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SRI : }} Hare Krishna.



Our Bhagavad Ramanuja Jayanthi falls on Wednesday the 27th inst


Everyone knows that Swami Ramanuja was one of the greatest Social Reformer who had a broad vision of the effectiveness of The Visishtaadhvaitha and strived all through his Long Life to unite people by his unparallelled efforts to make them understand that SARANAGATHI as the only way for the redemption of this JANMA by surrendering to Lord Sriman Narayana thro an AchAryA.


He took the initiative of placing his work Gadhya Thrayam before the Peria PirAtti and Peria PerumAl on a Panguni Uthiram Day and surrendered with all humilty. The result was astonishing. The Divya Dhampathies conferred Moksha and Kainkarya to not only to Bhagavad Ramanuja after he spends the rest of his life at Srirangam carrying out the services for which he was blessed and born as Ramanuja, but also to all his true followers..


Swami Ramanuja by his tireless efforts has done unfathomable services for establishing Sri SampradAyam for Services to the Lord , which till date is being followed by us. But his treating all the SrivaishnavAs at par, as true BhAgavathAs under one roof has not been followed with sincerity.


The subsect quarrels and descrimination, claiming superiority over others is certainly a disservice we are doing to That Great Soul, Sri Ramanuja.Difference s of opinions, interpretation should not cause enmity. One must respect the legitimate views of the other , however much they may be divergent.


We pray that on his Jayanthi Day, we take a pledge to sincerely unite as Sri VaishnavAs and live as one community with Swami Ramanuja as our supreme AchAryA.


Be it in Goshti, Matrimonial alliances and so on, we shall not descriminate and will feel all Ramanuja Dasas as equals, though each one can follow the paths laid by their Poorvars & AchAryAs. Thi should be done from the bottom of the heart realising that it is a great sin to scorn any one who follows Swami Ramanuja and accepts Sriman Narayana as The Lord Supreme. This will be the Greatest Service we can do to uphold and continue Sri Ramanuja Darsanam.


I submit that this writing has not an iota of intention to hurt any one's sentiments. This has flown from our heart as commanded by Swami Ramanuja and his deeply devoted disciples.




Kombur Vankeepuram Madhavan.

Please Help The Needy as it is Service To God.


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