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Padhuka Sahasram-964

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:


964. viviDhaviShayachinthAsanthathABhischiram mAm

janithakaluShamitTham dhEvi! dhurvAsanABhi:

padhasarasijayOthvam pAdhukE rangaBharthu:

parimaLaparivAhaI: pAvanaIrvAsayEThA:


Oh Paaduka Devi! Giving room to a variety of evil thoughts, I have

sullied my heart to the effect of its smelling very bad. May You

please make me one of sweet fragrance, by using the flow of pleasant

smell from the Lotus Feet of Lord Ranganatha!


Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan


Special Notes by V.Sadagopan (V.S):


1) UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam:Swamy Desikan uses the double

meaning of the word " Vaasana " in this slOkam . Vaasana can mean

either fragrance or the impression unconsciously left on One's mind

by past good or bad karmAs , which therefore produce pleasure or

pain (Swamy Deskan says: " Oh PaadhukE ! Through my KarmAs , I have

been enmeshed in material things and have accumulated a lot of

sins. You must help me get rid of these unplesant odours by

immersing me in the flood of fragrance originating from Lord

RanganAthA' s lotus feet, which have the capacity to annul the

dhurvAsanAs and sanctify me.


2) In the five slOkams (960-964), Swamy Desikan dwells on the

amangaLams (asubhams/ Inauspicous happenings) that are faced by

those, who seek Moksham ( Mumukshu PrapannAs ) during their lives

on this earth thru dedicated pursuit of artham ( wealth ) , Kaamam

(sensual pleasures that do not last) and anyAsraYaNam ( seeking

ithara devathAs for Moksham, which they can not give ). These

asubhams arise form the development of taste (ruchi) for SamsAram.

Swamy Desikan teaches us the need for distaste for such a life and

shows us the way to banish such desires that serve as PrApthi

VirOdham ( Obstacles in the path to attain Moksha Sukham ).


Oh PaadhukE ! From countless time , I have been driven by my poorva

KarmAs to toil in the world of SamsAram and suffer there ( Ref:

Bhagavth GeethA: Chapter 16 : SlOkams .10 and 11 ) . I am stuck in

Pravrutthi mArgam and far away from nivruthti mArgam . I have become

the embodiment of Vishaya Vaasanais . It is normal in this world to

add fragrant things to those which have unplesant smells to

overpower the bad smell. In this context , you should

remove my bad habits (SamsAra Ruchi) with links to You , who is

steeped in the anubhavam of ParamAthmA . You should not confine that

anubhavam to Yourself and you should share with me that anubhava

pravAham (the flow of sweet enjoyment of the Lord's Thiruvadi) . It

is not possible for you to store all that anubhavam within Yourself.

You must make it possible for me to share that Bhagavath

PaadhAravindha anubhavam . That anubhavam will purify me and all the

asubhams of samsAra ruchi will disappear thereafter. If you think

that I will acquire Bhagavath anubhavam after removal of SamsAra

ruchi thru my efforts, it is impossible to achieve.

Why are you indifferent towards me in this matter? It must be my

prArabhdha Karmams that stand in the way as PrApthi VirOdhis .


3) Oh DEvi PaadhukE ! I have been agitated for a long , long time by

the ceaseless activities of my indhriyams propelling me into a whole

gamut of sensory pleasures anfd causing the accumulation of

Sins ( Vividha vishaya chinthA santhathAbhi: durvasanAbhi:

iTTaam chiram janitha kalusham mAmm ). That is how You

find me shackled to sins and full of blemishes (iTTam kalusham

mAmm) . It is through Your efforts that the durvAsanAs accumulated

over many janmAs has to be destroyed by the flood of fragrance

( parimaLa parivAham ) of Your Lord RanganAthA's lotus feet

( Rangabharthu: padha sarasijayO: parimaLa parivAhai :

vaasayETA: ).

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