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SrImath Azhagiya Singar's Sankalpa SooryOdhya KaalakshEpam : Part 9 ( Jan 31 ,2005)

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SrI MalOla ParabrahmaNE Nama:


Sri NaarAyaNa YathIndhra MahA DesikAya Nama:


Dear SishyAs and AbhimAnis of SrI Matam :


This Morning , Srimath Azhagiya Singar covered the PravEsakam

portion of the Second Chapter of Sankalpa SooryOdhayam known

as Para Matha PrathikshEpam or the critique and discarding of

the Para Mathams . There is nothing wrong in VedAnthins condemning

the Para Matha vaadhins , who have the garb of VedAnthins and do disservice


Veda PramANams . For a crop to grow well, one has to pull out the weeds

and throw the latter away . When one points out the deficencies in

Paramatham ,

our faith (Sraddhai ) in our own VisishtAdhvaitha darsanam grows .


PravEsakam is the announcement of things to happen by minor characters .

Here the two servants of Queen Sumathy named Sraddhai and VichAraNai

are introduced by Swamy Desikan to take care of the PravEsakam . Sraddhai

stands for engagement in what one has to do with rapidity and Faith .

VichAraNai stands for the appropriate evaluation of the things to be done .

Through their dialog , the two servants of the queen brief us on what is to

come .

They enter the stage now .


VichAraNai says :


Srama-jala Bindhu-nikara nirbhAsitha niDalAtalA

vathsa-darsanOthsuka vathsalEva thvaramANA varthasE


Mukha-chandra-syandhitha -sudhA-subhagAs-cchavi

pulla Malli-makarandha nibaa:


Nava soumya youvana lathAkalikA sriyam

udhvahanthi tava svEdhakaNA : - - - SlOkam 99


(Meaning ) : Oh dear Friend ! You are rushing like a cow eager

to see its calf and the signs of that exertion is seen as the sweat drops

on Your forehead (Srama Jala Bhindhu:) . Those tiny drops of sweat seen

on your forehead remind me of (1) the drops of nectar flowing from the

Moon-like face of yours ( Mukha chandra syandhitha sudha subhagA: ) ;

(2) the drops of honey seen on the Mallikai flower and (3) the buds on

the creeper named adolescent youth ( nava youvanam ) .


There is a proverb that says poet KaaLidAsa is matchless in comparisons

( UpamA) and two other poets are known for their Padha laalithyam

( elegance of usage of words ) and artha gouravam ( significance of

the meanings of the words that they use ). When it comes to Swamy

Desikan , all the three marks of excellence are combined in him as

a Kavi Taarkika Simham . In this verse , He compares the Srama jalam

( the sweat deops from exertion) to cchavi : Kaanthi , pullA vikasithA and

Youvvana latha ( lustre of nectar drops from the Moon , Makaarandham

from a fully blossomed Mallikai flower and the youthful elegance of

a tender new creeper ).


SraddhA now responds to VichAraNai in a long prose passage :


" Priya sakhi ! idhAnim kila yEkamukha-prathishtitha sruthisiras-

siddhAnthasya prathipaksha-prathikshEpa bhAvitha Prathij~nasya

bharthu: VivEkasya sahadharmachAriNi , Devee Sumathi: ,

prakrAntha-nirvahaNa dhOhalEna parigruhItha MangalAchArA

pramdhA-vana-paarsva , rathna-sailAm aasrithA ; Kamalaa Pathy

charaNa kamala samarchana yOgyAni kAnchana PadmAni upaharthum

aaj~nApya sObhanaikatAna hrudhayA sukham tishtathi . tath jaDithupasarpAmi

PankajAsana-vadhana pankaja rAjahamseem Bharatheemiva prasanna pravAham

BhAgeeratheem " .


(meaning ): Dear Freind ! MahA RaajA VivEkan has now taken a vow

to look deeply into the yukthis ( reasonings) from IthihAsa-PurANams

and unite them with the PramANams from the Upanishads to drive away

the false tenets of Paramathams . Knowing this , his queen , Sumathi ,

our mistress has commenced a vratham on behalf of her Lord

so that the initative undertaken by him (VivEkan) will come to a fruitful

conclusion . With this intent , Sumathy has ordered me to fetch the

appropriate ( beautiful and fully blossomed ) lotuses for worshipping

the lotus feet of the Lord of MahA Lakshmi .She is waiting for me

to return with those AarAdhana saamagriyAs (materials) to worship

BhagavAn for victory in the war to ensue and is resting in a state of

happiness and expectant mood at the gem mountain near her flower

garden . To fulfill the wish of our mistress , I am hastening to the banks


GangA river with flood waters known for their whiteness

(clarity ) reminding us of the hue of Saraswathy , the Swan for the lotus


face of Her Lord , Brahma Devan.


Sumathy wishes to perform SvarNa PushpArchanai to Sriman NaarAyaNan

on the banks of Ganga river so that her husband ( King VivEkan ) can come

out successful in the battle against Paramathams and to establish the

superiority of our Vaidhika Matham . SvarNa PushpArchanai is 100 times

better than TuLasi archanai for BhagavAn.


(Sraddhaa now enacts fatigue from the Journey and says ):


KacchOtthamsitha kalpavruksha sikharOthbhAsamAna vaasanthikaa

GandhOdhgAaras-sphurath soumya-laharee sObhamAna-rOdhantharaa

amhO dhussaha janma-sanchara srama siddhAni suddhAkruthi:

dhu:kkhAni kadhA nu karishyathi svayam mandhAni MandhAkinee - - -> slOkam



(meaning ): On the banks of the holy river GangA , there is the Kalpaka

tree ; on its top branches are the mallikai flowers abundant with fragrance


The lovely waves from the clear waters of GangA gently break on its banks

gently . Oh ! When will it be that we will get relief from the unbearable


resulting from this SamsAram ?


(VichAraNai now points in front of her and says):


yEshA khalu saasmAkamAsannatarA , tadhEtasmin sajjana -hrudhaya

seethaLa mandha mArudhAndhOlitha mandhAra dhruma kusuma makarandha

sourabha-baritha MadhumaTana padha sarith-pulina Maadhavee lathAgruhE ,

khala vachana theekshNOshNakara- kiraNa santhApam upasamya kshaNAntharE

gamishyasi , yathra cha ,


(Meaning ) : Dear friend ! This sand dune is near us . It is cool like the

hearts of Saadhu janams and is filled with the fragrance of the flower

and honey of MandhAra Vruksham moving in the gentle wind .

Inside the sand dune is the resting place surrounded by Mallikai creepers .

Please rest there for a moment , get comforted from the rays of the hot Sun

resembling the discomforting words of dushtAs and then proceed with

your mission for our queen . DushtAL's speech ( Khala Vachanam) are like

the scorching rays of the Sun at noon and these are the vaakyams used in

the debate by the Paramatha vaadhis against Parama VaidhikAs .


Sajjana hrudhaya seethaLam ( the comforting and inviting coolness of

the hearts of Saadhu Janams ) is contrasted to khala vachana theeshNa

ushNam ( the merciless heat of arising from the spech of dushta Janams) here



Swamy Desikan's beautiful description of the resting house adorned with

Mallikai creepers and located in the middle of the sand dune marked by

the ever-fragrant MandhAra tree (dEva Vruksham ) is so pleasing to the ears


" MandhAra dhruma kusuma makarandha sourabha -bharitha - - -Madhavee

lathA Gruham " . All around the sand dune flows the holy river Ganga , which

arose from the sacred feet of Thrivikrama , when Brahma dEvan performed

the sacred bath for them in Sathya lOkam . Swamy refers to this birth of


this way : " Madhu maTana padha sarith pulina Maadhavi LathA gruhE " .


( To Be continued tomorrow )


Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka

Srivan Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:

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