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48. paraamrSyam dhoore parishadhimuneenaam vrajavaDhoo

dhrSaam dhrSyamSaaSvath thribhuvanamanohaarivapusham

anaamrSyam vaachaam anidham udhayaanaam api kadhaa

dhareedhrSye dheva dharadhalitha neelothpalanibham


He is being enquired always by the sages yet remains inaccessible to them but easily visible to the gopis. He is incomprehensible even to the Vedas which have divine origin. When will I see the form of the Lord, resembling a fresh blue lotus and attractive to all the three worlds?


Krishna was not accessible even to the sages, dhoore parishadhi muneenaam, who meditate on Him through penance and enquiries, paraamrSyam, through the sastras. Even the Vedas which are un-originated, anidham udhayaanaam are not able to describe Him fully, anaamrSyam.. Yet He is easily seen and enjoyed by the gopis, vrajavaDhoodhrSaam dhrSyam.. This is the power of bhakthi.


The Lord says in the Gita,

"I am not to be seen by Vedas, by penance or by any austerities except through bhakthi," `naahamvedairnathapasaa------bhakthyaathu ananyayaa Sakyam.'(BG-11-54) Vedas themselves say,

'nAyam AthmA pravachanEna labhyah na mEDhayA na bahunA SruthEna;yamaivEshavrnuthE thEna labhyah.(Kato.2-2-23)


The supreme self can never be attained through discourses, nor by intellect, nor by hearing. Only whom He chooses by him alone He can be attained.


The Vedas are called apourusheya , not composed by anyone but have eternal existence being part of the Lord. They, in spite of being the only source of knowledge about Parabrahman, are not able to describe Him fully.

Vedanta Desika says this beautifully in yadhavabhyudhaya.

`Yadhekaika gunapraanthe Sraanthaah nigamavandhinaH yaThaavathvarNane asya'

meaning , the Vedas starting to talk about His guNas become tired even before they finish describing one of them.

Leelasuka himself admonishes those who spend their lives in doing penance in order to see the Lord and asks them to come and see the Supreme reality being bound in a mortar in Gokula. Yasodha was able to bind Him who is out of reach even to the sages through her love. Leelasuka says here that the company of Krishna was enjoyed by the gopis who were filled with pure love and they were blessed indeed to get the experience not available even to he sages. That is why Andal says, `arivonrum illaadha aaykkulatthu unthannai piravipperumthanai o puNniyam yam udaiyom, we are blessed to have you being born among us in the clan of cowherds who lack knowledge.' She also gives the reason for the Lord doing so. `Kurai onrum illaadha Govinda unthannodu uravel namakkingu ozikka oziyaadhu, ' meaning that they cannot survive without His association. That is the height of devotion bhakthyaaH paraa kaashTaa.








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