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Reprint of Sri Utthamur Swami's Books

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SrI vAtsya vIrarAghavArya mahAdESikAya namaH


namO nArAyaNa!


Dear bhAgavatas,


The following four books (1000 copies) have been

planned to be published by Sri Uttamur Viraraghavachariar

Centenary Trust, on the eve of the forthcoming

thirunakshatram celebrations of " Abhinava DESika "

Sri UttamUr SwAmi [thai svAti; Feb 12,2004]. Cost of their

publication is mentioned alongwith :


1. ISAvAsyOpanishad VivaraNam in Tamizh - $270/-

[Max of 2 Sponsors]


2. " AchArya BhAshya TAtparya " - Commentary(Skt)

for ISAvAsyOpanishad to explain and defend

SwAmi DESikan's Com. against its criticisms - $535/-

[Max of 3 Sponsors]


3. Upanishads - Vol II [Taitt, Aitareya, Chandogya] - $1955/-

With Commentaries of SrI Ra~ngarAmAnuja Muni and

SrI UttamUr SwAmi. [Max of 5 Sponsors]


4. Bhagavad GItA - BhAshyam - TAtparyaChandrikA - $2955/-

[Max of 7 Sponsors]


It will be great if you can kindly come forward to

help the trust by sponsoring as before. It can cover

even the partial costs as indicated above. But for your

help, these very important texts of our SiddhAnta which

are in great need can't be published.


Kindly let me know at your earliest leisure. Those in

USA can issue the check to NAMA Inc [sri Vaishnava Seva

Samiti; c/o Smt Nagu Satyan 7821 West Alder Drive,

Littleton, CO 80128] and it can be during Jan/Feb

2004 as well. This is to avail Tax excemption. Please

mention " Sri Uttamur Swami " in the Memo column.


Others can send their cheques in the name of

Sri Uttamur Viraraghavachariar Centenary Trust, to

11 Hasthigiri Street, Chennai 600033,India.


Eagerly awaiting your favourable response,


rAmAnuja dAsan,


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