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Srimath Azhagiya Singar's 79th Thirunakshathram : Part 39 ( SrI Abheethi Sthavam : SlOkam 2 )

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Dear Sri RanganAtha BhakthAs :


Let us study the second slOkam of Sri Abheethi Sthavam today :


dayA SiSirithAsayaa : manasi mE sadhA jAgru :

SriyAadhyushitha vakshasa : Sritha maruddhvrudhA saikathA:

jagath dhuritha gasmarA: jaladhi Dhimbha Dambha sphrusa:

sakruth praNatha rakshaNa praTitha samvidha: samvidha:


(meaning) : Lord RanganAtha , the Param JyOthi at Srirangam

(Rangadhuryam yEthath maha:) is residing on the shoals of sand

of the island between the Cauvery and Coleron rivers . Sri Devi has Her

abode on His chest forever to ensure that Her Lord's Dayaa never diminishes.

Her heart is filled with cool compassion for the janthus . Her Lord's mind

is hence filled with the dayaa for the suffering SamsAris weighed down by

their huge assembly of sins . He is determined to chase away the sins of

these people . His blessings can be realized through the mere meditation on

the soundharyam of His divine body ( SubhAsrya ThirumEni) . He has

asAdharaNa dhivya soundharyam , beautiful hue and majesty . The combination

of His divine beauty , dark blue color and raaja gambheeram makes us

wonder whether He appeared as the ArchA Moorthy first on this earth

from Brahma lOkam ; later during His vibhava avathAram as

Lord Raamachandra , He declared before the whole world at

the sea shore that He will never abandon anyone , who sought

His protection even once . He has stated there that it

was His vratham to protect those , who sought the refuge of His lotus

feet . May the various appearances of Lord RanganAthA's divine ThirumEni

reside permanently in my (Swamy Desikan's) mind ! This is the prayer of

Swamy Desikan form his distant post at Sathyagalam in Karnataka longing for

the sEvA of Lord RanganAtha and restoration of the nithyArAdhanams

at Srirrangam and for the quenching of the fears of the devotees of

Sri RanganAtha caused by the ruthless Muslim invaders .


Additional Observations on the Second slOkam


In the first slOkam , Swamy Desikan stated that he reflects on

and prostrates before the MahA tEjas united with Sri RanganAyaki

at Srirangam ( Ramaa Sakahm Ranga dhuryam yEthath kimapi

Maha: adheemahE ). Swamy Desikan described further that this

MahA tEjas ( oLip-pizhampu) generates fearlessness for those ,

who have sought its protection (yath jushAm abheethi:) and causes

fear in those who discard it ( yath avadheerithAnAm bhayam ) .


This thought on the dual effect of the tEjas of the Lord is similar to that

expressed by Swamy KurEsar in the 56th slOkam of His Sri Vaikunta Sthavam :

" nithyAnukoolam anukoola-nruNAm , parEshAm udhvEjanamcha Tava tEja

udhAharanthy " . For those , who are His devotees , His tEjas is eternally

relishable (niranthara bhOgyam) . For those who turn their face away

from His rakshaNam ( Aasraya parAngmukhAls) , that tEjas will be fearsome

(ugram) and would be like the intensely scorching Sun during the time of



In the second slOkam , Swamy Desikan prays for the boon of this tEjas

( maha:) with MahA Lakshmi on its chest in all its forms take a permanent

seat in his heart lotus ( SriyA adhyushitha vakshasa: samvidha: mE manasi

sadhA jaagruyu : ) . Swamy Desikan points out that the Sri DEvi seated on

the Lord's chest has a cool heart filled with intensive compassion for Her

erring children ( Dayaa sisiritha Aasayaa SriyA ) .


The Lord of SrI DEvi / Sri RanganAyaki has His home on the shoals of sand

found in the island of Srirangam ( Sritha maruddhvrudha saikathA : ). He is

the mighty One , who destroys the sins of the people of this world ( Jagath

dhuritha ghasmaran) . He quelled the pride of the haughty king of the Oceans

at ThiruppullANi ( Jaladhi Dimbha Dambha sphurusa: ) .He has made a vow

before the people of the world that He will never abandon any one , who has

sought His protection even once ( sakruth praNatha rakshaNa praTitha

samvidha: ) .


Swamy Desikan revokes before his mind's eyes all these forms ( samvidha:)

of the Lord of Srirangam and prays for the eternal residence of these

various forms stay etched in his mind ( samvidha: mE manasi sadhA jAgruyu:).


Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


P.S : Dear SishyAs and AbhimAnis of Ahobila Matam :


I welcome your support yathA sakthi for the upcoming

79th Birthday Celebrations of HH Srimath Azhagiya Singar .

Please let me know of your pledges for suporting this

kaimkaryam .

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