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Acchidram , AswamEdham and KaaThakam : Sample Mantrams to enjoy : Part III

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Dear VedAbhimAnis :


In the context of earlier postings inviting

you to sponsor the Acchidra/AswamEdha

PaarAyaNams on EkAdasi days in 2009

and KaaThaka PaarAyaNam on DhvAdasi

days at SrI Matam before Sri Malolan and

Dolai KaNNan , I would like to share with

You some quotations from these three Veda

BhAgams .


Acchidhram : The 114th Mantram from

the 11th anuvAkam :


" yata Indhra bhayAmahE

tatO nO abhayankruti "


(Meaning ) : " From what we fear , Oh Indra,

Give us absence of fear ! Oh Generous One !

Be able to accomplish that deed of thee for

pur help. Do Thou destroy our enemies,

do Thou destroy our scorners----Oh Lord !

Go in front od us,giving well being,

procuring security ".


Acchidram: 111th Mantram ( 11th AnuvAkam):


" The Brahman ( the holy power of

the sacred word) is the foundation of

the mind.This Brahman is the foundation

of speech.This Brahman is the foundation

of speech. This Brahman is the foundation

of sacrifices , of oblations and of the

clarified butter ( offered to gods). That

whichof the religious performances is

superflous and that which is insufficent ,

the sacrifice, extending its joints,sets

that in order . Let the oblation offered

wiht the exclamation Svaahaa go to

the gods.


Part of the 112th Mantram:


" Gazing on the higher light , Surya (the Sun),

god among gods , we , from darkness,

have come to the highest light . His rays bear

Him upwards, the all knowing God , Surya that

all may look at Him---He has filled the sky and

earth and the atmosphere, Surya , the Soul of

all that moves and stands ".


What Majestic Statements !


AsvamEdham : " The Hoese Sacrifice"


AsvamEdham begins with " Hari: Om !

sAngrahaNyEshDyA yajatE imAm

JanatAgam samgruhNAneeti and ends up

with " yEtadhanukruti ha sma vai purA

aSvasya mEdhyasya vivartanE vivartanE

juhvati ".


To think of these mantrams being used

by Chathurmukha BrahmA and Lord

Raamachandra during their performance

of AsvamEdha Yajn~am is an incredible

thought .


KaaThakam : The lilting Vedic poetry is

abundantly evident thru out KaaThakam

in my personal experience . Let us study

the First mantram:


" Hari: Om , samjn~Anam

vijn~Anam prajn~Anam


sankalpamAnam prakalpamAna-




What a profound statement !

What a sacred echo of profound

VedAntic thoughts !


Let us keep this eternal aspect of

Vedams going and pass it on to

the next generation !


Please let me know of any particular

EkAdasi/DhvAdasi Combination you

would like to sponsor .


Among the 29 EkAdasi/DhvAdasi

possibilites , the slots from Feb 5 to

June4 have been pledged sofar.


Aug 1, 30, Nov 12 and 28( Kaisika

EkAdaSi) as well as Dec 27 (VaikunTha

EkAdasi) have also been pledged .


The available slots in 2009 are :

June 18/19 , Aug 16/17,

Sep 14/15, 29/30 , Oct 14/15, 29/30 ,

Dec 11/12 , 2009 .


In 2010 , the avilable dates are:

Jan 10/11, 25/26 , Feb 9/10, 24/25

and March 11/12, 26.27.


Srugaa samEta YajurvEda MurtinE Nama:

DhAsan , Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan







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