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Padhuka Sahasram-864

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:


864. rangEshvarasya purathO maNipAdhukE! thvam

rathnAmshuBhirvikirasi sPhutaBhakthibhanDhA

pAdhoU vihArayithumadhBhuthasoUkumAryoU

prAya: sarOjakumudhOthpalapathrapankthim


Oh Manipaaduka! The Lord's Feet are tender. To suit them, You make

earnest care in great love. You enable the Lord to proceed on His

tours, on Your well built gem-set surface. You also cause to spread a

layer of lotus, white lily and blue water-lily flowers on the Lord's

path, by scattering rays of light from Your gems, a red-carpet

treatment being thus given.


Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan


Special Notes by V.Sadagopan (V.S):


Slokam 864


1) UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam: Oh Mani PaadhukE! Wishing to make the

most tender feet of Your Lord travel in comfort, You affectionately

spread the tender petals of lotus, white and blue lillies in His path

through Your multicolored rays and announce His arrival with

delightful sound of Your jingling gems.


2) SrImath Andavan's anubhavam:Oh PaadhukE! When Lord RanganAtha

travels on the streets of His RaajadhAni, You want to protect His

soft feet from the ill effects of any rough patch over which You have

to transport Him. Therefore, You use the spreading rays from Your

colorful gems and line the path with rows and rows of petals from red

and blue lotus as well as the white lillies.


3) Oh MaNi PaadhukE ! You have firm and durable Bhakthi for Your Lord

(Thvam sphuDa bhakthi bhandhA). You wish to transport the uniquely

mysterious and flower-petal soft feet of the Lord with out any harm

to them ( RangEswarasya adhbhutha soukumAryou paadhou viharayithum

icchasi). What initiative do you take to overcome any shocks or jolts

to those soft feet of Your Lord , which are Your charge ? Your

initative is to spread ahead the petals of red (SarOja) and blue

(Uthpala) lotuses and white lillies ( Kumudha) in the guise of Your

multicolored rays from the gems ( Puratha: rathnAmsubhi: SarOja

Kumudha Uthpala pathra pankthim praaya: vikirasi)...(V.S) .

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