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srimadbhagavatham -skandha4-chapters 1and2

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Chapter1- The dynasty of Svayambhuva Manu


Of the three daughters of Svaayambhuva Manu, Akuthi married Ruci, and got Yajna as her son, who was Narayana amsa. And Dhakshina, of Lakshmi amsa. DEvahuthi married Kardama to whom the Lord was born as Kapila. Of the nine daughters of Kardama, Prasuthi married Dhaksha prajapathi.


Dhaksha prajapathi had 16 daughters of whom 13 were given in marriage to Dharma prajapathi and the Lord as Nara-Narayana was born to one of them, Murthi. Of the remaining three, Swaahaa was given to Agni, swaDhaa to Pitrdevas and Sathi to Siva.


Chapter2-The story of Dhaksha



Vidura asked Maitreya as to how the enmity came between Siva and Dhaksha which resulted in sathi giving up her body to flames and Siva destroying Dhaksha and his yaga. Siva was referred to as Seelavathaam SreshtaH, most virtuous and Dhaksha was mentioned as dhuhithrvathsala, one who loved his daughters. Vidura asked,

` kaH tham charaacharagurum nirvairam Saanthavigraham ; aathmaaraamam kaTham dhveshti jagatho dhaivatham mahath.'


"How did Dhaksha came to show enmity towards Siva who was the preceptor of all beings, devoid of enmity, of peaceful appearance, the God of all the worlds and who reveled in His self always."


Maitreya answering the question started to relate the story of Dhaksha. He said that once upon a time when the prajapathis performed a sacrifice , Dhaksha entered the yajnasala and all got up in respect except Brahma and Siva. Dhaksha, while offering his salutations to Brahma who was his father, was enraged to see Siva, his son in law not getting up and said that Siva was like his disciple being married his daughter and did not show respect to him even by words, leave alone getting up. Then he started abusing Siva, calling him markatalochana, having eyes like a monkey who married his daughter who has eyes like a deer. He further said he gave his daughter to Siva unwillingly and he was abiding in cremation ground, along with dead bodies and was wearing bones and ash and goes about with loosened hair like a mad man. Dhaksha said that he had to give his daughter to him because he was directed by Brahma.


Daksha blind with arrogance was not able to see the greatness of Siva as Kalidasa puts it in Kumarasambhava, `aloka samaanyam achinthya hethukam dhvishanthi mandhaaH charitham mahaathmanaam,' which was said by Parvathi when Siva came as a sannyasi to test her devotion and abused himself in exactly the same manner. It means that the character and conduct of the great souls cannot be understood by the dull-witted because it is incomprehensive to ordinary mortals and the reason for their behaviour cannot be conceived by all.


Siva was sitting quietly and Daksha cursed him that he would not get a share in the offering of the yajna. Other tried to prevent him but he went away in anger. Then Nandi was furious and cursed the brahmins headed by the sage Bhrgu, who were supporting Dhaksha that they will forget their knowledge of the absolute truth and will become ordinary householders going about riddled with material desires using their vedic knowledge only for that purpose. Nandi also cursed Dhaksha for his mrgaDhee, animal passion and said that he will soon get the head of a goat. The sage Bhrgu in his turn gave a curse that all those who follow Siva will become atheists. Seeing all this Lord Siva left the place as though he was pained by the scene.


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