.



Giridhari had decided to cut off her bondage and make her

His own. But the gold must be purified by

going through the ordeal of fire. This is what happened to Meera. She

underwent an ordeal equal to that of Prahlada. She was sent a basket with a

cobra inside under the pretext that it contained flowers and when she opened it

proved to be exactly so by the grace of the Lord. She was asked to drink the

poison which could not harm her. The bed of thorns which was sent to her as

punishment turned into a bed of roses. Then she was left alone for sometime.

Meera happily resumed her singing. She sang `vish ka pyaalaa raNaajeene bhejaa peevatha Meera hansi re pag

gungurubandh meeraa naachi re' meaning that Ranaji has sent poison but

Meera drank it and laughed. Meera is

dancing tying the bells around her ankles. She said raNaji ne jaharadhiyomheu jaani kjaiseykaancahn dhahath again main

nikasat baarabaani , "Ranaji I know, has given me poison but as the gold

emerges form the fire with more brightness my love for Giridhari has become

stronger after drinking the poison."


Just as the fragrance of a flower could not be shut out,

the fame of Meera and her devotion spread far and wide, and it reached the ears

of the Mogul emperor Akbar.

Akbar was known to be unprejudiced with respect to

religion and he respected holy men of all faith. He heard Tansen, his court

musician singing the bajan of Meera and was impressed by it. He wished to see

Meera but Tansen told him that it was impossible since she is the queen of

Mewar and the rajput kings of Mewar and regions around it were his enemies. But

Akbar was determined and asked him to find a way. Tansen suggested that they

could go there disguised as sannyasis and both of them reached Mewar in the

disguise of sadhus and went to the temple where Meera was singing bajans along

with other sadhus. Akbar was awestruck with her devotion and the sweetness of

her music and met her after the bajan was over and everyone had left and told

her that they came from Brindavan. Meera being innocent was overwhelmed on

their mention of Brindavan and talked with them. Akbar gave her a very valuable

gem necklace to be adorned on her Giridhari.


Even though Akbar was disguised the news of his coming to

the temple and having touched her feet and presented her a gem necklace reached

the ears of Rana who became mad with anger. He remonstrated with Meera for

having seen the sworn enemy of the Rajputs who replied that they were sadhus.

Meera was terrified by his anger. Rana ordered the temple to be demolished,

which broke her heart. She cried hari thum

haryo jan ki bheer, "Hari you

removed the troubles of your devotees like Gajendra, Draupadhi and Prahlada.

Now you save me from my trouble." And when

Rana told her to go and drown herself, she went straight to the river and

entered in.

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