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Sundarakandam - sloka by sloka translation-chapter1

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87. thasmin plavagasaardhoole

plavamaane hanoomathi


ikshvaakukulamaanaarThee chinthayaamaasa



When Hanuman, the tiger among

monkeys was flying, the ocean thought as follows, out of respect for the

ikshvaku clan.


Thasmin Hanoomathi- (when) that Hanuman,



plavagaSaardhoole- the tiger, Saardhoola,

among monkeys, plavangama, ( plavena gaccHathi, -moves by leaping or

flying, ithi plavangamaH)


plavamaane- was flying


The whole sentence thasmin

plavagaSaardhoole plvamaane hanoomathi is known to be of sathi sapthami

form in which the subject object and the predicate, conveted into present

participle, are put in sapthami, seventh case. It gives the meaning of when something is happening without

using the words when and then.


saagaraH- the sea,

personified as the lord of the sea,


ikshvaakukula maanaarThee- wishing to show

respect to the clan of Ikshvaku

chinthayaamaasa- thought



88.saahaayyam vaanrendhrasya yadhi

naaham hanoomathaH


karishyaami bhavishyyami sarva vaachyo



If I do not help Hanuman the best

among monkeys I will be subjected to censure by those who wish to do so.


Yadhi aham- if I



na karishyaami- do not do


saahaayyam- help


hanoomathaH – of Hanuman


vaanarendhrasya- the master

of monkeys


bhavishyaami- I will become


sarva vaachyaH- the target of talk of


vivakshathaam – whoever wishes

to talk (about me) meaning that people will talk about me that I did not help

Hanuman.vakthum icChaa vivakshaa- desire to talk



89.aham ikshvaakunaaThena sagareNa



ikshvaakusachivah cha ayam na

avaseedhathum arhathi


I was made to grow by the Sagara

the king of Ikshvaku race. This Hanuman who is assisting the descendent of

ikshvaku should not feel the fatigue.


aham vivarDhithaH- I was expanded .

varDh means to grow with vi it means the same.


ikshvaakunaThena sagareNa- by King Sagara of Ikshvaku clan


ayam –this Hanuman


ikshvaaku sachivaH- who assists of

Rama who belongs to Ikshvaku race,sachiva usually means minister , here denotes

assistant. In a later sloka also it is used in this meaning


na avaseedhathum arhathi – should not

feel fatigue. The verb sadh-seedh means to rest. With ava

it means to be exhausted


Sons of Sagara dug the ocean and

made it bigger when they were searching for the sacrificial horse stolen by



90.thaThaa mayaa viDhaathavyam

viSrametha yaThaa kapiH


Sesham cha mayi viSraanthaH

sukhee saH avatharishyathi


I have to act so that Hanuman will

rest. After resting he could travel the rest of the distance with ease.


Mayaa viDhaahavyam- it should be

done by me, the verb Dhaa means to give or to place and with vi

it means to do.


thaTha- in sucha way


yaTha – by which


kapiH – Hanuman


viSrametha- will be rested.


viSraanthaH – rested


mayi- in me



avatharishyaThi- he will cross , tharathi means

crosses and with ava it n means normally to alight but here it means the

same as thatrishyathi –will cross.


Sesham –the rest (of

the way) Sesham means remaining


sukham- with ease






91. ithi krthvaa mathim saaDhveem

samudhraH Channam



hiraNyanaavbham mainaakam uvaacha



Thinking thus in a good way the

Ocean told Mainaka , the mountain hidden in the sea ,


Ithi krthvaa mathim- thinking thus


Saadhveem- in a good way, saaDhveem

qualifies mathim, , meaning the thought that was good


samudhraH –the ocean




mainaakam- Mainaka


girisatthamam- best of the



hiraNyanaabhaM –who has golden

middle. This could also mean either the mountain had golden slopes or it is the

source of goldmines. Hiranyam naabhou yasya saH, the one who has gold in

his belly.


92. thvam iha asurasanghaanaam




paathaalanilayaanaam hi parighah



You have been placed here as the

beam locking out the groups of Asuras in

Patala by Indra, the king of devas.


Thvam- you


sannivesithaH- placed , nivesa

is placing with sam for emphasis.


parighaH- as a locking

beam, parighah means a beam

usually used for locking a door.


asurasanghaanaam- the groups of



paathaalanilayaanaam- the residents

of Patala,


dhevaraajna mahaathmanaa- by the great





93. thvam eshaam jaathaveeryaaNaam




paathaalasya aprameyasya dhvaaram

aavrthya thishTasi


You are standing hiding the

entrance of patala, which is immeasurable, from which the asuras, acquiring

power, would rise.


thishTasi- you are





dhvaaram-the door


paathaalasya- of the Patala,



aprameyasya- which is



eshaam for these asuras



jaathaveeryaaNaam- who, acquiring



uthpathishyathaam- would be rising



punareva- again.


Once upon a time when mountains

had wings they used to fly and settle down anywhere destroying the villages and

towns and Indra chopped their wings with his vajrayudha . Mainaka was helped by

Vayu who carried him and plunged him

into the sea. He was instructed by Indra to stand as a block to the entrance of

patala tp prevent asuras there from rising up


94.thiryag oorDhvam aDhaScahiva sakthih

the Saila



thasmaath samchodhayaami thvaam utthishTa



Oh the best among the mountains,

you have ability to grow up, down and sideways. So I am inducing

you to rise up.


Nagasatthama- Oh best among



the SakthiH – you have the



varDhithum- to grow






aDhaH cha eva- and also



thasmaath –therefore


samchodhyaami thvam-I am inducing you


utthishTa- rise up.



95.sa eva kapiSaardhoolaH thvaam

uparyethi veeryavaan


hanoomaan raamakaaryaarThee bheemakarmaa




That mighty Hanumaan, the tiger

among monkeys, reaching the sky to accomplish awesome task for the sake of Rama is going above.


sa eva hanumaan –that same



kapiSaardhoolaH- the tiger among



veeryavaan –valourous


bheemakarmaa- doing awesome task


kham aapluthaH- reached the sky


raamakaaryaarThee- intent on the

mission of Rama


ethi –is going


thvaam upari- above you




96. asya saahyam mayaa kaaryam ikshvaakukula



mama ikshvaakavaH poojyaaH param

poojyathamaaH thava


I have to help him who is follows

the descendent of ikshvaku race. To me the ikshvaku clan is worthy of reverence

and to you they are even more so.


asya saahyam- help to him


ikshvaakukula varthinaH- who follows the

descendent of Ikshvaku


mayaa kaaryam- should be done

by me.


ikshvaakavaH – the

descendents of Ikshvaku


poojyaaH- worshipful


mama- for me.


Thava –for you


param poojyathamaaH – very much

worshipful, meaning that since the ocean gave him shelter he should be more

obliged to help Hanuman.



97.kuru saachivyam asmaakam na naH

kaaryam athikrameth


karthavyam akrtham kaaryam sathaam manyuH



Do help to me. Our work shall not

be overdone. The action which should be done but not done will infuriate the



Kuru saachivyam- do help


asmakam –to us the

plural is used to denote majesty.


nah kaaryam- our deed


na athikrameth- will not be

overdone, meaning that it is not at all exceeding the limit of what should be



kaarya –the work


karthavyam- that should be



akrtham- when not done


udheerayeth-will rouse


manyuH – the anger


sathaam – of the good.


98. salilaath oorDhvam utthishTa

thishTathu esha kapiH thvayi


asmaakam athThihiS chaiva poojyascha

plavathaam varaH


Rise up above the water and let

Hanuman stay on you. Hanuman the best among those who fly is our guest and one

to be honoured.


utthishTa – rise


salilaath oorDHvam- above the water


esha kapiH thishTathu- let this Hanuman



thvayi –on you.


plavathaam varah-

Hanuman the best among those who fly


poojyaH – to be honoured



cha -and


athiThiH- guest


asmaakam- of us


cha eva –also




99. chaameekara mahaanaabha devaganDharvasevitha



hanoomaan thvayi viSraanthaH thathaH




Mountain of golden middle who is

frequented by devas and gandharvas, let

Hanuman rest in you for a while and then

go the rest of the way.


Caheeneekara mahaanaabha- that which has gold, chaameekara in

its belly or having golden middle


dhevaganDharvasevitha- one who is

inhabited by devas and gandharvas,


these two are the adjectives to

mainaka who is addressed.


Hanoomaan- Hanuman


viSraanthaH – after resting


thvayi- on you




gamishyathi- shall go


Sesham- the rest of the




100. kaakuthsThasya aanrSamsyam

cha maiThilyaaH cha



Sramam cha plavagendhrasya sameekshya



You should rise up considering the

mercy of Rama, the separation from Seetha and the effort of hanuman in this matter.



utThaathum arhasi- you should rise


sameekshya- after



aanrSamsyam- the mercy, nrsamsa

means cruel and aanrsamsyam means the opposite


KaakuthsThasya- of Rama


Vivaasanam – the separation

Vivaasanam actually means exile

but here it can be taken as separation


maiThilyaaH- of Seetha


Sramam – the effort


plavagendhrasya- of Hanuman


101. hiraNyagarbho mainaako niSamya


uthpapaatha jalaath thoorNam


Listening to the (words of) the

salty ocean, Mainaka with gold in its

middle and with big trees and creepers, rose from the water quickly.


Nisamya- listening


lavaNaambhasaH- (the words of )

the salty ocean. The word salty is only to describe the ocean.


mainaakaH- the mainaka



hirNyanaabhaH- with gold

innits middle, meaning golden ores


thoorNam- quickly


uthpapaatha- rose up.


jalaath- from the water


mahaadhrumalathaayuthaH- with its big

trees and creepers.



102.sa saagarajalam bhitthvaa

babhoova abhyuthiThaH


yaThaa jalaDharam bhitthvaa dheeptharaSmiH



He appeared, piercing the water

and rising above, like the sun with his bright rays piercing the clouds.


bhitthvaa- piercing . From

bhidh to break


saagarajalam- the water of

the sea,


abhyutthiThaH- rising above.


sa babhoova – he became


yaThaa –as


dheeptharaSmiH – bright rayed. dheepthaah

(bright)rasmayah (rays)yasya


dhivaakaraH- Sun. dhivaa

karothi ithi , one who makes the day.


bhitthvaa piercing


jalaDharam- the cloud. jalam

Dharathi ithi, that which bears water, acloud.



103.sa mahaathmaa muhoorthena parvathaH



dharSayaamaasa SrngaaNi saagareNa



Being directed by the ocean the

great mountain instantly showed his

peaks covered with water.


niyojithaH- directed by,

past participle of yuj with ni, meaning command.


sagareNa – the ocean


sa mahaathmaa parvathaH- that great

mountain, mahaathmaa means a great soul


muhoorthena- in amoment .



dharSayaamaasa- showed, causal

periphrastic perfect of dhrs , to see.


srngaaNi- its peaks


salilaavrthaH- coverwed with

water.salilena aavrthaH



104. SaathakumbhamayaiH SrngaiH






He, along with the kinnaras and

great serpents, seemed to paint the sky

with his golden peaks like the rays of the sun.


Sakinnara mahoragaiH- with the

kinnaras and the great serpents (

residing in the mountain) kinnaraaScha mahoragaaScha kinnaramahoragaaH .

thaih saha -sakinnaramahoragaaH


srngaiH with his peaks


Saathakumbha mayaiH-

of gold


aadhithyasankaasaiH- like the rays

of the Sun. The word snkaasa means similar to.


ullikhadhbhiH iva- as

though painting, likh with udh,

to paint


ambaram- the sky.


105. thaptha jaamboonadhaiH

SrngaiH parvathasya



aakaasam SasthrasankaaSam abavath



With the golden peaks of the

mountain rising from the sea, the sky which resembles the blue colour of a

sword, became golden.


srngaiH- with its peaks


thaptha jaamboonadhaiH –like molten gold


parvathasya – of that



samyutThiathaiH- which rose up


aakaaSam -the sky


SaSthrasankaaSam – which is like

the blade of the sword, that is, of blue colour


abhavath- became


kaanchanaprabham- shining like



106. jaatharoopamayaiH srngaiH




aadhithyaSathasankaaSaH so abhavath




That mountain, who is the best of

all others, became equal to hundred suns with his shining golden peaks of great



saH girisatthamaH- that which is

the best of the mountains


abavath- became


aadhithyaSatha sankaasaH- equal

to hundred suns


bhraajamaanaiH –with its



SringaiH- peaks


jaatharoopamayaiH- made of gold


mahaaprabhaiH- of great



Valmiki uses synonyms for gold ,

jaatharoopa, saathakumbha, jaamboonadha

and kaanchana.


107. samutThitham asangena

hanumaan agrathaH sThitham


maDhye lavaNa thoyasya vighno ayam iti



Hanuman thought, that which

appeared suddenly from the salt water and was standing before, was an obstacle

to be sure.


Hanumaan niSchithaH- Hamuman became



vighnaH ayam ithi- that it was an



samuthThiatham that which rose


lavana thoyasya maDhye- in the middle

of the ocean,


asangena –unconnected ,

that is all of a sudden,


stthiTham and standing


agrathaH – in front.



108.sa tham ucChritham athyarTham

mahaavego mahaakapiH


urasaa paathyaamaasa jeemootham iva



That great monkey with great speed

pushed it which was very high, like the cloud by the wind.


Sa mahaakapiH –that great

monkey, Hanuman,


mahaavegaH- (who was going)

with great speed ,


–– the ocean


paathayaamaasa- pushed it ,

made it fall ,


tham – that mountain,


athyantham ucChritham-

which was very high or tall


urasaa –with his chest,


maaruthaH iva like the



jeemootham- (pushes ) the





109. sa thaThaa aasaadithaH thena kapinaa



budDhvaa thasya kapeH vegam jaharsha

cha nanandha



The great mountain attacked by the

monkey, learning about the speed of the monkey felt pleased and praised it.



parvathotthamaH- that best of mountains,


Thath aasaadhithaH- attacked thus


thena kapinaa- by that monkey,



budDhvaa- learning of


thasya kapeH vegam- the speed of

the monkey,Hanuman


jaharsha cha – was happy and


nanandha cha- and praised





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